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View Full Version : Ever purchased a game used item on IMPULSE and then .....

02-07-2010, 03:47 PM
have buyer remorse after you get it?

I am guilty of buying game used dirt and grass from Yankee Stadium.

What was I thinking? :confused:

Or how about all the Kevin Maas stuff ? Damn, I really went nuts there!

But it's a lesson you learn.

So my question is .... how long do you take before you commit on buying the item(s) you desire?

02-07-2010, 04:03 PM
I'll buy your Maas stuff.

Email me TFig27@aol.com

02-07-2010, 04:12 PM
For me it depends on how much the item costs. The more it is the longer i take

02-07-2010, 04:42 PM
have buyer remorse after you get it?

I am guilty of buying game used dirt and grass from Yankee Stadium.

What was I thinking? :confused:

Or how about all the Kevin Maas stuff ? Damn, I really went nuts there!

But it's a lesson you learn.

So my question is .... how long do you take before you commit on buying the item(s) you desire?

I'd also be interested to hear what Kevin Maas stuff you have that you might consider selling. My e-mail is: deweystg@berkeley.edu


02-07-2010, 04:58 PM
Ever ask a million questions and then...

Ask more questions

Answer your own question

Just keep asking questions

Sorry, stub, just having fun with you, but good lord you ask so many questions.:)

02-07-2010, 06:04 PM
Ever ask a million questions and then...

Ask more questions

Answer your own question

Just keep asking questions

Sorry, stub, just having fun with you, but good lord you ask so many questions.:)


It's all good.

Hey, at least I can answer my own question. How are you going to learn from your mistake if you dont know what cause it in the first place.

As for sell my Maas stuff, I would rather keep them since I am not going to get much for them anyway. They served as a reminder - Mistakes will happen when you go with your heart while you are thinking about increasing the size of your pocket!

I will be lucky if I can get $.25 on the dollar for the stuff I got.

So I dont want to be offended when someone offer me pennies on the dollar for my mistake - it is like rubbing salt into the wounds....

:D :D :D

02-08-2010, 01:40 AM
I am lightning quick on pulling the trigger because my feeling is you snooze you lose especilly on one of a kind items. I never regret a purchase although at times I have bought too high and bought an item that I really do not care about. But you can always sell and who cares if you take a loss now and again.

02-08-2010, 02:01 AM
I am lightning quick on pulling the trigger because my feeling is you snooze you lose especilly on one of a kind items. I never regret a purchase although at times I have bought too high and bought an item that I really do not care about. But you can always sell and who cares if you take a loss now and again.

I have done this to before. Bought something high, and then the price goes down. But then again, the reason you paid so much in the first place is because it is nice or you think it is rare :rolleyes:

02-08-2010, 03:18 PM
I bought A Miguel Cabrera Game Used Bat A few Years ago because I wanted One back then so Bad.I over Paid And now you can Buy his Bat for Half of what I paid.I still like The Bat though but I would call that A Impulse Buy for sure on my part.

02-08-2010, 03:30 PM
I bought A Miguel Cabrera Game Used Bat A few Years ago because I wanted One back then so Bad.I over Paid And now you can Buy his Bat for Half of what I paid.I still like The Bat though but I would call that A Impulse Buy for sure on my part.

I feel your pain I bought one for $350 about a year and nine months ago. Now you can easily get them in the 199-25o range which is a bargain for a player of his caliber.

02-08-2010, 05:04 PM
I feel your pain I bought one for $350 about a year and nine months ago. Now you can easily get them in the 199-25o range which is a bargain for a player of his caliber.

Cabrera has vowed to come into this season in great shape so I think if that is the case his popularity with collectors will pick right up when his stats return to top form!

02-08-2010, 05:15 PM
Cabrera has vowed to come into this season in great shape so I think if that is the case his popularity with collectors will pick right up when his stats return to top form!

His stats were in top form last year lol. But yes i would like to see what this kid can do when he is in great shape and good health

02-08-2010, 05:44 PM
This was my last impulse purchase ... just for sake of trying to get couple game used baseballs and to find out when RAWLINGS stop making ALCS game ball.

The last ALCS game ball I saw was 1999. After that, those commemorative balls went extinct.

And yes, I did end up with two game used ball from the game - paid to get Mariano and Alex to sign ($175 and $250 respectively at the steiner show)