George Brett Jersey

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  • hblakewolf
    • Nov 2005
    • 1870

    George Brett Jersey

    Current offering on Ebay, "1993 Brett Pre-game with Grey Flannel LOA"

    I have had quite a few Royals jerseys and pregames, however, none have looked like the one offered above.

    *All of mine from 1993 had white tackle twill number(s) and the players' name on back

    As such, can a Forum Reader with Royals knowledge please shed some light on this. Does someone have a photo of ANY Royals player in 1993 wearing a jersey similar to the one above, void of name and number on back, especially a superstar such as Brett? Does anyone own a Royals pre-game from 1993 to compare it with?

    Any help is appreciated.

    Howard Wolf
  • suave1477
    • Jan 2006
    • 4266

    Re: George Brett Jersey

    Howard I dont know of any all though I did find George Brett on GettyImages in 2001 with a batting practice jersey on with no name or number.

    The interesting thing is this is the second time this seller listed this Jersey the first time was about 2 months ago.


    • ironmanfan
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2005
      • 2252

      Re: George Brett Jersey

      I decided to look into this a little bit myself and pulled from my personal library an excellent picture book (which I've had autographed) about the career of George Brett entitled "George Brett; Last of a Breed" by Brett with Steve Cameron (copyright 1993). If anyone has this book, on page 80 they do depict a color picture of Brett (with his back to the camera looking over his left shoulder) joking with Hal MacRae. The picture isn't dated, but from the looks it appears to be from MacRae's managerial tenure (MacRae started his mangerial career with KC in '91). They are definitely wearing mesh warmups and Brett's is devoid of any number nor NOB. However, I will say that it appears that the manufacturer is Majestic (from the front and right sleeve of MacRae's top) and that the collars are the type that can fold up/down. Obviously the BP top that GFC has "authenticated" is a Russell with a flat collar. My questions would be without a name/number how would a player/coach/manager know what BP top is theirs? My only point in bringing this up is that I have also now seen photographic proof of Brett BP tops without names/numbers on back (for what its worth).


      • geoff
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 1734

        Re: George Brett Jersey

        This person had this jersey on ebay before and it did not sell.I emailed him and asked what he was looking to get and he said 500.00.That was a month ago at least.Geoff


        • ironmanfan
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2005
          • 2252

          Re: George Brett Jersey

          Refer to Getty Image # 52261792 for the type warmup I referred to in an earlier post...


          • hblakewolf
            • Nov 2005
            • 1870

            Re: George Brett Jersey

            The Getty image you reference shows Brett in a Majestic pullover pre-game with a 1/2 zipper at the neck, a completely different style/brand then the one in question. I have had a few of these, and they are identified with the player’s uniform number written on the collar tag.

            Back to my original post and question-how can the Brett Russell jersey being offered on Ebay be attributed to George Brett and have a Grey Flannel letter of authenticity stating it is game worn from 1993? There is absolutely no identification other than an autograph to definitively prove this was issued or even worn by Brett. No name in the collar, no 5 written on the tag, etc. Is this based on the Brett autograph on the front? Most teams provide charities with various types of jerseys. This looks to me like one of these jerseys. A blank jersey that has been autographed by the team’s superstar.

            I'm still curious to know how the jersey in question can have a LOA stating it is a Brett gamer?

            I will send a copy of this to Richie at Grey Flannel and try to see what his LOA was based on.

            Howard Wolf


            • trsent
              • Nov 2005
              • 3739

              Re: George Brett Jersey

              Originally posted by hblakewolf
              I will send a copy of this to Richie at Grey Flannel and try to see what his LOA was based on.
              Are you serious?

              Why would you email Ritchie when you know he is going to give you crap in return because he hates you?

              Didn't I make it clear to you on this forum and on the phone last week (by the way, you never faxed me Howard, did I not give you my fax number?) that you could email or call Ritchie and tell him his hair is on fire, and he'd tell you to take a hike so you could post how rude he was to you on this forum?

              It may be a legitimate concern, but coming from you the past has shown that you will not be taken seriously. You are not a buyer or seller with Grey Flannel, and the company has basically told you they are not going to communicate with you. Find a shill email address to contact them, have someone do it privately on your behalf, but you know the result when you contact Ritchie personally.


              • hblakewolf
                • Nov 2005
                • 1870

                Re: George Brett Jersey

                When we spoke last week via phone, you indicated you just woke up. After reading your post, I have to believe you were either half asleep or coming off a binge during our brief conversation.

                Joel, I clearly said for you to send me an email with your fax number, as I was in my car with my family and found it a bit difficult to drive, write and talk on my cell. Remember this conversation? As of today, you have never sent me an email with your fax number. My email address is always on my Forum posts following my name.

                You further note that I'm not a buyer or seller with Grey Flannel. Do you have access to their database of customers? I suggest you stick to the game of poker or maybe writing posts to defend the various "second rate" auction houses, but please, don't put words in my mouth. Over the last year, I have bid and won items in the Grey Flannel auctions.

                Regardless of any personal feelings, Grey Flannel (Richie, Keith or whomever signs their name to their LOA’s) has an obligation to be held accountable for items they have provided a LOA for and signed off as being "game worn". As such, I have asked the Owner himself for additional information that may assist in learning how a generic batting practice jersey with no player identification, year tag or name/number sewn on back can have a LOA written for it, indicating it was worn by a player, or in this case, a Hall of Famer. I have been involved for over 20 years in this hobby, and sold my share of batting practice jerseys. This is the first time I have ever seen a Royals “circa 1993” jersey with no identification being attributed to a certain player. I look forward to hearing back from Richie, as I'm always trying to further educate myself on game worn jerseys.

                As always Joel, keep siding with those all important auction houses even when the facts are clearly not in their favor. One would think you would have learned, especially from your recent blunders defending James Brown. Other than keeping every possible avenue open for you to consign your items, I'm not sure why you continue to defend such folks.

                Howard Wolf

                Originally posted by trsent
                Are you serious?

                Why would you email Ritchie when you know he is going to give you crap in return because he hates you?

                Didn't I make it clear to you on this forum and on the phone last week (by the way, you never faxed me Howard, did I not give you my fax number?) that you could email or call Ritchie and tell him his hair is on fire, and he'd tell you to take a hike so you could post how rude he was to you on this forum?

                It may be a legitimate concern, but coming from you the past has shown that you will not be taken seriously. You are not a buyer or seller with Grey Flannel, and the company has basically told you they are not going to communicate with you. Find a shill email address to contact them, have someone do it privately on your behalf, but you know the result when you contact Ritchie personally.


                • trsent
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 3739

                  Re: George Brett Jersey

                  Howard, how could you buy from a company that treats you like Grey Flannel does? You are not a police man, and Ritchie has made it clear that he hates you so why do you continue? Integrity of the hobby?

                  You made your posts on this forum to alert the general public, but you know if you personally email Ritchie you will receive a reply that will irritate you because as I keep reminding you about how he feels about you personally, he doesn't care if it comes from you.

                  Maybe before you email Grey Flannel, you should have a friend of yours email Grey Flannel and get a response so maybe you don't personally have to email Grey Flannel.


                  • hblakewolf
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 1870

                    Re: George Brett Jersey

                    I have no time for petty nonsense you make reference to. Grey Flannel offers some amazing jerseys, and as such, if an item becomes available through them or at one of their auctions, I will purchase it.

                    My post on this Forum was not to "alert the general public" as you note. I'm always trying to educate myself, and as such, have never seen a 1993 Royals BP void of any tagging being attributed to a specific player. Possibly another Forum reader has had dealings with either the royals or a Royals layer and can allow all of us to learn.

                    Your idea of having another person email Grey Flannel on my behalf is absurd. Why would you even suggest this? Unless I was involved with the Witness Protection Program, why would I have to hide behind someone else to do my homework? If individuals want to continue to provide LOA's and "expert opinions", then they can also provide additional information on these items when asked. No need to play games, write emails under a bogus name or have friends take time from their workday. Joel, maybe this is how you desire to conduct business, however, I'll pass on this type of deceptive behavior.

                    Howard Wolf

                    Originally posted by trsent
                    Howard, how could you buy from a company that treats you like Grey Flannel does? You are not a police man, and Ritchie has made it clear that he hates you so why do you continue? Integrity of the hobby?

                    You made your posts on this forum to alert the general public, but you know if you personally email Ritchie you will receive a reply that will irritate you because as I keep reminding you about how he feels about you personally, he doesn't care if it comes from you.

                    Maybe before you email Grey Flannel, you should have a friend of yours email Grey Flannel and get a response so maybe you don't personally have to email Grey Flannel.


                    • trsent
                      • Nov 2005
                      • 3739

                      Re: George Brett Jersey

                      Originally posted by hblakewolf
                      As always Joel, keep siding with those all important auction houses even when the facts are clearly not in their favor. One would think you would have learned, especially from your recent blunders defending James Brown. Other than keeping every possible avenue open for you to consign your items, I'm not sure why you continue to defend such folks.
                      Howard, please copy any one post where I defended James Brown, Historic Auctions or stated that memorabilia in question was legitimate or not.

                      Maybe Ritchie is right, you made a comment there that really has me pissed off this morning. Prove it, back it up now because you are in the wrong. Maybe he is right, maybe you are a waste of time. I didn't think so until this comment I have highlighted above, which was so out of line because you will search all posts and never once find where I defend James Brown, Historic Auctions or any memorabilia that was brought into discussion.

                      It was a low blow because you do not know what to do anymore because you so badly want to be a police officer for Grey Flannel because you know they will not talk to you anymore because the owner hates you.

                      So, what do you do next? I do not know if the Brett item is legitimate or not, but I warned you and you got insulted and crossed the line with a real dumb statement.

                      Howard, respond when you are ready to retract that stupid comment.


                      • hblakewolf
                        • Nov 2005
                        • 1870

                        Re: George Brett Jersey

                        I see that once again you are true to your old colors, "DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU". Just continue to be the mouth piece for all of the auction houses that are too chicken shi- to come on here and actually respond to an item in question. I think the recent post by OTISMALIBU sums you up quite well.......

                        If ABC Auction house listed the Shroud of Turin today and it had a Wilson tag and 3" of extra length, trsent would be the first to defend it.

                        And sprinkle in these references to:

                        - poker
                        - his ignore list
                        - where he's living
                        - someone's lack of debating skills
                        - a big name playa that he just got off the phone with

                        I'm not even sure if trsent is a real person. Might just be a board auto-response to the questioning of any item.

                        Can I make a suggestion? Next time you send your box of consignment goods to the various auction houses you so dearly defend here, include a quick note with it and ask these folks to jump on the Forum themselves and finially answer the many questions directed to them. Not only would it be a welcomed change, but it might free you up from defending the owners all day.

                        Just a thought....

                        Howard Wolf

                        On a related note...

                        I wonder if ESPN starts showing Scrabble tournaments, if every 3rd person on every online message board will suddenly be talking about bingos, triple-triples, hooks, etc.

                        Originally posted by trsent
                        Howard, please copy any one post where I defended James Brown, Historic Auctions or stated that memorabilia in question was legitimate or not.

                        Maybe Ritchie is right, you made a comment there that really has me pissed off this morning. Prove it, back it up now because you are in the wrong. Maybe he is right, maybe you are a waste of time. I didn't think so until this comment I have highlighted above, which was so out of line because you will search all posts and never once find where I defend James Brown, Historic Auctions or any memorabilia that was brought into discussion.

                        It was a low blow because you do not know what to do anymore because you so badly want to be a police officer for Grey Flannel because you know they will not talk to you anymore because the owner hates you.

                        So, what do you do next? I do not know if the Brett item is legitimate or not, but I warned you and you got insulted and crossed the line with a real dumb statement.

                        Howard, respond when you are ready to retract that stupid comment.


                        • trsent
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 3739

                          Re: George Brett Jersey

                          Howard, you crossed the line.

                          You couldn't find any posts where I was defending James Brown so you became the pussy that you are and posted comments by someone else putting me down instead of stating that you are wrong.

                          You have defamed my character here, stating that I defended James Brown. I challenged you to back up your statement, and you found you couldn't. Fine, I guess Ritchie is right. You have nothing better to do all day than insult fine people who try to help the hobby.

                          You couldn't find proof that their George Brett uniform is genuine, I am sorry, if you didn't burn your bridge maybe you could contact them to discuss it you you burned a bridge.

                          I have to reiterate, if a host at a resturant makes fun of you for being unemployed, would you still eat dinner at his restaurant? I didn't think so, but if the owner of an auction house makes fun of you for being unemployed, you'll still spend your money with them?

                          I was telling you not to email Ritchie, but you like to annoy him, so you keep coming back for more.



                          • both-teams-played-hard
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2005
                            • 2712

                            Re: George Brett Jersey

                            Please don't insult Howard. And for that matter, don't call him something that you know nothing about...


                            • trsent
                              • Nov 2005
                              • 3739

                              Re: George Brett Jersey

                              Originally posted by both-teams-played-hard
                              Please don't insult Howard. And for that matter, don't call him something that you know nothing about...
                              Did you have something to say? You want to defend Howard? Please, PROVE TO ME WHERE I DEFENDED JAMES BROWN IN ANY POST I HAVE EVER MADE ON THIS FORUM or don't get into my pissing match.

                              I love people like you who jump into a conversation to go to your friend's aid when they made a stupid comment that I find defaming to the time and effort I made to help what is still an unsolved situation.


