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View Full Version : I need help with this Bat!!

07-05-2006, 08:40 PM
My question for those with more knowledge than me is i have David Ortiz all Black Zinger that i have posted pictures of,Is it possible that this could be a complete fake?My belief is it was at used batting bractice used if not game used.I have seen pictures of Ortiz using an all black bat in the past but i can't make out what make it was.The pine tar on the bat is correct.And the seam marks are consistent with a left handed hitter.There is no # on the bottom of the bat but i have seen that before on bats with stickers on the bottom as this one has a big Zinger one on it.The top of the barrell has "Papi" written in silver.Can anyone order this very style and model of bat engraved like that?Would love to hear opinions on it!Thanks guys.

07-06-2006, 01:02 AM
I spent a few hours looking over Ortiz photos. I didn't find a dead-on match. Papi doesn't use Rawlings exclusively. I've seen him use several different Louisville Slugger bats and X-Bats. Some players order and try out new stuff during spring training...you can also argue whether or not a spring training bat is "game-used." I found some pictures of Papi with all-black bats in spring training (2005), so that could be an answer. I doubt the photo I posted is a Zinger, maybe a Rawlings or LS, but it's quite possible he used a Zinger. Good luck.


07-06-2006, 09:06 AM
Thanks Chris!I appreciate you taking the time to help.Any more opinions out there?