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05-08-2010, 05:03 PM
Anybody else here ever have issues with verbal agreements?

Example: just had one with a guy on a Mauer signed 06 bat. Guy says he could pay with a down in 48 hours of $500, and then when it is time for the down says he can't do it all....

Now, most that know me know I'll work with anyone. You do the down and then we'll go from there. I guess my biggest issue was waiting 48 hours to tell me. I've had guys take 6 months to pay, and then is better than the above.

Just my 2 cents.

05-08-2010, 10:57 PM
I'm sure the guy needed the 48 hours to try and come up with the money. If he couldn't, there weren't any bad intentions on his part.

05-08-2010, 11:07 PM

I also think that verbal agreements carry different weight for different people, unfortunately.

BTW, you are selling a Mauer bat? I thought that you had been putting out the word you are a looking to buy one?


05-08-2010, 11:39 PM

I also think that verbal agreements carry different weight for different people, unfortunately.

BTW, you are selling a Mauer bat? I thought that you had been putting out the word you are a looking to buy one?

Hey Ben - yes, I'm always looking for Mauer bats. Sometimes I sell them. Have one available. If I sell it great, if not...no big deal.

Verbal agreements carry alot of weight for me as I take it as one's word. If I had a financial issue, I would not commit from the START; or, I'd let the seller know a helluva lot sooner than 48 hours.

05-09-2010, 02:01 AM
imo if you dont have the cash dont tell the seller you will buy or place a dp. if your trying to scrouge cash up tell the seller this at the time. when you sell stuff alot of people's interest in items is short because they have x amount of money and are looking to pick something up and if you respond to them that the item is pending sale alot of times they will just buy something else and if you write them back even a couple of days later telling them the item is not available they won't be interested anymore because they bought another item so by not telling the seller that you might have a payment issue and giving him the option to shop it to asomeone else you very well may cost him a sale.

05-09-2010, 02:12 PM
One thing I've learned in life is to follow through with your commitments. If can can't do it or are aren't sure or don't want to, you don't have to commit. But once you commit you have to do it.

05-09-2010, 07:53 PM
I've had more than one person on GUU tell me that they were interested in something I have, make an offer, we agree to a price and then NEVER follow through.

The excuses are many.

My favorite line is when I see in the Item wanted section, "Willing to pay top dollar for...XXXX" Too often these are just words.

05-09-2010, 08:09 PM
:eek: I am guilty of making a verbal agreement to buy a Bartolo Colon BP jersey. I ended up backing out as I was buying it for a friend and he as it turns out was not interested in BP jersey's just jersey's worn in a game.

Still I do hate to break verbal agreements.

05-09-2010, 08:12 PM
imo if you dont have the cash dont tell the seller you will buy or place a dp. if your trying to scrouge cash up tell the seller this at the time. when you sell stuff alot of people's interest in items is short because they have x amount of money and are looking to pick something up and if you respond to them that the item is pending sale alot of times they will just buy something else and if you write them back even a couple of days later telling them the item is not available they won't be interested anymore because they bought another item so by not telling the seller that you might have a payment issue and giving him the option to shop it to asomeone else you very well may cost him a sale.
Well said. Something Ted forgets. No loss to him, he's not the guy out.

05-09-2010, 09:02 PM
:eek: I am guilty of making a verbal agreement to buy a Bartolo Colon BP jersey. I ended up backing out as I was buying it for a friend and he as it turns out was not interested in BP jersey's just jersey's worn in a game.

Still I do hate to break verbal agreements.

Lokee, just so you know....no worries on the Colon BP Jersey. I realize that things happen and try to give people the benefit of the doubt that if they back out of something they have a good reason. I agree it is important to do everything you can to keep your word but at the end of the day life is too short for grudges.

05-09-2010, 11:27 PM
Lokee, just so you know....no worries on the Colon BP Jersey. I realize that things happen and try to give people the benefit of the doubt that if they back out of something they have a good reason. I agree it is important to do everything you can to keep your word but at the end of the day life is too short for grudges.

I agree but it bothered me. An agreement is an agreement. I appreciate your understanding by the way. I learned not to jump the gun.

05-10-2010, 10:00 AM
I agree that if someone makes a verbal commitment they should follow through, UNLESS it is stated that they need to check on the funds or check if they can sell items to cover the cost beforehand. The worst is when they show an interest, committ, and never contact you again, even after repeated check-ins etc.
About the "Willing to pay top dollar..." deal, yeah some of them may be just words to get someone to reveal the item in need, but I have had many follow through with the statement, me included. I have been mentioning that I would pay top dollar for an item and that item came up, and I paid a good amount to get it. More than it auctioned for on ebay 2 years ago. And I am still happy about the purchase!

05-10-2010, 12:59 PM
Unfortunately, I had the opposite happen to me last night/this morning. There was a great bat on eBay (of my favorite current player). After submitting the max of 3 Best Offers (questionable eBay policy), I asked the seller what he would take on the bat. He told me and I accepted. I asked him to either revise the Buy It Now so I could buy it or remove the auction and sell it to me for the agreed-upon price (since I had run out of Best Offer options). I didn't hear back from him until this morning. He sent me an email stating, "I decided to pass". I agreed to HIS price...how does he get to pass? I sent an email seeking clarification and he stated that he decided to keep the bat. I know he is on here and I am being kind by not stating who it is. But, that is bad business. It sucks when it happens to EITHER the buyer or seller.


05-10-2010, 01:24 PM
What item was it you were looking for. Just curious! The item I was looking for was a game issued Ellsbury X-Bat Model 72.

05-10-2010, 02:15 PM
Justin Morneau

05-10-2010, 03:59 PM
Unfortunately, I had the opposite happen to me last night/this morning. There was a great bat on eBay (of my favorite current player). After submitting the max of 3 Best Offers (questionable eBay policy), I asked the seller what he would take on the bat. He told me and I accepted. I asked him to either revise the Buy It Now so I could buy it or remove the auction and sell it to me for the agreed-upon price (since I had run out of Best Offer options). I didn't hear back from him until this morning. He sent me an email stating, "I decided to pass". I agreed to HIS price...how does he get to pass? I sent an email seeking clarification and he stated that he decided to keep the bat. I know he is on here and I am being kind by not stating who it is. But, that is bad business. It sucks when it happens to EITHER the buyer or seller.


Agreed, both parties should live by an agreement. Sometimes seller's get cold feet because they feel they did not get enough for the item if they went through with the deal but they should have thought of that before they said yes. Honestly I would not be surprised if you see the item on Ebay again in the near future. People come up with all kinds of stories when they feel they did not get enough for an item. Look at that story xpress posted on here awhile back with the Berkman jersey and the steps and lies that woman was trying to take to back out of the deal.