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05-09-2010, 11:54 PM
why doesn't this get more attention? in baseball whenever someone does peds he is villified and people discuss how he should be kept out of the hall of fame and how his stats are tarnished. peds also help football players but noone seems to care. i bring this up because for those of you who did not see the story that seemed to get zero attention in the news. brian cushing the regining defensive roy was suspened for four games for ped use. others who have been so banned in the past include shawne merriman, julius peppers and depending on pending court action the williams wall in minnesota.

05-10-2010, 09:52 AM
Strictly my opinions but I think it is a combination of people being fed up with athletes cheating and now just assume they are all taking PED's coupled with football not being as popular with the white collar fans who love to complain about baseball players cheating.

The Cushing failed test should have been front and center on ESPN. Considering Tiger is no longer front page, Baseball is a month old, Hockey was never a lead in story unless it's SCF and basketball post season is nowhere near as important. There is no Olympics, No Tennis, Golf isn't at the top 4 locations. (Isn't it sad that all of these things would be more hyped than the fact the NFL is full of PED's from top tier to practice squad and no one cares?!?)

LT has hardly been news as well. If Rickey Henderson raped a 15 year old, it would lead everything from ESPN to BBC for a month. Add the fact there have been numerous wife beaters, murders, Pacman, anyone playing for Cincy, the Cowboys from the 90's, the Hurricanes in the 80's it's amazing they haven't renamed the NFL the National Federal Pen League.

05-10-2010, 11:38 PM
as a followup the ap is going to revote on the defensive roy award and the outside linebacker spots on the all pro team due to cushing's postitive test but he will still be eligible.

05-10-2010, 11:52 PM
I think one reason it doesn't get much attention is because the PED use in football is not directly affecting hallowed sports records like it does in baseball. If someone was close to breaking the rushing record and it was discovered that he had been using PED's during his career I think it would be big news and you would here more discussion about it. If players like Peyton Manning and Tom Brady (think Barry Bonds & Alex Rodriguez) were directly linked to PED use then you would hear about it ad nauseum

05-11-2010, 12:29 AM
I think one reason it doesn't get much attention is because the PED use in football is not directly affecting hallowed sports records like it does in baseball. If someone was close to breaking the rushing record and it was discovered that he had been using PED's during his career I think it would be big news and you would here more discussion about it. If players like Peyton Manning and Tom Brady (think Barry Bonds & Alex Rodriguez) were directly linked to PED use then you would hear about it ad nauseum

Or are they? Drugs are ahead of testing technology, meaning they don't have a taste for every ped so who knows who is using what. unlike baseball home runs football performance are determined by a team effort, the greatest running back in the world is nothing without his oline and a great qb needs time to throw the ball and he is also reliant on his oline. so therefore if a lineman were using and a player who benefitted from his blocking broke a hallowed record to me that record is in question whether the record breaker used or not. alot of guys in the trenches meaning o and d line men and linebackers probably are using something because the benefits of peds being bigger, faster, stronger greatly help players at those positions the most.

05-11-2010, 07:33 PM
I think one reason it doesn't get much attention is because the PED use in football is not directly affecting hallowed sports records like it does in baseball. If someone was close to breaking the rushing record and it was discovered that he had been using PED's during his career I think it would be big news and you would here more discussion about it. If players like Peyton Manning and Tom Brady (think Barry Bonds & Alex Rodriguez) were directly linked to PED use then you would hear about it ad nauseum

I agree completely. Football is not about a single person. It is more of a team effort than what baseball would be. You could say that a QB carried the team because he threw from almost 4000 yards and 30 TDs. But what about the O-line that blocked long enough for him to make a good throw? What about the recievers that made they're fair share of great catches that a mediocre WR would have let go incomplete(i.e. Brady to Moss connection). PEDs are not going to allow a LB to tackle much harder, or a CB or S to catch an INT better. I personally think anyone in the NFL that thinks they need any PEDs to improve their game should re-evaluate themselves as a player!

05-11-2010, 08:39 PM
I think PED use in football is rampant and generally accepted due to the fact that people want their players bigger/stronger and faster. Use of these drugs allows for players to work out harder/more frequently and bounce back from injuries quicker- thus keeping them on the playing field. With contracts that aren't guaranteed and average careers that are only a matter of a couple years players have to make their $ while they can. I would think more than 1/2 the players in the NFL are on something and that may be on the conservative side...

05-11-2010, 10:22 PM
I agree completely. Football is not about a single person. It is more of a team effort than what baseball would be. You could say that a QB carried the team because he threw from almost 4000 yards and 30 TDs. But what about the O-line that blocked long enough for him to make a good throw? What about the recievers that made they're fair share of great catches that a mediocre WR would have let go incomplete(i.e. Brady to Moss connection). PEDs are not going to allow a LB to tackle much harder, or a CB or S to catch an INT better. I personally think anyone in the NFL that thinks they need any PEDs to improve their game should re-evaluate themselves as a player!

PEDs help players become bigger, faster and stronger. as a by product of that it for instance could help a defensive player in many ways. for instance even a little bit of extra speed comes in handy when your trying to run down a player for an open field tackle or keep up with a receiver or run around a lineman. a little bit of extra strength helps to fight through blocks easier, handle phyiscal type receivers or deliver a big hit.

05-12-2010, 08:22 PM
PEDs help players become bigger, faster and stronger. as a by product of that it for instance could help a defensive player in many ways. for instance even a little bit of extra speed comes in handy when your trying to run down a player for an open field tackle or keep up with a receiver or run around a lineman. a little bit of extra strength helps to fight through blocks easier, handle phyiscal type receivers or deliver a big hit.

Regardless of how it would help, it would not affect any time of records or get a team anymore touchdowns. Unlike baseball players who can slam the record books with over 70 hrs in a season.

05-12-2010, 11:41 PM
Regardless of how it would help, it would not affect any time of records or get a team anymore touchdowns. Unlike baseball players who can slam the record books with over 70 hrs in a season.

i disagree. sacks for instance, especially a single season record. add a little bit more strength and speed and an already gifted pass rusher could defintely be pushed over the top. as for more touchdowns if your lineman can buy a good qb or rb that much more time then it will lead to more tds even a half second means alot in football.

the counter argument as it applies with baseball is if alot of guys are using then it evens out more. yes bonds, big mac and sammy hit alot of homers but how many were off of guys who also used? probably many of them after all arguably the best pitcher of the era roger clemens used them even.