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View Full Version : glue for bat repairs

05-20-2010, 09:33 AM
what type of glue have you guys used for repairs and find it to be the best? i've used pro bond and well bond. i have seen gorilla glue; is that good stuff?

05-20-2010, 12:01 PM
Ah, well, you're going to have to pick through the various opinions that have appeared here regarding the subject before, but I am quite content using Elmer's Wood Glue.

Bats, being made of wood, the appropriate glue is used to bond furniture joints and what-not. I have done good to great repair jobs on even severely cracked bats, even one that was in 2 pieces. It turned out to be a pro job despite my amateur skills.

For handle cracks, another forum member offered GREAT advice, which I recently put to use. Got some 1 1/2" hose clamps and cut a felt pad into strips as cushions. Bent the bat a bit open and smeared some Elmer's into the raw surfaces, then clamped and adjusted the broken sections to mate them properly. Wipe off excess glue with a damp cloth.

After it dries (next day) remove the clamps and use a fine file or sharp chisel to gently remove any squeezed out glue.

Others will offer their favorite glues but the yellow Elmer's is easy to use and strong as you need.

Jags Fan Dan
05-22-2010, 06:28 AM
I have used various types of super glue with good results.

05-25-2010, 02:48 AM
Elmers wood glue or Titebond wood glue works the best. Once clamped the excess glue can easily be wiped clean with a damp cloth before completely drying. This practically eliminates any need for sanding or filing. I would stay away from Gorilla glue as it tends to swell a bit. Don't use anything but wood glue, if you use the proper glue the repaired area will actually be the strongest part of the bat. I also use clamps with rubber pads/footings, that way the glue won't adhere the clamps to your bat.