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View Full Version : To keep or not to keep??

05-30-2010, 10:15 PM
OK, so here is a question to all the GU collectors out there.

We all have items we want to hang on to, for either sentimental reasons or for the fact that we like a player, team or year, etc.

But how long should you hang onto stuff that is from a "common" or "average" player?

Is there ever the chance that their GU gear is gonna be worth more than you paid for it?


Looking for any Red Sox or Blue Jays jerseys

05-30-2010, 11:10 PM
Since my collecting is focused on ex-University of Hawaii football players, most of my jerseys would be categorized as commons and wouldn't increase in value anyway. The main thing for me is the nostalgia of owning jersey of a player I saw play in college. Just collecting for personal enjoyment and not as an investment.

05-31-2010, 01:32 AM
If you are collecting common players for an investment you are throwing your money in the trash. Common players are sometimes desired by fans of a certain team or in some cases by people who collect that player but other than that the demand is not that great for such players and it is hard to find a buyer for each items except at a very low price especially once the player retires and is forgotten.

05-31-2010, 04:01 AM
I would estimate that 60% of my game used collection are of players with Hawaii ties. They are mostly items of Univ. of Hawaii (Manoa & Hilo) players. It doesn't matter if they don't have any monetary value. it's the memories that's the most important to me.

05-31-2010, 06:06 AM
I just purchased a San Diego Chargers jersey of a former Hawaii player for $268 from a forum member, which to me was worth it. On the other hand JO Sports has a Sopoaga 49ers jersey for $1,000 which is way out of line for my collection. Although I did pay $700 for a Timmy Chang Hamilton Tigercats jersey. But it is a jersey of a Hawaii QB which there aren't to many to begin with. Still for me it is a cool jersey for my collection.

05-31-2010, 10:15 AM
If you are collecting purely for investment, then collect players that look like they have HOF potential, etc.

If you are collecting for your own personal pleasure, then collect what pleases you and don't worry about future returns.

If collecting commons, chances are you'll break even at best.

05-31-2010, 04:41 PM

I'll make an admission that will raise eyebrows and invite scorn from the GUU community, but I care not.

I would take 50 nobodies over a HOF'er. That's just me. I've owned some great items from superstar celebrities, athletes, rock stars, etc. and have never had a problem parting with them. I have collected Jim Eisenreich since about 1998 and have a virtual shrine to the guy; I just admire the type of person he was on and off the field and he sets a standard of personal excellence that I strive (and generally fail) to achieve. Just, well, someone I'm tuned in to.

My Red Sox wall is graced with the bats, jerseys, caps and artwork of such non-HOF material as Ellis Burks, Dwight Evans, Donnie Sadler, Alex Gonzalez, John Tudor, Pokey Reese, Mark Freakin' Bellhorn, Bill Mueller, Darren Bragg, Troy O'Leary, Mike Benjamin, Luis Alicea, Mike Lowell, and many others. Maybe 40 others. No HOF.

I had Rickey Henderson jerseys and bats. Sold them. Why? Can't answer that.

I could have Ted Williams, Yaz, Fisk, Lynn, Rice, Piersall, Rico, etc etc. I don't. I can afford them. They can be found. I have met each of them in my lifetime, but for some subconscious, phantom reason, I am always striving to put the everyman on my walls. When I croak, whoever survives me can sell them, run them through a wood chipper, whatever. What the hell do I care. If I had Ruth, Gehrig and Mantle from floor to ceiling, someone would find a way to rip off my survivors, or they would likewise dispose of the stuff because to them, it's just stuff.

These are my own personal opinions and I stand by them. I collect commons. Makes me very happy. If you and I are the only two in the hobby, well, so what. I do not collect GU for investment purposes. Living celebrities can always ruin their legacy, and in turn, ruin my fortune. The only good investment in GU is a dead superstar, in my book.

My investments are in Civil War, high-end papers and militaria. Easy to unload, big market for the stuff, ever-escalating prices, rarity, interesting diversity. All dead soldiers, too. But, that's another story.

It will hopefully bring you joy to collect within your niche the player(s) you enjoy and for the reasons YOU find appropriate. No one else earned you the money you are spending on your GU so no one has grounds to judge. Good luck.

05-31-2010, 04:56 PM
If you like the player or there was a reason to collect it then keep it. If you bought it because you liked that player then but now don't really want it then get rid of it, profit or no profit. As a collector, I do not collect for profit reasons. I collect because I love sports stuff and have been a big sports fan all my life. I have had items I moved because I just didn't want it anymore and ended up losing what I paid but I don't think in terms of loss.

Now some people collect to try to make profit and that is a different story. Do what YOU feel like doing. Don't sell of keep based on what others say, if you want it keep it if you want to get rid of it then sell it.

I have even had items I didn't want and didn't want to go through the process of selling so I decided to give them away either to friends or to use in an auction so someone else can use the money for something(example FCA, missions trip to Africa).


05-31-2010, 05:00 PM
eisenreich, I think that is a great answer. Sometimes we like to collect someone who we grew up watching as a kid or just someone we liked because they respected the game or just because they were a good player in our eyes. I don't think anyone should judge another on who they collect. To each their own. Yeah, someone may have a collection worth 100 grand and another may only be worth 1 grand but as long as both are happy with what they have then it doesn't matter.

I too like war stuff (Civil War, WWI, WWII).

05-31-2010, 05:47 PM
i collect the item not the player.... rather wear a "common" game used than an authentic.

05-31-2010, 06:04 PM
i collect the item not the player.... rather wear a "common" game used than an authentic.

Great point flaco! I always get a kick out of wearing GW jerseys of middlin' and better players & managers/coaches around town and to the park, like Jimi Williams, Mike Macfarlane, Turner Ward, Toby Harrah, Jeremi Gonzalez, etc. Jeremi's 2005 Red Sox road jersey is special to me, well, Google him and see what happened to him. It's a great game & hobby and room for everyone.

05-31-2010, 06:17 PM
Items are pretty cool too.

05-31-2010, 06:20 PM
Items are pretty cool too.

Thanks for the nice words there! Collecting in and of itself is a treat. Military, GU, bottle caps, skateboards, to each his own. I'm more hooked than I should admit!

05-31-2010, 06:31 PM
Hey Eisenreick8, please enable your PM's. On ebay u will find something that might be a nice fit into your collection......


05-31-2010, 06:35 PM
Thanks to all who responded!

Great thread!


05-31-2010, 07:39 PM
I collect the guys who I admire watching rather than the superstar usually. I chose th guys I do because they show up every day and are underrated like Sami Salo or Matt Diaz. Tried doing it the other way getting a potential superstar I admired and now I'm stuck with a pretty nice Jeff Francoeur collection worth nothing near what I paid. Now I'd love to trade Frenchie for someone else I collect as the sale prices would depress me.

On rare occasions though, the common guys turn into something special. Martin Prado's stuff was around $100 once upon a time. Sure, he's not $1000 now but he could become something special. I'm sure someone got a David Ortiz Twins jersey on the cheap and cashed in in 2004 or 2007 for big dollars. I bet Mike Piazza's jerseys were worthless before he became amazing with the Dodgers. Kurt Warner's Packers jersey sold for a song I remember reading at a Packers garage sale. Who the hell would want a Brett Favre red Falcons jersey when he played with them? Now's it's worth a mint.

There are guys like that out there, who came from nowhere had a standard couple of years before blooming into superstars. However, I would argue that for every Jerry Rice college jersey purchased for a few bucks randomly by a 49er fan before his rookie year that would now be several thousands of dollars, there are dozens of:

Ryan Leaf, Rick Mirer, Brien Taylor, JaMarcus Russell, Ben Grieve, (name your own busts)

I always collected with one main purpose. No matter how cool everyone else thinks it is, if I don't love it, I don't want it. That goes for every Matt Diaz jersey up to my MeiGray Registered Pavel Bure and photomatched Roberto Luongo.

05-31-2010, 08:23 PM
Because my hobby funds are somewhat limited (especially compared to some of my fellow collectors out there ;) ), I concentrate on what interests me, regardless of who it is. Knowing that the majority of HOF players items are out of reach for me, I collect SD Padres items, or players that I have seen in person that made an impression on me for whatever reason. Having coaches jerseys in my game-used collection is very cool to me, as are current jerseys of big league players who are coaches now and were players that I remember growing up in the 1970s, such as Ivan DeJesus or Ted Simmons. I remember so well coming home from school and catching the Cubs on WGN Chicago and watching DeJesus play, and now having his current coaching jersey with the Cubs is really neat.

When I do end up selling a jersey, it is never for a profit (if I break even, that's a bonus); it is generally to clear space for another item I'm interested in.

05-31-2010, 08:54 PM

I'll make an admission that will raise eyebrows and invite scorn from the GUU community, but I care not.

I would take 50 nobodies over a HOF'er. That's just me. I've owned some great items from superstar celebrities, athletes, rock stars, etc. and have never had a problem parting with them. I have collected Jim Eisenreich since about 1998 and have a virtual shrine to the guy; I just admire the type of person he was on and off the field and he sets a standard of personal excellence that I strive (and generally fail) to achieve. Just, well, someone I'm tuned in to.

My Red Sox wall is graced with the bats, jerseys, caps and artwork of such non-HOF material as Ellis Burks, Dwight Evans, Donnie Sadler, Alex Gonzalez, John Tudor, Pokey Reese, Mark Freakin' Bellhorn, Bill Mueller, Darren Bragg, Troy O'Leary, Mike Benjamin, Luis Alicea, Mike Lowell, and many others. Maybe 40 others. No HOF.

I had Rickey Henderson jerseys and bats. Sold them. Why? Can't answer that.

I could have Ted Williams, Yaz, Fisk, Lynn, Rice, Piersall, Rico, etc etc. I don't. I can afford them. They can be found. I have met each of them in my lifetime, but for some subconscious, phantom reason, I am always striving to put the everyman on my walls. When I croak, whoever survives me can sell them, run them through a wood chipper, whatever. What the hell do I care. If I had Ruth, Gehrig and Mantle from floor to ceiling, someone would find a way to rip off my survivors, or they would likewise dispose of the stuff because to them, it's just stuff.

These are my own personal opinions and I stand by them. I collect commons. Makes me very happy. If you and I are the only two in the hobby, well, so what. I do not collect GU for investment purposes. Living celebrities can always ruin their legacy, and in turn, ruin my fortune. The only good investment in GU is a dead superstar, in my book.

My investments are in Civil War, high-end papers and militaria. Easy to unload, big market for the stuff, ever-escalating prices, rarity, interesting diversity. All dead soldiers, too. But, that's another story.

It will hopefully bring you joy to collect within your niche the player(s) you enjoy and for the reasons YOU find appropriate. No one else earned you the money you are spending on your GU so no one has grounds to judge. Good luck.

Very good post and points! Too many people get caught up in collecting to try to get rich rather than for enjoyment and it is a shame. Collecting is still referred to as a hobby but pure collectors seem to be a dying breed replaced by speculators. It is good to see that there are still some of us left out there. Personally, I am a pure collector in that i have only sold some stuff i did not care about often at a loss to clear space, i collect stars but only because I get satisfaction from it because I love sports and having something from players who I have watched domiant is thrilling for me. I would never sell 99.9% of it though no matter what I was offered because it is so hard to replace and if I needed the cash I wouldnt have bought it in the first place.