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View Full Version : Votto was robbed

07-04-2010, 01:54 PM
Can anyone explain how the H@LL does Ryan Howard get put in over Votto, I'll tell you CHARLIE MANUEL! What a travesty, I know the starters are only a popularity contest but come one.

Votto .313 AVG, 19 HR, 57 RBI, 7 SB, 46 BB
Howard .296, 15 HR, 58 RBI, 0 SB, 26 BB

At least Votto is a candidate for the final vote, please help me vote to right a horrible wrong!

07-04-2010, 02:12 PM
Miguel Olivo was robbed

McCann .261/.379/.435 9HR 33RBI 29% caught stealing
Olivo .308/.365/.540 11HR 39RBI 52% caught stealing.

07-04-2010, 02:32 PM
Can anyone explain how the H@LL does Ryan Howard get put in over Votto, I'll tell you CHARLIE MANUEL! What a travesty, I know the starters are only a popularity contest but come one.

Votto .313 AVG, 19 HR, 57 RBI, 7 SB, 46 BB
Howard .296, 15 HR, 58 RBI, 0 SB, 26 BB

At least Votto is a candidate for the final vote, please help me vote to right a horrible wrong!

I can sympathize...Votto is my favorite Red, aside from manager Dusty Baker...count on me to vote Votto when I see the final vote link on MLB.com.

Dave Miedema

07-04-2010, 03:20 PM
Votto is having a great season, but he is playing THE DEEPEST position in MLB....Players are robbed every season....and Manuel is doing nothing more than any other manager would in his position....take his own player when given the choice....(remember when Torre selected half the yanks one year?!?!?!?) and why not? the stupid rule of homefield in the world series....Charlie should pick who he wants....it cost the phillies home field two straight years....maybe not last year, think the yanks had a better record, but if they alternated each year, than the phils would def have had home field at least one of those series...

and I may be biased because im a phillie fan, but outside of cincy, i would suggest that most fans would rather have Howard on their team than Votto....not saying that Votto isnt good heading toward great, but just my two cents...

07-04-2010, 03:22 PM
maybe Charlie is trying to tire the Braves out by not giving them a break !
lol !

07-04-2010, 03:23 PM
and one more side note votto / howard....i think it is safe to say that Howard is a bigger draw right now too....I would have to think MLB would rather have Howard in the game....

07-04-2010, 04:49 PM
A Toronto guy and a hellava player...vote for Votto here:


07-04-2010, 05:07 PM
Votto got tossed in the first inning of the game today, think he took the voting a little hard.


07-04-2010, 06:52 PM
He got screwed. This guy is having a great season. My guess is they will find a way to get him on the team.

07-04-2010, 07:16 PM
Every year, at least 3 guys who should be there stay home. Joey Votto, 2010 was your season.

Charlie Manuel picked Omar Infante. I love the kid but an All Star? (Here's why) Before the fights break out, I think he is the best utility infielder in the NL. He always seems to come off the bench and get the key hit. He can play any infield position. And as Manuel said "The kid plays amazing small ball and that is what we need to win"

On a side note, color me tickled pink that the best second baseman in the NL gets to start the All Star game. Martin Prado has been the difference in the NL East. Considering how important home field advantage will be in the World Series, I'm glad our best player gets to insure Turner Field gets it. ;)

07-04-2010, 07:35 PM
Another player that was totally robbed was carlos gonzalez. Michael Bourn made the team over him look at these stats:

Carlos: .297 BA, 14 hr, 51 rbi, 12 sb
Bourn: .260 BA, 1 hr, 20 rbi, 25 sb

Can someone explain this to me, how bourn got chosen over cargo??????

07-04-2010, 08:48 PM
Every team needs to be represented Manram, so I'm assuming Bourn is the only Astro going to the ASG and I'm also assuming he is the best player Huoston has.

07-04-2010, 09:01 PM
Every team needs to be represented Manram, so I'm assuming Bourn is the only Astro going to the ASG and I'm also assuming he is the best player Huoston has.

Yeah, i checked and he is the only one for the astros. I just feel why put a player on the roster over another just because his team doesn't have someone good enough to go??

07-04-2010, 09:34 PM
That's why the ASG is a joke. Go figure, the Padres have the best pitching staff in the game, and not one pitcher is going to the ASG. Latos, Richard, Gregerson, and Bell are all worthy of a roster spot. Bell is the only one that can get in. It also shows that fans love to vote for big names like Mauer got the most votes out of everyone. Mauer is a great player, but his numbers are way down this season and should not have received the most votes. I can't stand the game, and never bother to vote.

07-04-2010, 10:16 PM
Votto got tossed in the first inning of the game today, think he took the voting a little hard.


Does this mean his streak of consecutive games reaching base is over? He may have just screwed himself...

But that won't stop me from voting for him. He LEADS THE LEAGUE IN OPS !!

07-05-2010, 12:04 AM
Guys seriously,we have this come up every baseball all star game.Its not about who's better,it's about who's better known.They want to say the game if for the fans.So in saying that and doing that.Its not about who's having the best season.Its about who's most popular and basically who fans vote more.People who know nothing about baseball that go to games and vote.Just vote for people they have heard of.And that's why players like votto don;t get voted in.Its a popularity contest.And voted on by people that have little knowledge about the game and the players.They are voting for either thier own team,or players they have seen on comercials or have heard of.And all all star games are a joke anyway.

07-05-2010, 08:35 AM
Guys seriously,we have this come up every baseball all star game.Its not about who's better,it's about who's better known.They want to say the game if for the fans.So in saying that and doing that.Its not about who's having the best season.Its about who's most popular and basically who fans vote more.People who know nothing about baseball that go to games and vote.Just vote for people they have heard of.And that's why players like votto don;t get voted in.Its a popularity contest.And voted on by people that have little knowledge about the game and the players.They are voting for either thier own team,or players they have seen on comercials or have heard of.And all all star games are a joke anyway.

It is a joke of a game - And the system for selecting players is filled with geographic bias and numerous other imperfections. But it is still an honor to be selected. And people still care about their player's being recognized. And the Hall of Fame voters consider that among the primary accomplishments on a player's Hall worthiness. So a selection is not a meaningless discussion. It means a lot to the players and to the fans.

07-05-2010, 12:19 PM
Guys seriously,we have this come up every baseball all star game.Its not about who's better,it's about who's better known.They want to say the game if for the fans.So in saying that and doing that.Its not about who's having the best season.Its about who's most popular and basically who fans vote more.People who know nothing about baseball that go to games and vote.Just vote for people they have heard of.And that's why players like votto don;t get voted in.Its a popularity contest.And voted on by people that have little knowledge about the game and the players.They are voting for either thier own team,or players they have seen on comercials or have heard of.And all all star games are a joke anyway.

I have to agree with you on most of that, Joba. Most fans at games don't know diddlysquat about anything other than the biggest stars (like Howard) and are greeted with team promotions of "Vote for your favorite (insert team name here)", or "Vote for our guys."...even if your "guy" is hitting just above the Mendoza Line.

Baseball wants to have its cake and eat i,t too. The current setup is ridiculous. If you want it to be "the fans' game", then eliminate the World Series home field advantage incentive. If you want to keep the Series home edge as a prize, then turn all selections over to the players, coaches, and managers...people who actually KNOW what they're doing.

Dave Miedema

07-05-2010, 06:49 PM
Votto homered in his first at bat against New York!

07-05-2010, 07:46 PM
It is a joke of a game - And the system for selecting players is filled with geographic bias and numerous other imperfections. But it is still an honor to be selected. And people still care about their player's being recognized. And the Hall of Fame voters consider that among the primary accomplishments on a player's Hall worthiness. So a selection is not a meaningless discussion. It means a lot to the players and to the fans.

No more calls, we have a winner. Anytime someone wants to dispute that ASG appearances are meaningless and should be ignored by HOF voters, this post should be quoted.

All Star games should be played after the season, if at all. It should be like high school sports, you are elected All American but never play anything, it is simply a huge honor. Fans should have nothing to do with it, just Players and Managers voting who was the best player they saw that season.

Then again, maybe there should be a panel of long time fans who can have a say. Like Stump the Schwab type thing. Before the season you can apply to be on the panel and the top 10% who demonstrate they understand and follow MLB can vote. Bertha Fatbottom and her 4 stupid brats who spend the entire game filling out those cards for all the guys with cute butts would no longer affect common sense.

07-05-2010, 08:34 PM
Bertha Fatbottom and her 4 stupid brats who spend the entire game filling out those cards for all the guys with cute butts would no longer affect common sense.

LMAO!:p :p :p Well said, gingi!

Dave Miedema

07-05-2010, 08:43 PM
Votto just homered for the second time in the game! Now leading the league.

07-06-2010, 12:39 AM
Thanks you understanding what i was saying and agreeing with me.I never said players don't appreciate the honor.Even though i might question that comment as i think some might look at it as a hassle and so much a honor.To many i bet its just another game.I don't know as i am not player and niether are anyone else on this forum.So we dont know what they really think about it.My whole thing was that you have so-called fans voting with thier homer glasses on.And like even though a yankee might have better numbers they are not going to vote for them if they hate the yankees.Just using the yankees as a example as i am a fan of thiers and i get hate thrown at me all the time about it.And i hear i'll be damned if i am going to vote for a yankee.
I have to agree with you on most of that, Joba. Most fans at games don't know diddlysquat about anything other than the biggest stars (like Howard) and are greeted with team promotions of "Vote for your favorite (insert team name here)", or "Vote for our guys."...even if your "guy" is hitting just above the Mendoza Line.

Baseball wants to have its cake and eat i,t too. The current setup is ridiculous. If you want it to be "the fans' game", then eliminate the World Series home field advantage incentive. If you want to keep the Series home edge as a prize, then turn all selections over to the players, coaches, and managers...people who actually KNOW what they're doing.

Dave Miedema

07-06-2010, 12:44 AM
How do you know the players truly think it's a honor.And i am a yankees fan and i don't vote and don't care if any yankees play in the silly game.So you can't say people still care about thier players being recognized.Its about holding up that trophy at the end of the season.This and all star games and for one reason,well two reason.Money and ego thats all its about.
It is a joke of a game - And the system for selecting players is filled with geographic bias and numerous other imperfections. But it is still an honor to be selected. And people still care about their player's being recognized. And the Hall of Fame voters consider that among the primary accomplishments on a player's Hall worthiness. So a selection is not a meaningless discussion. It means a lot to the players and to the fans.

07-07-2010, 05:49 PM
During the TV pre-game for the Reds game tonite, they highlighted the fact that all the Reds players wore "Vote Votto" red t-shirts during BP. Jay.

07-07-2010, 06:18 PM
How do you know the players truly think it's a honor.

During the TV pre-game for the Reds game tonite, they highlighted the fact that all the Reds players wore "Vote Votto" red t-shirts during BP. Jay.

That sure seems like a good example of players caring.

That and they all say "its an honor and I'm happy to be going" and they are disappointed when they don't get selected. They get paid to play in the ASG, they get bonuses for making AS rosters. Though to your point, I can only take them at their word, I don't know what they think to themselves as they fall asleep at night all I know is what they say and how they act and the implication of what they say and do leads me to think that they probably do care a bit. Its probably not going to send them to a life of depression, but they still care. I've talked to dozens of retired players and they all relish being All Stars to this day long after their careers are over.

So you can't say people still care about thier players being recognized.

I can say that, I did say that. We wouldn't have threads like this one and blogs and ESPN talking about it if nobody cared. Please refrain from telling me what I "can't say".

Its about holding up that trophy at the end of the season.

So? Are winning championships and being recognized as an All Star somehow contradictory? They have very little to do with each other. Yeah, every player would trade an All Star appearance for a World Series ring, but that's not relevant, because the two are not conditional on one another.

all star games and for one reason,well two reason.Money and ego thats all its about.

yeah players get bonuses. they get more money on their next contract. they get publicity. it feeds their money and ego, so those are two fantastic reasons why players care. Thanks for helping support my statement... with your arguments.

Look, they are paid-professional athletes. This is their job. Of course they want money and acclaim. Do you think actors don't care about being nominated for an Academy Award?

07-07-2010, 08:38 PM
CAMPWEST-It goes both ways then.Dont say it means alot to the fans.When i am fan and it means nothing to me.And you don't think the reds are made to wear those jerseys.This whole all star thing is a joke.They are mdae to wear those things.Come one people are you that nieve.I am just glad to hear that cano wised up and got out of that biggest joke the home run derby.

07-08-2010, 01:31 PM
Just because you are a fan and don't care doesn't mean that all fans don't care. Look if you don't care than why respond to anything to do with the game. Those of us that enjoy the all star game care about who is selected, we all have our biases whether we admit them or not. I'm a Reds fan, so I understand that I am biased in favor of Votto. But looking at the numbers I also think that he should have been selected. If I was a Phillies fan I might feel differently. I think it was great that the Reds wore those shirts. I really doubt the team would ever force people to wear a shirt, but when a player has been the best offensive player on the team for the past two years and goes about his job without causing a single controversy why would they not want to support him.

Finally we're all fans, short for fanatic, we all have our biases, so now lets enjoy the game (and derby, does anyone remember Josh Hamilton's awesome display?), oh and GO REDS!!!

07-08-2010, 03:14 PM
CAMPWEST-It goes both ways then.Dont say it means alot to the fans.When i am fan and it means nothing to me.

meaning nothing to one fan does not mean it does not matter to any or all fans. And I think your are picking on some trivial semantics of one fan, all fans and some fans. Clearly I meant it matters to some fans, not every single fan.

I am just glad to hear that cano wised up and got out of that biggest joke the home run derby.

JOBANUT - It doesn't sound like Cano "wised up and got out of it". Cano's employer yanked him to "reduce risk of injury" against Cano's apparently non-wised-up-ed-ness.

from espn.com

Even after news broke online earlier in the afternoon, Cano was unaware he was out of the Derby.

After being in the dark about the New York Yankees (http://espn.go.com/mlb/team/_/name/nyy/new-york-yankees)' decision to pull him out of Monday's Home Run Derby, an "upset" and "disappointed" Cano had a meeting and conference call with manager Joe Girardi and general manager Brian Cashman, who clarified why they decided to pull the second baseman from Monday's event.


07-10-2010, 10:50 AM
Every year deserving players are left out of the All Star Game and I don't know why everyone makes a big deal about it. Votto even ended up going anyway. The whole thing is a joke with the rosters being so large and the each team must have a rep rule and certain positions just don't have multiple guys worthy of being allstars.