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View Full Version : I hate E-Bay Power Seller Dead Beats

07-31-2006, 02:55 PM
I hate when E-Bay Power Sellers do not pay for his/her auctions that they win. Then he/she come up with a lame excuse that is PayPal's fault that they can not pay (Right):mad: I think that if a E-Bay Power seller does not pay for his auction then they should lose his/her Power Seller status.

07-31-2006, 03:01 PM
You should contact eBay about this as a possible policy change because airing your disgust on here won't make eBay change their PowerSeller status of non-paying PowerSellers.

Then again, eBay has a system, if the bidder doesn't pay the get a warning, the second time they are suspended for a time and I believe the third time they are suspended for life.

07-31-2006, 04:34 PM
Joel, I know but I guess I was venting and hopeing that the person who bidded on my item and has not paid for it sees this thread I wonder if a person can really be suspended for life. If a person wants to and has another address and a different CC# in another name they can always get another ID and go back and bid.