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View Full Version : Anyone Wash Jerseys?

11-14-2010, 10:06 PM
I am not talking about gamers with stains, dirt, or any obvious "unwashed" jersey. But what about a gamer that shows good use from a team, but has basically been "washed" before the team sold it.

I personally dont own many jerseys and have never washed one.


11-14-2010, 10:51 PM
NEVER......I have heard stories of guys washing jerseys because they smell?

I wash jackets all the time to wear. Heck...they are cheaper than the team shop!

11-14-2010, 10:57 PM
I bought some jersey's off a player who was quick to tell me that they had be washed before he was going to sell them to me. I wish they still had dirt on them!

11-14-2010, 11:26 PM
I am not talking about gamers with stains, dirt, or any obvious "unwashed" jersey. But what about a gamer that shows good use from a team, but has basically been "washed" before the team sold it.

I personally dont own many jerseys and have never washed one.


If you wash a jersey you could ruin it (cause it too shrink, etc.) so why take the risk? If it smells store it some place where you won't smell it.

11-14-2010, 11:40 PM
If you really wanted to get rid of the smell you could try putting it on "air fluff" on your dryer.

11-15-2010, 11:40 PM
I dont have any jerseys with any issues, I was just thinking out loud. I just wanted to hear peoples thoughts, as you figure the team washes jerseys after every game. I know that as far as the ones I have and have seen, most all the Cardinals jerseys that come from the team have already been washed before they offer them for sale.


11-16-2010, 07:08 AM
No way. It seems crazy to me. I've never had one that smells, but I know the dirtier the better.

11-16-2010, 09:40 AM
Yes and no, depending on the condition of the jersey. I washed the 1978 Dave Roberts Padres jersey because it looked as if it had been stored under a mound of dirt or something in a back room. Used Dreft (hint) and it came out in near new condition. Cold water, gentle cycle, of course, and drip dry....

Most baseball jerseys I've acquired from fellow members on the forum I just leave alone. I did hang one outside for an afternoon, as it had a musty smell, but that is about it.

Of course, I've never acquired one with grass stains, dirt stains, etc. The few football jerseys I have were washed by the SMU equipment manager before selling to me.

11-16-2010, 12:46 PM
A 2009 Civil Rights Cueto jersey I passed on to another member had a pretty bad smell to it when I first opened the box and hung it on the wall. After a year of being stored away and then passed to Steiner, the jersey held it's "use" and odor very strongly.

I would never wash a jersey as it would add some wear and tear on the jersey, but I did add a little febreeze to the jersey (numerous times) and let it hang by the fan. Before I shipped it off, I had to take one last whiff..... and man it still had a strong smell to it. Hope Josh is enjoying that as much as I did :D

11-16-2010, 09:20 PM
A month ago I would have answered "NO WAY".

That was before my minor league gamer showed up. I have, literally, never smelled any article of clothing that was as bad as this gamer. It had obviously never been washed, and I don't want to know what they drug it through prior to shipping it off.

All I can say is that I was truly gagging (near vomit) all the way to the washer. That is the only one I have ever washed. There was no way to endure the smell.