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View Full Version : Hanging with Zenyatta!!

Rob L
11-26-2010, 08:27 PM
Cool day at Hollywood Park. A friend of mine got my daughter and I into the barns at Hollywood Park to watch Zenyatta do a training run and then come out for pictures. She is truly an amazing animal. Her training run was light but was incredibly fast. She was just cruising but made all of the other horses on the training track look like they were walking. They then brought her back to barn to cool down, washed her and then brought her out to a grassy area planted just for her. It's amazing to be able to go up and take pictures with a racehorse as 99% are very high strung. But she loves the attention. She only has one more week at Hollywood Park before she leaves for her new home in Kentucky on 12/6/2010. It was really an honor to see her up close and personal!!

11-27-2010, 07:48 AM
Wow! Congrats to you and your daughter! My wife and I are so jealous!

If you have any pics, we would love to see them. Thanks for sharing.

Rob L
11-27-2010, 12:13 PM
I'll post some this weekend.

Rob L
11-29-2010, 11:33 AM
Here's a few photos.

11-29-2010, 09:25 PM
Wow, those are awesome pics Rob! A couple of those look like a professional took them. It looks like you and your daughter had a blast.

What a stunning horse she is, just beautiful. I don't think we will see another horse like her for a very long time.

After telling my wife about your brush with greatness, her and her mother have decided to drive to Kentucky in July to see Zenyatta themselves. They drove there years ago to see Secretariat.

Thank you from myself and my wife for sharing your pics!

Rob L
11-30-2010, 11:04 AM
Wow, those are awesome pics Rob! A couple of those look like a professional took them. It looks like you and your daughter had a blast.

What a stunning horse she is, just beautiful. I don't think we will see another horse like her for a very long time.

After telling my wife about your brush with greatness, her and her mother have decided to drive to Kentucky in July to see Zenyatta themselves. They drove there years ago to see Secretariat.

Thank you from myself and my wife for sharing your pics!

Thanks. I took about 60 or 70 photos that day. The picture of Z with my daughter and I was the first of about 25 taken. I had the Zenyatta bobblehead in my pocket and she knew something was in there. The next 24 photos were of her trying to see what was in my pocket. It was pretty funny. I did end up getting the bobblehead signed by most of her team, including Mike Smith and David Flores, as well as the groomer, training rider and the trainer.

A Kentucky visit sounds very cool. Your wife and mother-in-law will really enjoy the visit.

11-30-2010, 11:28 PM
Wow Rob! Thanks for sharing those photos. Totally jealous. Did she drink a Guinness while you were there?:D

Rob L
12-01-2010, 11:02 AM
Wow Rob! Thanks for sharing those photos. Totally jealous. Did she drink a Guinness while you were there?:D

She probably had one after visiting us. I actually had one in my fridge and planned on taking it but left the house with out it.