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View Full Version : Hank Aaron order any R43 after 63' ?

12-03-2010, 02:27 PM
If anyone wants to take a crack at this one, here is my question:

The records I saw indicated that Hank Aaron didnt order any R43's of any length from 1964 on..
But I saw a mears graded bat, Certification number: 303170


Now, it is listed as a 1965-68 INDEX bat, but the reasoning that it is an index bat confused me it says:

"Louisville Slugger factory records show that Aaron
ordered both R43 model and 35" bats during this label
period, but not in this combination."

So they are saying that the records show that the R43 model was ordered during 65-68 in a different length? I thought he didnt order ANY r43's after 63'?


12-03-2010, 04:33 PM
Hi Kevin

Here is the info contained in Aaron's personal H & B records:

Last personal order of Model R43 : 4/30/1963 (month and day not entirely legible but before June) ...This order was 34 in / 33 oz

Last personal order of R43 with length of 35 inches: mid-1957 (month and day not legible)

I am not exactly sure, but it is possible that they meant to say that Aaron had ordered bats with these dimensions in previuos labeling periods, but not in the current (1965-72) labeling period, thus making it a likely team index bat that could have been used by any player of the Braves Minor or Major League organization.

Mike jackitout7@aol.com

12-10-2010, 11:48 AM
Thank You for the info.