worst fan experience

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  • prichmond
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 138

    worst fan experience

    I thought it would be fun to hear what were your worst experiences with other fans.

    Mine was at Gaint's spring training during the first World Baseball Event. I bought tickets not realizing the gaints were playin the US team. My son must have been about 10. We had front row tickets on the third base side. When we got to the park we couldn't even get near our seats since everyone was mobbing the rail. We tried but no one was letting us get close. When it finally cleared out before the game we were able to get to our seats. One of the crimminals who wouldn't let us in happened to be sitting next to us. In about the third inning Derek Jeter hits a ball to the gaints third base coach who tosses it to my son. The guy next to us pushes my son out of the way to get the ball. I managed to reach in front of him and grab it. the guy never apologizes, nothing.

    two years later I am telling a business friend this story. He says give me the ball my daughters best friend is dating Jeter. I give him the ball. They break up, get back togeather, break up and get back togeather. Finally nine months later i get the ball back signed with a personnel message to my son.
  • CampWest
    Senior Member
    • May 2008
    • 1507

    Re: worst fan experience

    Vero Beach - Dodgertown - Spring Training 1994. There with a friend's family and their youngest son about 13 had been wheelchair bound for several years with a degenerative disease. One of his heros was Tommy Lasorda. Lasorda stopped signed an auto for him and talked to him for a couple minutes. Lasorda got back in his golf cart to drive off without signing for anybody else and said he had to get to the field. A 45 year old woman cussed Lasorda up and down for 3 minutes about how big of an ass he was for stopping for a kid in a wheel chair but for nobody else. And sadly all it did was ruin the moment of a 13yo kid who wasnt supposed to have survived into his teens. He doubled up on the doctors, died a couple years ago at 26 yo. To this day, I can picture that woman and she gets uglier every time i do.

    Pee-splashed in the stands by a drunk guy at a college football game who decided to pee right there rather than walk 30 yards to the can.

    Was physically assaulted at halftime of the home opener of the final season for the Houston Oilers. I was wearing a Chiefs jersey and got jumped from behind by three guys while I took a picture of my buddy standing at the top of the section before heading down to our seats. A rather large Oilers fan who had been sitting behind us and was very friendly, came to my aid and nearly singled-handedly beat off all three guys before me and my friend could react.
    Wes Campbell


    • gingi79
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2007
      • 1195

      Re: worst fan experience

      My brother who is a Jets fan, told off a bunch of post birth abortions in Jets jerseys when we went to the Fish/Jets game a few seasons ago. (I'm a Fish fan) They wanted to fight and they were not even drunk. It's just another reason I hate the Jets and their fans. I'm sure there may be some lovely people who somehow became retarded and root for the "Jest" but as someone who live in NY for 30 years, other than my brother who roots for them because he likes rooting against me, I just haven't met any nice people who root for them. Are you a nice person who roots for them? Don't take offense, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you.

      Baltimore last season, didn't even get to the game as some crack head dented up my car and broke my window all to steal my $80 GPS. The cops knew exactly what happened, happens all the time he said. It would have been worth it if I could have caught the guy doing it. I'm not normally a violent guy but man, I would have unloaded on that valuable citizen.

      I was at a Mets/Braves game in the 90's in NY and wanted to get a ball signed by Chipper. I'm sitting around MY seat on the rail watching as Glavine is signing and some morbidly obese, porcine mare of a woman oinks at her equally puffy, pink offspring to push their way through the line (including other kids) because "This game is for my children, they are the ones who deserve autographs. Make sure you ask that player to give you a bat"
      I don't think Tom heard her but the fans who did, gave her snide looks. A few even pulled the kids back so their own children wouldn't be pushed out of line. The ushers had to be called! I'm only sorry this was the days before Youtube, I'd pay money to see it again. (And unlike Jets fans, I get along great with Mets fans who playfully josh back and forth with me on our teams. I don't take anything outside of my control that seriously.)
      Bieksallent! My Player Collections:



      • sox83cubs84
        • Apr 2009
        • 8902

        Re: worst fan experience

        Early 1990s, BP before a Mets=Cubs game at Wrigley Field. I'm ballhawking for foul balls at my spot down the 3B line right by the Cubs bullpen. A bouncer comes my way that is virtually a sure thing. As I reach over, a Mets fan grabs the tail of my shirt and propels himself on top of me trying to reach over and in front of me. He misses, his interference costs me the ball, and I shake him off and lecture him to which he mumbles a few unintelligible words.

        10 minutes later, a woman asks Met player (and ex-Cub) Chico Walker to toss her a baseball. He does, but the same guy who tried lunging over me pushes in front of her, steals the catch, and decides to celebrate. I call him out immeidately in front of the fans, who saw his actions near me, and nearly all of whom begin to boo the guy and heckle him, telling him to give the ball to the woman whom it was intended for. He reluctantly complies, and nothing more happens...until BP is over.

        As I'm statrting to go to my seat, he bumps me and growls "you had no call doin' that to me". My response was "and you had no call pushin' in front of that woman". He challenged me to throw 'em down, and, when I didn't back down from his threat, he backed off.

        As far as single individuals go, one Ballhawk of the late 1990s and early 2000s, a tool named Johnny Rosenstein, ran me over from behind multiple times when I chased down a baseball. Johnny just plain didn't care for me because he felt I didn't belong out there due to my health issues, and by extension, felt humiliated if me, the guy on kidney dialysis, beat him, healthy but built like a bowling ball, out of a ball. The couple of times I did, he went into hysterical shouting rants at me, telling me I didn't belong out there, I was going to get hurt, etc. I got to the point that I decided one season, at the beginning, that, if he ran me over intentionally from behind again, I was gonna find a cop and charge him with assault. Never happened, though, as he moved to Florida for a job.

        Dave Miedema


        • jake33
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 3082

          Re: worst fan experience

          I have not missed a Bucs vs. Packers game at Lambau or Bucs vs. Vikings in minnesota since 1994.

          Packers fans are ok to me
          STRONGLY dislike viking fans though, many bad experiences over the years with them.

          I'll say this, nothing is better as a fan tan going into someone elses stadium and beating the home team and seeing 50,000 sad faces.


          • shaunharr
            Senior Member
            • May 2010
            • 680

            Re: worst fan experience

            Happened to my brother:

            We were at an Express game (Astros AAA) and they were facing the Royals AAA. Alex Gordon was with them, and cracked a bat. So as soon as the game ended, my brother went next to the dugout and asked Alex for the bat. Alex said yes, went to grab the bat, then another guy comes and stands next to me brother, and hollers at Alex for the bat. Alex didn't respond, sticks the bat out, and the guy reaches across my bro, yanks the bat, and runs away saying "Thanks Alex!!"

            The next day, we went to the game, and heard Alex got called up. The guy with the bat has the nerve to ask us if Alex has gone to hit BP yet. We told him he got called up (as we heard). Aboutten minutes later, Gordon came out. We called him over, and he signed for us, and we asked him if he got called up, and he said no not yet. Then my bro told him what happened the previous night, and Gordon apologized and said if he cracks one tonight it's his.
            Then after Alex signed the bat the guy took, the guy walked away and said across the staircase, "Thanks haters!!"

            This guy always gets a PCL ball signed by the entire team. Suprisingly, he did not show up to a single game for the rest of the season, that we know of. And we go to at least one game every series, usually two.
            Thank you,

            Shaun Harr
            Always look for game used anything of J.R. Towles, Ross Stripling, Tyler Naquin, and German Duran.


            • godwulf
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2007
              • 1864

              Re: worst fan experience

              About the only time I'm ever close enough to the field to ask for a cracked bat is during the Arizona Fall League...and I've given up trying to get into a position to ask, as there is always - and I mean always - a twenty-year-old female in a transluscent halter top right there ahead of me, collecting bats for her boyfriend up in the stands. That's okay, I don't stress about it any more; I know a guy in California who gets prospects' bats from all over the DBacks system and sells them to me for 10-20 bucks apiece. Screw her and her boyfriend.

              After getting into a tug-of-war with some badly dressed slacker in the Team Shop before last year's AFL Championship game (story told in another thread), over a $35 bat, I'm not even stressing over that source.


              • frikativ54
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2007
                • 3612

                Re: worst fan experience

                Originally posted by godwulf
                About the only time I'm ever close enough to the field to ask for a cracked bat is during the Arizona Fall League...and I've given up trying to get into a position to ask, as there is always - and I mean always - a twenty-year-old female in a transluscent halter top right there ahead of me, collecting bats for her boyfriend up in the stands.
                LOL! That's why I never ask in the first place.
                Les Zukor
                Collecting Jeff Bagwell Cleats, Jerseys, & Other Items

                (617) 682-0408

