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View Full Version : Ripken bat photos

08-22-2006, 09:11 AM
Hello Forum readers,

I am searching high and low for any photo evidence, photo style match of any black finish Cal Ripken Jr. game used bats from 1986 - 1989. According to factory shipping records Cal did not order ANY Black finish bats until 1990. I am searching photo sites for these but if any forum member has a picture of Cal using a completely black finish bat in any of these years specified above prior to 1990 I would appreciate the heads up. Please note that Cal did order two tone with black barrel prior to 1990 but I am looking for a completely black finish like his normal used P-72's from the 90's forward.


08-22-2006, 12:06 PM
When I first saw the post yesterday about the black bat that Mr. Miracle is selling not matching ordering records it did make me think of a baseball card with a picture of Cal from 1987-88 with Jr. using a black finish bat (not two toned). When I get home, I'll look through my cards to see which one it is (although it may not show what the model # was nor whose bat it was).

08-22-2006, 12:13 PM

If you happen to find that let me know. I have been all through Getty Images, Corbis and so far nothing. I have found two photos on SI PHotos that are not clear whether or not the bat was Hickory finish dark wood or black from that time frame. I suspect that they are a dark Hickory due to the fact that the center brand lettering appears to be a gold lettering (although again, I cannot tell definitively due to sunlight, distance etc.) which is found on F149 models from the 86-89 labeling period. If you have anything showing a black finish at all please let the forum know. According to Mike Specht, records indicate no black finish bats in any model until 1990 and no P72's until 91. That would effectively debunk the records at the very least. I will continue to search my many books and Orioles programs etc. trying to find a matching photo.


08-22-2006, 01:01 PM
I am familiar with Getty Images but not Corbis. Does anyone have a site for them?

08-22-2006, 01:11 PM
I am familiar with Getty Images but not Corbis. Does anyone have a site for them?



08-22-2006, 01:59 PM
I found the card I was thinking of on eBay & thought it best to simply show a link to the auction. You might want to check the card yourself (if you have it in your collection) but the picture is from 1987 and the bat is indeed black (as stated previously one cannot tell player or model #).

http://cgi.ebay.com/95-Cal-Ripken-Jr-Baltimore-Orioles-Flair-Enduring-5_W0QQitemZ250017305148QQihZ015QQcategoryZ55938QQs sPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohostin g