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View Full Version : To bat repair/or not bat repair..

08-22-2006, 06:51 PM
If you had a Johnny Bench 1976 game used bicentennial bat with a handle crack would you get it repaired or would you leave it be?
Why or Why not.
Thanks for the info.

08-22-2006, 07:01 PM
I used to be obsessed w/ repairing my GU bats. Considered it a challenge actually. But now I prefer to leave them cracked and to leave them the way the player has left them after they used it. IMHO it adds more character to a bat and authenticity to be left cracked and unadulterated.


08-22-2006, 07:54 PM
i say dont repeair unless the bat is like about to fall apart. i like my bats pounded with use and dont mind a crack i kinda like them as long ass they do not hurt the display. i hate th ebats that has 2 ball marks and look new to me those are worthless but from what ive heard alot of people love those more then the pounded ones

08-23-2006, 06:28 PM
Come on. Need some more opinions here. Would you rather have it professionally repaired or in it's original condition?

08-23-2006, 06:38 PM
I am a game used bat collector who also happens to be a professional carpenter so i fix any bat i have so long as you make it appear as though it was never broken(unless you really inspect closely).To obviously see a bat has been fixed is very bad.It all depends on how the bat was broken I.E. in two,splinter'd,cracked etc.If it is done by someone who doesn't know what their doing the results can be horrible.Get someone who builds cabinets or does fine woodworking to look at it.Get their opinion on whether the work can be done while not looking like anything was done.

08-23-2006, 08:37 PM
I would NOT even think about tampering with that bat. Leave it as is....