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View Full Version : Vada Pinson Bat

03-08-2011, 04:33 PM
I need a little help. I have this Vada Pinson H&B bat from 1969-72 label period. It is model #B267. 35" long. His name is in Block letters. I think I've seen signature models before and after this one. I thought once they had a contract their bats would always have a signature. Any ideas? Any idea of it's value? Thank you. - Tom Krausmann krausmannt@aol.com

03-08-2011, 04:48 PM
He was a signature model with adirondack,so he might not of had a contract with h&b

03-08-2011, 05:58 PM
The earliest Pinson H & B bat I have personally seen, documented in May, 1959, was Block Letter, as well as subsequent H & B Pinson gamers from 1961 and throughout the early 1970s. H & B records show a shipment of 2 bats on Pinson's second order of bats in August 1956, which is often indicative of the first shipment of signature model bats sent for the player's approval, but there is no other indication in his records of an autograph model. With signature Adirondacks appearing throughout his career, it is clear that he was an endorsement contract player for Adirondack for most, if not all, of his career. The liklihood is that the signature model Pinson bats you recall were Adirondack, not H & B. That being said, your Pinson bat is a very nice example of a model that he used almost exclusively in 1971 and 1972.

Mike jackitout7@aol.com

03-08-2011, 06:51 PM
Thanks Mike. As usual very good info from you. I appreciate it. - Tom