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View Full Version : Cano Bat Mystery....Can Anyone Solve this?

04-11-2011, 10:24 PM
I noticed Robinson Cano using a brand this spring ive never seen before, and over the weekend he broke this baby out against the sox. Question is: WHAT IS IT? please help, its been driving me crazy. Thanks

04-12-2011, 12:25 AM
After seeing the logo during spring training I too was thinking what brand of bat is this.

From what I found on the internet the company is AC Bats formerly known as "Nokona Bats" AC Bats (MLB brand is AXIS)

Eduardo Nunez and David Ortiz are pictured with AXIS bats. If you look at the David Ortiz bat, the area where his name is engraved is exactly like the Nokona engraving.

Hope this helps!


04-12-2011, 07:59 AM
Didn't he have a contract with SSK?

04-12-2011, 12:20 PM
Thanks Bobby! Strange how i cant find any info on AXIS bats......... He does have a contract with ssk but i dont think that means he can't use other bats, i think its just so that they can have him on their website as an "exclusive user".

09-30-2011, 07:10 PM
I got 2 of these AXIS bats today from Yeicok Calderon ( Yankees minor ) pro maple with a 7/15/11 DHL3. The name is engraved but the lable is a decal

Now the bat looks like and has some features of a Sam bat to me. The knob cut-out is the same as the barrel end cut on the same bat. I have many Sam bats from south American leagues. I know the Yankees have 2 teams for the Dominican Summer League so the DHL3 leds me to the Dominican which is were Calderon is from.

I will see him next week and will get the info from him then and will let you know what I find out about were the Axis bat are coming from.


09-30-2011, 07:31 PM
Its a brand called axis its a brand that i belive that was just bearly made and few major leaguers use the bat

09-30-2011, 07:45 PM
I have a single Axis bat in my collection - one used by DBacks prospect Raoul Torrez in ST this year.

A bit off-topic - sorry - but this got me to checking to see what other bat brands I only have one of. Came up with one "Rte. 66 Klubs", and one "Rock Bats". One odd one that I've seen, but don't have an example of, is "Rhino Bats", made by a company in Tucson, I believe.

10-01-2011, 08:42 AM
a little more info here...
