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View Full Version : Jersey/Autograph question

09-05-2006, 10:26 PM
I know this has probably been discussed before but I missed it...
Is there any good, safe way to remove a black Sharpie autograph from a game-used white jersey?
I know bleach seems like a decent idea but then the jersey would have a gleaming white spot...
Experts, I need your help.
www.intheminors.com (http://www.intheminors.com)

09-05-2006, 11:11 PM

I'm no expert with respect to this issue (not by far), but I would definitely suggest that you do not bleach the spot. Not only will you be disappointed with how it looks, but bleach is a very harsh substance and may actually burn through the material if the bleach/water ratio is not correct. I learned this the easy way ... on a pair of jeans that can easily be replaced.

I think there were some earlier threads about this issue. You may want to use the GUF search engine.

Also, I believe there is a business that sometimes advertises in SCD, that specializes in autograph removal. Apparently, they do pretty good work. Perhaps another forum member can chime in here with the specifics.

Good luck (and don't use bleach),

09-06-2006, 09:09 AM
If anyone knows that company, I'd like to know. I get SCD but don't keep back issues so I'll keep my eye out for it.

I knew bleaching was a bad idea.

www.intheminors.com (http://www.intheminors.com)

09-06-2006, 12:18 PM
If I'm not mistaken the autograph removal business articles/ads in SCD were limited to baseballs & not jerseys.