Explaining the hobby to friends and family

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  • kylehess10
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3100

    Explaining the hobby to friends and family

    Do people like friends or family ever think that you crazy & out of your mind for collecting game used? My parents say that I'm too obsessed and my friends just think there's something wrong with me. When they found out I spent $250 on a game used hat they kept telling me how much other stuff I could've bought with that money. But to me I think game used is the coolest hobby there is. But I guess some people just don't understand.

    My Game Used Collection:

  • ahuff
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 677

    Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

    Yeah, they sure do. It is funny you ask, because my mother just stopped by this afternoon, and I showed her a few of my recent finds. She just gave me that motherly "What kind of son did I raise???" look!
    "We need rebirth of the American tradition of leadership ... in private life as well." "'Trust me' government asks that we concentrate our hopes and dreams on one man; that we trust him to do what's best for us. My view of government places trust not in one person or one party, but in those values that transcend persons and parties. The trust is where it belongs--in the people." - Ronald Reagan"



    • 2dales1number3
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2006
      • 25

      Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

      My parents think I am crazy but my wife doesnt care as long as the bills are paid.


      • jon_8_us
        Senior Member
        • May 2006
        • 848

        Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

        My parents,friends,girlfriend,and ex girlfriends all think i'm some sorta obsessed dork....but i couldn't imagine not collecting Red Sox game used
        Always looking for Manny Ramirez game used items


        • suave1477
          • Jan 2006
          • 4266

          Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

          My friends family co workers and women i date all think im nuts for spending all this money on game used items. WHICH IS TOTALLY NOT TRUE lol lol
          ok well maybe a little but i enjoy the sport which leads me to enjoying the hobby. As I look at each peice I own. I look at it like I own a little peice of history.


          • thomecollector
            Senior Member
            • May 2006
            • 651

            Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

            Exactly! when I tell my coworkers that I spent almost two weeks salary on a game used jersey. They look at me like an idiot. But like you said, just looking at the stuff knowing that your player wore it. Maybe during a great game. That's awesome! Most people buy the card for a jersey. You get the whole jersey. That's a big difference......
            Roger Ward- Thomecollector


            • sfgiants452
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2006
              • 111

              Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

              Yea a lot of poeple think I am nuts for collecting. My dad understands but my mom thinks I should be spending it on something else or on nothing at all, but she likes to see me happy so she contributes time to time. Most of my friends think I am nuts and one of my teaches said why would you want someones "dirty laundry". I simply replied with I love to collect memorabilia just like you love to go to your broadway shows (she loves it). I thought she was wasting her money with that but the truth his it doesn't matter what other people think. You do what you love to do. That is you I laugh when poeple say "get a life". Life is what you make it and what you want to do with it.



              • scottanservitz
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2005
                • 743

                Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

                Great post! I have friends come over all the time and ask what I picked up. They always think it is reallly cool. The only bummer is that they ask what I paid for this stuff. I reluctantly tell them so then they think I may have a screw loose. But in all reality, I am pretty selective in what I purchase. Most of my pieces will hopefully hold their value or increase over the years. You guys are right, we do it because we enjoy it! That is all that counts. We have our own little museums and when I am holding a bat it really feels cool knowing that that player used that bat or wore that jersey in front of thousands hitting that game winning hit, or scored that winning touchdown. That is the best. As long as the kids are fed and the mortgage is paid, why not.


                • bigtime59
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 1020

                  Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

                  To put it like Lou! Lampson! would!:
                  Yes! Very! much! so!
                  My wife thinks I'm a complete moron for doing this, but as long as I drop my share in the joint account every month, probably figures it's better than me blowing the $$$ at the nudie bar.

                  BTW, you ever notice that Lampson! writes LOAs kinda like Shatner! reads! lines! ! ! !


                  • geoff
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 1734

                    Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

                    Everybody makes fun of me for collecting game used but i don't care.I sometimes tell my friends how much i spend and they say i should sell my stuff and buy a house.Im not even close too that but i think its funny and i tell them in time the stuff i have will be worth alot of money.My girlfriend yells at me sometimes when i tell her how much i just spent on a certain item.I laugh at her too.I love collecting and have the time of my life doing it.


                    • skipcareyisfat
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2005
                      • 526

                      Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

                      No one's ever told me I was crazy for collecting dirty, used equipment. My family and friends have always been supportive about it, although I don't really talk about it with most of them so I'm not sure if they really know how much I'm into it. My wife is pretty cool with it, too. In fact, just the other day we were watching a baseball game on TV and the camera was on Marcus Giles, who was batting. Almost as soon as they showed a close-up of Giles, my wife said, "Look how dirty HIS helmet is." I told her to back off and find her own obsession.
                      "The knowledge that this guy has in his head, some of you would never be able to comprehend."


                      • Swoboda4
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2005
                        • 1621

                        Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

                        Sometimes I look at the family room in the basement with all the baseball G/U items and wonder if I just didn't grow up enough. But then you go to Cooperstown and certain other museums ,and say to yourself this stuff looks great I guess I'm O.K. As long as items are framed and showcased well that's what makes the difference.


                        • Yankwood
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 870

                          Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

                          I think we're all just basically social misfits, but that doesn't bother me.


                          • jboosted92
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2005
                            • 213

                            Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

                            I think I get the most joy out of displaying/ and helping others fans and not fans of Collecting understanding what each peice means.

                            Bats, Balls, etc...

                            I Collect items, that have a Significant history or attribution to a time/player/World Series..etc.

                            So I can place myself, or that person I am talking to right in that ballpark, when the player was using it.

                            For instance, I have a 1933 Al _ All star signed baseball.

                            Now its not game used, but as you can imagine, all the players, sitting in the dugout of the 1ST ever All-star game passing MY ball around signing 1 after another...

                            Players leaving the sweet spot available for Babe Ruth to sign... then 3 hours after he signs it, he goes out and hits a HR (which the HR ball just sold for 710,000).

                            Or a Bat I own that quite possibly have been used in the First world series.

                            Or Bats of HOF;s or Star;s that performed heroic on the field in there generation.

                            I also have played baseball my entire life, so maybe I have a different connection to the diamond than some. But understanding the talent and skills of theses individuals, and at the same time the History taking place, puts me in that history. Sort of

                            Thats what I enjoy.


                            • trsent
                              • Nov 2005
                              • 3739

                              Re: Do People Think You're Crazy?

                              When I was in high school my father used to harass me that he wanted to see me take my baseball cards to pay my bills.

                              About ten years later my father was short with a down payment on a new house, you know where the money came from...All those baseball cards he harassed me for buying.

