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View Full Version : eBay Return Etiquette Question

09-23-2011, 06:34 PM
I recently purchased a game used helmet that turned out to be fake. In person, you can clearly see the stickers are the wrong size, shape color, material, etc. that wasn't very clear in the pictures. The item was good enough in pictures to fool me, however in person it's a completely different story.

My question is, since the item in question is clearly a fake but won't might not be very obvious another buyer, should I damage, destroy, ruin, mark up the item so it can never be sold to an uneducated buyer in the future?

I've been contemplating doing this since I'm required to return the helmet in order to get a refund. I'm worried that it will just get re-listed and keep getting traded or resold over the years. What are your thoughts? Should an item that you know is fake be destroyed or damaged to the point that it can never be sold again?

09-23-2011, 06:48 PM
If you plan on returning it, then ,don't fool with someone else's property. Or, keep the item, count your losses, and move on. Then destroy your own property.

09-24-2011, 01:42 AM
I recently purchased a game used helmet that turned out to be fake. In person, you can clearly see the stickers are the wrong size, shape color, material, etc. that wasn't very clear in the pictures. The item was good enough in pictures to fool me, however in person it's a completely different story.

My question is, since the item in question is clearly a fake but won't might not be very obvious another buyer, should I damage, destroy, ruin, mark up the item so it can never be sold to an uneducated buyer in the future?

I've been contemplating doing this since I'm required to return the helmet in order to get a refund. I'm worried that it will just get re-listed and keep getting traded or resold over the years. What are your thoughts? Should an item that you know is fake be destroyed or damaged to the point that it can never be sold again?

If you plan on returning it, then ,don't fool with someone else's property. Or, keep the item, count your losses, and move on. Then destroy your own property.

I agree, if you are returning the item, which you should, do not alter it. That is not your job and though unlikely, eBay may not issue your refund.

If the seller is notified there are issues and they still try to pass it as something it isn't they have been warned and hopefully they get punished.