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View Full Version : Locker tag question

09-24-2011, 11:33 AM
I've been collecting more locker tags lately, and I'm puzzled about something. I have seen sets of both large and small tags, from the same teams and players, for the same event (i.e. Opening Day), and I've seen where they normally place the big ones - above the lockers - but what is with the little ones? I can't picture these tiny things above the lockers, and besides, that's where the big ones hang. I don't get it.

09-24-2011, 03:34 PM
It all depends on the teams tag holder, which seems to vary quite a bit. There can be 2 Opening Day plates each year, one for the Home opener and one for the Road Opener. Check the MLB holo and see where the game is played at, I'd bet both dates/sites are different.

If they are not, they you got me because I know the Mariners ones are always the same height and only once have I seen a different length for the home side tags. Also the home and away tag holders can be different sizes, the visiting team tags to the Mariners are smaller than than the home side.

09-25-2011, 12:34 AM
Okay, I'll check out the hologram references on MLB. Thanks for the suggestion!