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11-05-2011, 04:34 PM


11-05-2011, 07:01 PM


Yeah, it's beyond disgusting, and he also has not been a member of the coaching staff since the 1990s. So great play on words there in your title. This sick deviant has also not been part of the school for over 13 years, so way to go after the University. I guess when you a run an otherwise squeaky clean program, people are quick to come out of the wood works and attack when any opportunity presents itself.

Now make no mistake on my position, this is repulsive and unacceptable behavior. If he is found guilty I hope they throw the book at him. There is NO worse crime than pedophilia, IMO. It truly sickens me reading the details in the link below.

11-05-2011, 08:27 PM
Yeah, it's beyond disgusting, and he also has not been a member of the coaching staff since the 1990s. So great play on words there in your title. This sick deviant has also not been part of the school for over 13 years, so way to go after the University. I guess when you a run an otherwise squeaky clean program, people are quick to come out of the wood works and attack when any opportunity presents itself.

Now make no mistake on my position, this is repulsive and unacceptable behavior. If he is found guilty I hope they throw the book at him. There is NO worse crime than pedophilia, IMO. It truly sickens me reading the details in the link below.

Shipp, not necessarily a Penn State fan but my girlfriend is a Penn State Alumnus and she could not believe this. This story has been floating out there for a couple of years to one degree or another and as mentioned it is absolutely disgusting to whatever degree this is true.

I don't think Bill was attacking Penn State at all, but what was not mentioned by you is that long time Penn State AD Tim Curley is expected to turn himself in on Monday as an arrest warrant was issued due to Perjury charges. If what is mentioned is true, it is incomprehensible that Curley would not have reported the information he was reportedly told to authorities.

We will have to see how this plays out but this really stinks of a cover up by high ranking University officials trying to protect a guy that was once a very well respected member of the coaching staff at one point and time.

I hope that is not true, only time will tell. If it is, some heads are sure to roll at PSU very high up the food chain.


11-05-2011, 08:35 PM
Yeah, it's beyond disgusting, and he also has not been a member of the coaching staff since the 1990s. So great play on words there in your title. This sick deviant has also not been part of the school for over 13 years, so way to go after the University. I guess when you a run an otherwise squeaky clean program, people are quick to come out of the wood works and attack when any opportunity presents itself.

Now make no mistake on my position, this is repulsive and unacceptable behavior. If he is found guilty I hope they throw the book at him. There is NO worse crime than pedophilia, IMO. It truly sickens me reading the details in the link below.

Another child, known only as a boy about 11 to 13, was seen by a janitor pinned against a wall while Sandusky performed oral sex on him in fall 2000, the jury said.
And in 2002, Kelly said, a graduate assistant saw Sandusky sexually assault a naked boy, estimated to be about 10 years old, in a team locker room. The grad student and his father reported what he saw to Paterno, who immediately told Curley, prosecutors said.
Curley and Schultz met with the graduate assistant about a week and a half later, Kelly said.
“Despite a powerful eyewitness statement about the sexual assault of a child, this incident was not reported to any law enforcement or child protective agency, as required by Pennsylvania law,” Kelly said

Sandusky retired after the Alamo Bowl victory over Texas A & M in 1999. The thing is, several of these charges levied above from the article note that these incidents took place apparently on campus at State College. While he was at that time no longer employed by the University, it kinds of begs the question, why was he on campus in positions to do any of these acts if these allegations are true to these young boys as he was no longer employed by Penn State in any capacity?

Again, Not picking on Penn State, but thise just brings really really bad publicity to the University especially in light of the additional charges of perjury against two major high ranking Penn State officials.


11-05-2011, 08:58 PM

11-05-2011, 09:23 PM
Just sick!

Others at school should be arrested as well. Paterno did not follow up and say what happened with what I saw?

Why not call the police yourself? This reeks of a coverup!

11-05-2011, 11:14 PM
anyone that thinks that Sandusky just happened to start this behavior after his official employment in "Happy Valley" needs a reality check (BTW, I live in Pennsylvania)....

I'm wondering whch 'straw puppet' is taking the hit for JoePa for what he knew........

11-06-2011, 01:25 AM
i have been involved with the law for a long time and in my experience this type of thing is not something someone suddenly starts doing later in life it is something that they do for decades. these crimes are not reported more often then they are as many of the poor, innocent victims are too ashamed to tell anybody about it, particularly when boys are victimized. these guys tend to go from victim to victim so i am sure there is alot more to come on this as his arrest may give more victims the courage to come forward. may he spend the rest of his life in a general population prision cell.

11-06-2011, 06:42 PM
i have been involved with the law for a long time and in my experience this type of thing is not something someone suddenly starts doing later in life it is something that they do for decades. these crimes are not reported more often then they are as many of the poor, innocent victims are too ashamed to tell anybody about it, particularly when boys are victimized. these guys tend to go from victim to victim so i am sure there is alot more to come on this as his arrest may give more victims the courage to come forward. may he spend the rest of his life in a general population prision cell.

Assuming he's convicted, I can see him claiming a terminal illness related to his advanced age in attempt to delay the inevitable.

What's equally terrible are PSU officials who sat on their hands and did nothing to protect the minor victims who traipsed through campus facilities with this perp include JoePa.

11-06-2011, 07:12 PM
i have been involved with the law for a long time and in my experience this type of thing is not something someone suddenly starts doing later in life it is something that they do for decades. these crimes are not reported more often then they are as many of the poor, innocent victims are too ashamed to tell anybody about it, particularly when boys are victimized. these guys tend to go from victim to victim so i am sure there is alot more to come on this as his arrest may give more victims the courage to come forward. may he spend the rest of his life in a general population prision cell.

Right on the money. Since there is no effective treatment for sexual predators, they are right up there with serial killers as the most dangerous of all criminals.

11-06-2011, 08:08 PM
Again, Not picking on Penn State, but thise just brings really really bad publicity to the University especially in light of the additional charges of perjury against two major high ranking Penn State officials.


Hey Jeb,

You are correct, and I apologize for not bringing up earlier the University officials that have now been brought in on perjury charges. Repulsive is the only word for it, and it falls well short of expressing how sick this makes actually me feel. As bad as Sandusky is, the true crime would be a cover up that allowed this to go on far longer than it ever should have.

When I first graduated I moved back to State College to live, and one of my first official "real" jobs was teaching art to young children on campus in an after school program sponsored by the University. All of these children in the area idolized Penn State football and the players. Some players like Curtis Enis were kind enough to stop by and spend some time with the class, which made these kids on cloud 9! This was in 1997, so to think a sexual predator like Sandusky was around and lurking with potentially one of the children I taught makes me shaken and disturbed beyond belief.

I and all alums have some real connection to their former school, and this whole event goes beyond what Sandusky did for a living. If the allegations are true, he scarred young men for life. There is nothing that can take that away or make this story have a happy ending. As I stated earlier, it is the WORST crime there is. Period.

Also @ Camerokids, JoePA did not personally witness anything. A grad student was the eyewitness and reported it to Joe, who immediately reported it to Curry (who then apparently withheld the information, hence why he is being now charged with perjury). Now, should he have spoken to Sandusky personally and say "what the he11 was this all about"? Or perhaps followed up with Curry? Of course. No one really knows what happened there, so I am going to let that play out in the legal system. Of course if Joe somehow knew more, than yes his actions were indefensible. But for now that does not seem to be the case.

11-06-2011, 10:24 PM
Also @ Camerokids, JoePA did not personally witness anything. A grad student was the eyewitness and reported it to Joe, who immediately reported it to Curry (who then apparently withheld the information, hence why he is being now charged with perjury). Now, should he have spoken to Sandusky personally and say "what the he11 was this all about"? Or perhaps followed up with Curry? Of course. No one really knows what happened there, so I am going to let that play out in the legal system. Of course if Joe somehow knew more, than yes his actions were indefensible. But for now that does not seem to be the case.

Maybe I misread the article? I thought I read Joe P. witnessed an attach and reported it to Curry. One of these guys should have confronted this POS Sandusky. All of those boys are scarred permanently. I bet the school will be hit with some major lawsuits! Rightfully so!

My wife was born not far from Penn State and her parents as well. She has family in the area.

11-07-2011, 11:40 AM
What kind of sick jerk sees another sick jerk sexually abusing a child and does nothing?
Everyone who knew about it, heard about it, and saw it should face criminal charges for not at least calling the police.
Just because you report the incident to someone else it is still your responsibility as a decent person to follow up and make sure the law was contacted.

11-07-2011, 11:42 AM
Yeah, it's beyond disgusting, and he also has not been a member of the coaching staff since the 1990s. So great play on words there in your title. This sick deviant has also not been part of the school for over 13 years, so way to go after the University. I guess when you a run an otherwise squeaky clean program, people are quick to come out of the wood works and attack when any opportunity presents itself.

Now make no mistake on my position, this is repulsive and unacceptable behavior. If he is found guilty I hope they throw the book at him. There is NO worse crime than pedophilia, IMO. It truly sickens me reading the details in the link below.
The part is bold made me sick. An otherwise squeaky clean progaram? So all they all did was cover up children getting raped. But otherwise squeaky clean right? Are you kidding?

11-07-2011, 01:17 PM
Right on the money. Since there is no effective treatment for sexual predators, they are right up there with serial killers as the most dangerous of all criminals.
Agreed. Remember to have your pedophile spayed or neutered.
What time today will JoePa resign?

11-08-2011, 08:57 AM
Anyone, from the head of security to the janitor, who either witnessed a criminal sexual assault or received an official report of same, and thought that their legal and moral obligation ended with reporting it up the school's chain-of-command, needs to be prosecuted.

This debacle is an extreme example of one of my biggest pet gripes - the attitude of certain school officials, from primary school to university, who seem to think that their campus is a Las Vegas-like environment: What happens here, stays here. I know of incidents ranging from drug possession to sexual assaults that have occurred in high schools, where the teachers and administrators felt that contacting law enforcement was "not necessary"; in many cases, such reporting to outside agencies is even a breach of the school's written rules and policies for employees!

11-08-2011, 09:17 AM
Mike McQueary— now the team’s wide receivers coach—saw on the night of March 1, 2002.
The grand jury report said McQueary was in the locker room that night to put away some new sneakers when he heard “rhythmic, slapping sounds” and looked into the showers.
He reportedly saw a naked boy, about 10 years old, with his hands against the wall as Sandusky subjected him to anal sex. McQueary left immediately and first contacted his father before calling Paterno the next morning and then meeting at Paterno’s home.

How could Mike McQueary walk away and abandon that 10 year old boy???!!!! He should have to answer for this. How could you just leave him there!!! Save the kid, you dick.....

11-08-2011, 11:56 AM
As an alumnus this whole situation is disgusting. I don't have any other words to describe this right now...it's all sickening.

11-08-2011, 12:27 PM
What time today will JoePa resign?[/QUOTE]

I don't think Paterno will coach Saturday. I say tomorrow is JoePa's last day.

11-08-2011, 01:29 PM
To clarify, Paterno didn't witness anything, but was told by someone else, then passed that along. It's also true that at the time Sandusky wasn't an employee, so wasn't a part of Paterno's staff or anything.

That's not to defend. If similar situation happened a middle or high school, the offender would be fired, permanently banned from all premises and reported to the police.

I also suspect that if the offender was someone other than a veteran defensive coach known by all, the above (above paragraph) would have happened. If he was a janitor, he would have been fired reported to the police, etc.

11-08-2011, 02:37 PM
How could Mike McQueary walk away and abandon that 10 year old boy???!!!! He should have to answer for this. How could you just leave him there!!! Save the kid, you dick.....


not to take any attention off of paterno, but most people arent talking about mcqueary. he is the real simp of a person

11-08-2011, 07:13 PM
Some new folks have come forward, and it looks like sandusky was the defensive coordinator when this took place. If Paterno knew and didnt report it to the police, he should be fired and not given a chance to resign. People that cover for pedophiles should realy look into taking the same exit Hemmingway did.

To clarify, Paterno didn't witness anything, but was told by someone else, then passed that along. It's also true that at the time Sandusky wasn't an employee, so wasn't a part of Paterno's staff or anything.

That's not to defend. If similar situation happened a middle or high school, the offender would be fired, permanently banned from all premises and reported to the police.

I also suspect that if the offender was someone other than a veteran defensive coach known by all, the above (above paragraph) would have happened. If he was a janitor, he would have been fired reported to the police, etc.

11-08-2011, 08:22 PM
People that cover for pedophiles should realy look into taking the same exit Hemmingway did.

LOL! :p

Sadly, many people are so scared of coming out against one of their own that they avoid the issue altogether. Whistleblowers tend to take a lot of heat.

11-09-2011, 12:03 AM
i think that all these people should be fired, arrested, charged, tried and jailed. the grad assistant, paterno, the university president and the two ex employees. the only appropriate response when witnessing something like that or being told about it is to call the police immediately and let them sort it all out. telling the next person up the chain or investigating it is absurd.

11-09-2011, 07:35 AM
Anyone who looked at Paterno as some kind of hero just got a huge reality check. And if they still look up to him in any fashion is sick in the head.
I don't care how good the man was/is to you, how loved he was/is, how much he loved you......the man failed to protect the most innocent among us.
How many more victims were they from 2002 till now that could have been prevented if just one adult did the right thing?

11-09-2011, 12:32 PM
Retirement at the end of the season? Bullshit. He should be fired today.

11-09-2011, 01:55 PM
Retirement at the end of the season? Bullshit. He should be fired today.

Agreed. Anyone who knew about this and failed to alert the authorities should be fired. Not at the end of the season, not Friday, IMMEDIATELY!!!

I am not a Penn State alumnus or fan, but I am embarrassed and angry as a parent and human that swift action hasn't taken place.

11-09-2011, 02:01 PM
Papa Joe is running the show. :cool: On his terms.

11-09-2011, 02:02 PM
I would say if Paterno told the Athletic Director and the AD told the police, then that would be fine. In general, I say as long as someone told the the police. But no one did, which may something about the organization.

11-09-2011, 02:04 PM
Wouldn't a normal person ask if the person they told if they called the police?
This whole thing smells like a huge coverup.

Joe said today that he will do everything he can to help the University after he retires. How about helping the victims?

11-09-2011, 02:10 PM
So I would say it's mostly an organizational thing, and how members are beholden to the organization. Many individuals acted poorly (and sometimes perhaps criminally) in order to protect the organization and it's brand.

11-09-2011, 06:19 PM
A question I have is why did Sandusky, one of the most popular and celebrated assistant coaches in Penn State history, retire (or otherwise leave his position as coach) in 1999 at the age of only 55. This in light of that one of the main events took place in 1998, the year before. 55 seems awfully young to retire as coach, in particular when his position, team and head coach were all in good standing.

11-09-2011, 06:24 PM
Also note that it was often said Sandusky was positioned to take over as head coach when Paterno returned-- and Paterno approved of this line of succession. This more so makes his 1999 retirement interesting.

P.s. I don't know exactly why he retired and am not claiming to. I just think it's an interesting question in light of events.

11-09-2011, 06:26 PM
I meant retired not returned

11-09-2011, 08:49 PM
I believe that the FBI questioned Sandusky in 1998 about a reported child abuse case.

11-09-2011, 08:51 PM
Wouldn't a normal person ask if the person they told if they called the police?
This whole thing smells like a huge coverup.

Joe said today that he will do everything he can to help the University after he retires. How about helping the victims?

I'm afraid some do not understand the climate at certain institutions of higher learning. If someone would have reported the charges to the police, the police report would likely have caused a scandal and the person who ratted him out may have had personal and professional consequences. At certain universities, it is not the wrongdoers who are perceived as the problems, but those who squeal on them to the police or to outside authorities. By not reporting it, those involved were likely hoping it would go away. However, these things don't go away; they just get buried until people eventually find out the ugly truth.

11-09-2011, 09:07 PM
So I would say it's mostly an organizational thing, and how members are beholden to the organization. Many individuals acted poorly (and sometimes perhaps criminally) in order to protect the organization and it's brand.

Exactly. Penn State is not unique in this regard, nor is this kind of thing limited to universities.

11-09-2011, 09:39 PM
Also note that it was often said Sandusky was positioned to take over as head coach when Paterno returned-- and Paterno approved of this line of succession. This more so makes his 1999 retirement interesting.

P.s. I don't know exactly why he retired and am not claiming to. I just think it's an interesting question in light of events.

My father in law is as avid a PSU fan as exists. I remember having this conversation with him in 99 when Sandusky announced his retirement. Your right the guy is 55 years old and make no mistake about it is only a rung under Paterno in terms of legendary status after at the time what appeared to be a steller and highly regarded 32 year coaching career the last 22 of which were spent as the D Coordinator at PSU. He is considered widely to be the man that shut down the highly regarded Georgia running game in the 82 National championship with some guy named Walker at that position and also shut down the vaulted 86 Miami Hurricanes in the National Championship game with some guy named Testaverde at QB and Irvin at WR.

There was a great deal of speculation about this 12 years ago which ranged from he was not going to succeed Paterno and decided to retire as he was told this by Joe himself, to Jerry saying he wanted to spend more time in his Second Mile Charity, to speculation that Joe wanted to go a different direction with the defense for whatever reason.

Based on what has now happened at PSU, I don't think it is beyond the realm of possibility and speculation that maybe PSU and administration did have some advance notice of what was going on after the 98 incident and decided to send this guy packing.

That is certainly all speculation at this point but if that is true in any way, how pathetic that they would send this guy packing from the team basically saying don't blemish the program commit your crimes elsewhere.

There are so many failings here it is impossible to grasp how this has spiraled so out of control.

For those of us who have followed PSU football for decades to one degree or another, it just seems beyond the realm of possibility that a cover up to this degree would have gone the entire way up to the President's office.

This is just a complete failure on so many levels that it is difficult to imagine this getting cleaned up for years.


11-09-2011, 09:49 PM
A question I have is why did Sandusky, one of the most popular and celebrated assistant coaches in Penn State history, retire (or otherwise leave his position as coach) in 1999 at the age of only 55. This in light of that one of the main events took place in 1998, the year before. 55 seems awfully young to retire as coach, in particular when his position, team and head coach were all in good standing.

As a follow-up to my last post, the speculation was in 99 that Sandusky was not going to succeed Paterno for several reasons one of which was that Joe was already at a point where he had zero intention of retiring anytime soon and if he was planning to go another 5 -8 years PSU would certainly not promote a coach to head coach at 60 - 63 years of age as their first career head coaching job.

The question was at that point, why would this guy not go elsewhere. Again, he was a career PSU guy 32 years there but certainly qualified to be a head coach at numerous large institutions based on his years of experience at one of the top 10 football programs in the country.

Nobody seemed to really know and I don't think really that too many people gave it a second thought.

I think everyone is just in total shock as I have heard nothing from anyone that would have suggested that anyone had any idea that this guy Sandusky was allegedly involved in such heinous behavior. ESPN has been interviewing numerous guys that were players and later friends with Sandusky including former Lion All American Matt Millen who has said this is beyond comprehension as he has known Sandusky for over 35 years and never would have imagined anything possible like this.

My father in law lives about 20 miles from State College PA and has told me that he has never once in 40 years living there heard any speculation about Sandusky prior to all of this coming out.

He is just in total shock as is I think the entire community. Whatever was coming out in these 98 and 02 investigations must have been kept pretty close to the vest as it just seems like nobody was really aware of any of this in the community at large.


11-09-2011, 09:52 PM
I believe that the FBI questioned Sandusky in 1998 about a reported child abuse case.

How is this story for odd.


Those defending Paterno are asking why we ever even reached the 2002 incidents as this should have been put to bed by the police and prosecutors when first reported in 98.


11-09-2011, 09:55 PM
I'm afraid some do not understand the climate at certain institutions of higher learning. If someone would have reported the charges to the police, the police report would likely have caused a scandal and the person who ratted him out may have had personal and professional consequences. At certain universities, it is not the wrongdoers who are perceived as the problems, but those who squeal on them to the police or to outside authorities. By not reporting it, those involved were likely hoping it would go away. However, these things don't go away; they just get buried until people eventually find out the ugly truth.
Oh, I understand the climate all right. Like I said, a normal person, not some jerk who believes the institute of higher learning is more important than innocent children.
I would live on the street and eat dog food before I would allow a child to be raped. Too bad these gentlemen of higher learning don't have morals.
My grandpa used to tell me that people can be over educated to the point that your common sence is lost.
I have learned in my life that grandpa was right.

11-09-2011, 09:56 PM
sense I mean. :o I am not over educated, obviously.

11-09-2011, 10:07 PM

And then this story. For those wanting to stone Paterno and PSU administration and certainly they appear to be guilty as sin, this story sure makes sense doesn't it???

Again, this guy should have been locked up in 98. I am not an attorney but it sure seems there was plenty of info. here to keep this guy on the radar and watch this situation with a great deal of interest at the very, very least.


11-09-2011, 10:26 PM
Paterno was just fired effective immediately...it was thr right thing to do

11-09-2011, 10:27 PM
I agree!

11-09-2011, 10:36 PM
Now the NCAA needs to take away all his "victories" that he slept through and return the record to Bryant who actually coached his victories. :cool:

11-09-2011, 10:40 PM
Now the NCAA needs to take away all his "victories" that he slept through and return the record to Bryant who actually coached his victories. :cool:

Since that record was broken 10 years ago, I think that was passed long before he started sleeping through games.

11-09-2011, 10:47 PM
Yeah, you're probably right.
I forgot about Bobby Bowden too. :o

11-09-2011, 10:49 PM
Yeah, you're probably right.
I forgot about Bobby Bowden too. :o

The really really sad part is these guys just seem to never know when to go. First Bowden a couple years ago and now Paterno.

11-09-2011, 11:15 PM
Is it also just coincidence that all of this information comes out literally one week to the day after Paterno wins game #409 to pass Eddie Robinson for the most wins in the history of Division I football?

Maybe, maybe not, but somewhat strange that Paterno wins that game and then all of a sudden a three year investigation wraps up and all of this hits the fan.

Could the PA DA have been sitting on this stuff until that point or is just worked out that way?

I know across PA I am told this question is being raised.

11-10-2011, 12:21 AM
This is far from over.

11-10-2011, 08:54 AM
Funny you bring this up about how this happened because I thought the same thing. Paterno wins his 409th game and then all of a sudden this comes out (Reminded me of Rafael Palmeiro and just getting 3000 hits). I personally feel that Governor Tom Corbett (who was the PA Attorney General until his election to Governor in Nov. 2010 and became Governor in Jan. 2011) is the person that ultimately wanted Joe Paterno to get fired. It is a very sad situation and I am sure more info will be coming out. Whether "firing" Joe Paterno is the best option is up for many to debate, but it clearly does not solve anything. I do not like how this ended, but as Joe Paterno has said is that in hindsight, he could have done more about the situation.


Is it also just coincidence that all of this information comes out literally one week to the day after Paterno wins game #409 to pass Eddie Robinson for the most wins in the history of Division I football?

Maybe, maybe not, but somewhat strange that Paterno wins that game and then all of a sudden a three year investigation wraps up and all of this hits the fan.

Could the PA DA have been sitting on this stuff until that point or is just worked out that way?

I know across PA I am told this question is being raised.

11-11-2011, 02:27 AM
Funny you bring this up about how this happened because I thought the same thing. Paterno wins his 409th game and then all of a sudden this comes out (Reminded me of Rafael Palmeiro and just getting 3000 hits). I personally feel that Governor Tom Corbett (who was the PA Attorney General until his election to Governor in Nov. 2010 and became Governor in Jan. 2011) is the person that ultimately wanted Joe Paterno to get fired. It is a very sad situation and I am sure more info will be coming out. Whether "firing" Joe Paterno is the best option is up for many to debate, but it clearly does not solve anything. I do not like how this ended, but as Joe Paterno has said is that in hindsight, he could have done more about the situation.


Everyone says they wish they could have done more after they get caught. He had 13 years to do more. He didn't do anything at the time to protect his program. Try recruiting players to a school where the former defensive coordinator was molesting children in the showers the players use.

11-11-2011, 09:10 AM
Everyone says they wish they could have done more after they get caught. He had 13 years to do more. He didn't do anything at the time to protect his program. Try recruiting players to a school where the former defensive coordinator was molesting children in the showers the players use.

The timing where all of this information is coming out may have been better at the end of the regular season. Rioting has taken place, plenty of news media attention when the season is still going on, some people's opinion is that Joe Paterno never saw it and should not have been fired, etc. The problem is that people are focusing on Paterno getting fired, not the real problem in the case.


11-11-2011, 09:39 AM
He didn't do anything at the time to protect his program.

I disagree. I think that was the only concern and that's why it was swept under the rug by everyone, including the investigators back in 1998.

My theory is Paterno knew about Sandusky back in 1998/1999 and that's why he was let go. I mean come on...how can Sandusky bring children (who aren't his) along on team trips to bowl games, etc. and no one knew anything until the shower incident in 2002. And then how can Paterno never confront Sandusky about the shower incident. This is the football locker room/shower. Its not like its a random shower in a dorm across campus. You are the football coach, your former DC is caught raping a 10 year old boy in the football shower and you don't even ask him what the f*ck is going on.

I got a feeling the worst is yet to come.

11-11-2011, 11:06 AM
The timing where all of this information is coming out may have been better at the end of the regular season.

Yes. This has to be very traumatic for the football team and the entire student body. Their football coach being fired will cause great emotional damage for years to come.

11-11-2011, 12:12 PM
For BTPH...


11-11-2011, 12:26 PM
This was a long-time, widespread cover-up, in which friendship and concern over a university's "reputation" apparently trumped any concern whatever over the welfare and safety of children.

Now, as almost invariably, eventually happens, when cover-ups are disclosed, the personal reputations of those involved in the cover-up - yes, even including the sainted Paterno - and of the football program and university are, quite deservedly, lower than whaleshit.

Less than zero sympathy for anyone who even suspected what was happening, years ago, and did nothing but pass the buck and act dumb. If the school had any class or integrity they'd start taking down that statue of Paterno they've got on-campus right now; they can't guard it (or him) forever.

11-11-2011, 01:36 PM
It looks like Penn State isn't the first team to ignore/cover-up something like this:


11-11-2011, 04:26 PM
My question about Paterno is, knowing what he knew, what did he think of Sandusky continuing to work for a charity for boys? Did he alert the charity or did he let it go?

THis whole thing kind of stinks to high heaven.

11-11-2011, 04:35 PM
In fact, I'm curious as to what legal obligation one has when one discovers that a charity for boys mentor is having sex with the boys. Not being a lawyer, I would imagine you could be in big legal trouble, if just civilly, if you don't alert the charity.

11-11-2011, 04:39 PM
Not to single out just Paterno, there's no question Penn State could be sued by the charity if the kept the knowledge 'in house.'

11-11-2011, 05:07 PM
Not to single out just Paterno, there's no question Penn State could be sued by the charity if the kept the knowledge 'in house.'

The crazy thing is the general counsel for PSU who reviewed the 1998 police report was also the pro-bono counsel for Second Mile. http://deadspin.com/5858636/a-penn-state-attorney-who-reviewed-the-1998-police-report-against-jerry-sandusky-also-represented-the-second-mile?popular=true

11-11-2011, 10:41 PM

If anyone thinks that this cannot get any worse, lets hope to God that what is discussed in the article above is not true.

This is already beyond anything virtually anyone could imagine. If anything mentioned in this article would be found to be true, anybody that had any information about this should be locked up for life.


11-12-2011, 01:11 AM
The part is bold made me sick. An otherwise squeaky clean progaram? So all they all did was cover up children getting raped. But otherwise squeaky clean right? Are you kidding?

You know what makes me sick? People that reveal in others misery as you are doing. Let's not pretend you and I don't go back in our dislike of each other, which lead to YOU being suspended for a month on here for going after me before. You just couldn't wait to CHIME IN and attack, could you?

You don't think this whole thing makes us alums sick to our stomach? These poor children's lives are forever ruined. We are now stained and tarnished for life due to this sick animal Sandusky, guilty by association. F-football, I honestly hope they give us the SMU 2 year death penalty and let us alum heal from this ugly, ugly tale. I feel nothing but embarrassment, guilt and disgust from this entire incident. How would you like being called Ped U, or Perv U? Feels good to take such glee in our shame, huh?

And so here it is. You using this for your big payback on me, under the guise you are "SO SICK", twisting my words before any of these facts were out. Does it make you feel good to take joy in our pain over this? It seems like it certainly does!

11-12-2011, 07:31 AM
I see why JoePa retained a high-powered criminal defense attorney. If the pimping to donors rumors are proven true, wow.

11-12-2011, 08:16 AM
This is so sad on so many levels. It always is a shock when people turn out to have dirty little secrets that nobody would have believed.

Just shows that the only person you can trust is yourself.

11-12-2011, 10:37 AM

typo should be revel

11-12-2011, 10:46 AM
The Administration/Coaching Staff at Penn State has earned the college any and all penalties, charges, legal challenges, shame and so on.

I think Perv U or Bottom U are a few great names that the higher up sick bastards have earned for an otherwise great school. Unfortunately for the alumni of the college, they will feel and bear the shame more so than the perps.

As others have said, all who knew and did nothing should be charge and dry gang raped in jail! Including Joe Paterno.

11-12-2011, 11:50 AM
Funny how the State Pen student body held a candle light vigil last night. Everything for da kids. Is the student body as a group running for public office soon? Do they want your vote? Looks like damage control. Did someone tell them to act like you care about the kids? Or, was this a Vigil for Ole Man Paterno? Maybe an impromptu pep rally? Is there a game today?


I'm sorry. Child rape makes me angry.

11-12-2011, 12:25 PM
Funny how the State Pen student body held a candle light vigil last night. Everything for da kids. Is the student body as a group running for public office soon? Do they want your vote? Looks like damage control. Did someone tell them to act like you care about the kids? Or, was this a Vigil for Ole Man Paterno? Maybe an impromptu pep rally? Is there a game today?


I'm sorry. Child rape makes me angry.

Couldn't of said it better. I guess they forgot that everyone was going to forget their initial reactions to when Joe Pa was terminated. To them, this is all about a game to them, ethics and morals go out the window.

11-12-2011, 01:19 PM
Couldn't of said it better. I guess they forgot that everyone was going to forget their initial reactions to when Joe Pa was terminated. To them, this is all about a game to them, ethics and morals go out the window.

Wasn't Lastings Milledge in some legal trouble in high school in regards to sexual contact with an underage girl? So maybe if you want to support him, you should remember the saying "People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones."

11-12-2011, 01:29 PM
Wasn't Lastings Milledge in some legal trouble in high school in regards to sexual contact with an underage girl? So maybe if you want to support him, you should remember the saying "People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones."

Was he convicted? Did it go any further than alleged? It was later to be proven that people were trying to tarnish his reputation for the draft. So please, don't bring up something that was never proven to be factual.

11-12-2011, 01:35 PM
Was he convicted? Did it go any further than alleged? It was later to be proven that people were trying to tarnish his reputation for the draft. So please, don't bring up something that was never proven to be factual.

When was Paterno convicted? He unfortunitly used poor judgement in not pushing the incident, but he didn't do anything ILLEGAL.

11-12-2011, 01:38 PM
When was Paterno convicted? He unfortunitly used poor judgement in not pushing the incident, but he didn't do anything ILLEGAL.

When did I ever weigh an opinion on Paterno? All I was alluding to was that the Penn State current student body acted too little too late in regards to the vigil, and their actions/reactions towards the situation.

11-12-2011, 01:54 PM
When did I ever weigh an opinion on Paterno? All I was alluding to was that the Penn State current student body acted too little too late in regards to the vigil, and their actions/reactions towards the situation.

The Penn State student body, alumini, and family are upset with not only for the terrible crime towards the kids, but for the poor portrayal of Paterno from the media and people, who don't know him. Paterno's
mistake was not knowing the sevarity of the situation and taking more action. We are upset that this is one situation takes priority over the 60 years of great things, he has done. Not to dismiss or put light to the tragedy that happened with the kids, but the tranish to Paterno's legacy is an injustice.

11-12-2011, 02:00 PM
The Penn State student body, alumini, and family are upset with not only for the terrible crime towards the kids, but for the poor portrayal of Paterno from the media and people, who don't know him. Paterno's
mistake was not knowing the sevarity of the situation and taking more action. We are upset that this is one situation takes priority over the 60 years of great things, he has done. Not to dismiss or put light to the tragedy that happened with the kids, but the tranish to Paterno's legacy is an injustice.

You are entitled to your feelings and opinions on this matter. Everyone has their own opinion towards the situation and towards the way it was carried out. All I ask, is not to bring up something totally irrelevant and nonsense to this serious situation. C'mon son.

11-12-2011, 02:15 PM
The Penn State student body, alumini, and family are upset with not only for the terrible crime towards the kids, but for the poor portrayal of Paterno from the media and people, who don't know him. Paterno's
mistake was not knowing the sevarity of the situation and taking more action. We are upset that this is one situation takes priority over the 60 years of great things, he has done. Not to dismiss or put light to the tragedy that happened with the kids, but the tranish to Paterno's legacy is an injustice.

There was/were impropriety's with underage children. The police should have been contacted long ago. He covered up for a friend. Paterno is trying to or has hired a criminal attorney, a good sign he may have something to hide.

11-12-2011, 02:17 PM
Wasn't Lastings Milledge in some legal trouble in high school in regards to sexual contact with an underage girl? So maybe if you want to support him, you should remember the saying "People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones."

Lastings was in high school at the time not a grown adult. If true, at least he chose the right sex to try and have coitus with. He wasn't poking 10 year old boys in the ass, like Sandusky!

11-12-2011, 02:27 PM
How exactly is everyone supposed to react at this point? It was around this time exactly one week ago that all of these allegations came out against Sandusky. Up until that point in the history of the program Penn State had never been so much as accused of any NCAA violations. The University had earned to that point a stellar reputation for both academics and athletics.

Fast forward not even one week in 2 or 3 days the University President, Head Coach, Athletic Director and Senior VP of Business are all gone. Two of those men Graham Spanier the President and Joe Paterno were to that point among the most respected men in their respective positions in the entire country. The head coach had been employed by the University for 62 years and his former D coordinator of 32 years is now being accused of one of the most serious crimes that anyone could possibly ever be accused of. To boot, to that point, this man was also supposedly among the most respected former assistant coaches and by all accounts had led a stellar off the field life mentoring kids.

To say this is all surreal and worse than the absolutely most horrifc horror movie that anybody could ever imagine is putting it mildly.

I think based upon my conversations this week with approximately 10 PSU alumni that they are simply in complete shock as to how such a horrific tragedy could possibly unfold and happen at their university. To think this through, even the most horrible NCAA violations at any university in history or scandals took months and sometimes years to be uncovered. You never see something come out and the entire university turned upside down with the entire administration and athletic dept. being fired in the course of 3 or 4 days. It is unchartered territory.

Again, this is not to minimize anything regarding this tragedy, but this is not a program that has any history of scandal at all. There has never been even a hint of problems or scandals up at PSU. This is Penn State and nothing like this should happen anywhere much less a place that has built its reputation on honor and integrity. To think that a coach who had worked 62 years in one place could go from being on the verge of nomination for the Presidential Medal of Freedom to fired in the course of 5 days is beyond comprehension.

I just think at this point everyone is so confused and simply does not know what to think or know what is coming next. There is just no strategy you can employ to deal with this, no playbook to look at to determine how to react or what actions should be taken. There has never been anything like this in the history of sports and we can only hope to God there is nothing like this again.

I too agree while this is horrible on every single level I will reserve final judgement on Joe Paterno's legacy until we know more. Was this simply reckless operation and a failure to follow through or was it a complete cover up orchestrated to protect the integrity and ultimately the financial juggarnaut that Penn State athletics is. Joe has absolutely done incredible things in his 62 years at Penn State for not only the University but for the community and the state and the countless student athletes that were entrusted to his care. Lets hope that is not all wiped out by more damning evidence, only time will tell.


11-12-2011, 03:05 PM
This is a pattern of cover up and Paterno regrets getting caught. He stated he with hindsight he wishes he would have done more, but he had every opportunity to and did not.

Everybody knew what happened in 1998 with Sandusky and he was told not to be showering with boys after that. He was allegedly caught by a university janitor giving oral sex to an underage boy in 2000. Then the incident in 2002 should have been the straw that broke the camel's back. It doesn't matter what details Paterno knew, he was banned from showering with boys and everybody knew that. He continued at that point to be allowed on campus and to work with the Second Mile organization.

There is a pattern of cover up that make you wonder if Penn State really was a clean program or just good at keeping issues in house.

I think JoePa probably retained a lawyer for the impending civil suits he will face for not doing more.

11-12-2011, 07:36 PM
We are upset that this is one situation takes priority over the 60 years of great things, he has done.

Covering up the rape of a child has many downfalls.

11-12-2011, 09:10 PM
Covering up the rape of a child has many downfalls.

The police and DA were aware of the situation for over a decade and yet they also allowed Sandusky to continue with these horrible acts. There are many more people who knew what was going no, but Paterno is the scape goat.

11-12-2011, 09:33 PM
The police and DA were aware of the situation for over a decade and yet they also allowed Sandusky to continue with these horrible acts. There are many more people who knew what was going no, but Paterno is the scape goat.

I apologize. I didn't realize the police knew for over a decade that Sandusky had raped a child. I stand corrected.

11-12-2011, 09:52 PM
I apologize. I didn't realize the police knew for over a decade that Sandusky had raped a child. I stand corrected.

Then those police should be charged as well. Anyone who help cover and hush things up for this sicko should be charged.

11-12-2011, 10:14 PM
Then those police should be charged as well. Anyone who help cover and hush things up for this sicko should be charged.

You are so correct. The DA at the time went missing. The later found his vehicle and his laptop (with the harddrive removed) in the river. After 6 years of him missing, he was pronounced legally dead. A search was done at his home computer and there was a search for how to erase a hard drive. I don't think we know the whole story and I don't think, we ever will.

11-12-2011, 11:45 PM

"There's no doubt Joe Paterno will be sued and it will be left up to the discovery process to determine his liability," Specter said. "There are a lot of victims who suffered damages, and I expect that some number of defendants will be obligated to pay a lot of money."

12-16-2011, 11:26 AM
Interesting comments from the hearing about Jerry Sandusky today:

McQueary said he was left with the impression both men took his report seriously. When asked why he didn’t go to police, he referenced Shultz’s position as a vice president at the university who had overseen the campus police

“I thought I was talking to the head of the police, to be frank with you,” he said. “In my mind it was like speaking to a (district attorney). It was someone who police reported to and would know what to do with it.”

Pretty much what I assumed all along. The guy thought he was properly reporting the actions he saw. The guy is now on leave from the Penn State Football program because he stumbled upon witnessing something so horrific and he stated under oath he thought his report was being made to the head of the police.

Pretty sad that this guy's timing may cost him his career. I always felt he thought he had reported it properly. Too bad he didn't know better.
