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View Full Version : Ryan Braun NL MVP!!1

11-22-2011, 02:04 PM
Ryan Braun is the man!!

11-22-2011, 02:07 PM
The right man took home the hardware!!

11-22-2011, 02:37 PM

11-22-2011, 02:50 PM
Being a Yankees fan I don't watch too much NL baseball but
statistically speaking how did Braun get it over Kemp? I understand
Brewers were major players in the pennant race and Braun was
a major reason but they also had Fielder who put up great numbers
Kemp put up near Triple Crown numbers with no protection.
Braun had an awesome year but just sayin...

11-22-2011, 03:36 PM
I was hoping Kemp would get it, but I can't argue with Braun getting it.

11-22-2011, 08:55 PM
Being a Yankees fan I don't watch too much NL baseball but
statistically speaking how did Braun get it over Kemp? I understand
Brewers were major players in the pennant race and Braun was
a major reason but they also had Fielder who put up great numbers
Kemp put up near Triple Crown numbers with no protection.
Braun had an awesome year but just sayin...

My friend and I were thinking the same thing. Happy for Braun (UM alum) but can someone elaborate more as to how he beat out Kemp decidedly other than Milwaukee got further than LA did this year?

11-22-2011, 09:09 PM
The only reason that makes sense is that Braun's team went to the playoffs, Kemp had better stats in almost every category.

11-23-2011, 09:32 AM
My friend and I were thinking the same thing. Happy for Braun (UM alum) but can someone elaborate more as to how he beat out Kemp decidedly other than Milwaukee got further than LA did this year?

See my post dated 11-09-11 for my humble explanation/opinion...
Here's the link: http://www.gameuseduniverse.com/vb_forum/showthread.php?t=47024&page=3

11-23-2011, 10:50 AM
See my post dated 11-09-11 for my humble explanation/opinion...
Here's the link: http://www.gameuseduniverse.com/vb_forum/showthread.php?t=47024&page=3

Good explanation. I agree with you although I've never much liked the idea of giving it to the guy who was on the better team even if his stats were a little less than another player who was on a non-contending team. Thanks for the input.

11-23-2011, 12:42 PM
I had the same discussion with my son last night as to why Kemp should have received the award.

1. He made a legitimate run at the first triple crown in 45 years.
2. He led the league in Home Runs, RBIs, runs scored, OPS and total bases
3. He is also both a silver slugger award winner
4. He is also a golden glove award winner (hence best defensive player at his position in addition to the ridiculous offensive numbers).

1. Braun had the protection of Fielder in the lineup (Fielder finished 3rd in MVP voting himself). Kemp had nobody even close to him for protection.
2. The Brewers were a better all-around team than the Dodgers. There is no way the Dodgers ever had a chance at the playoffs this year...and nobody is taking into consideration how poorly the Dodgers would have finished without Kemp's offense.
3. The Brewers ran away with their division. In fact MLB.COM predicted them to win the division before the season started. The Dodgers were never expected to be a serious contender.
Bottom line, being on the better team with the better protection in the lineup shouldn't give you any better a chance than the next player. In fact, in my opinion, it is an unfair advantage.

11-23-2011, 02:28 PM
All very good points...

when Braun was stepping into the batter's box in pressure-filled situations (ie; 1st division title in 29 years on the line, a surging Cardinals team making a strong push to the finish, sold-out Miller Park, etc.), Kemp had the "advantage" of just the opposite. You could argue his only pressure was coming from his Triple Crown run.

I truly believe (taking an un-biased angle on this one) much merit should go to a player who has to handle those types of things over the other.

How did Braun respond to the pressure?
By hitting bomb after bomb AND taking home September Player of the Month honors. If that wasn't foreshadowing into the MVP results, I don't know what was.

11-23-2011, 02:45 PM
And that is why it is such a good debate. There is no right or wrong.

Bottom line, and this should not be arguable, it was a 2 horse race.

That said, did you happen to notice that Justin Upton received a first place vote? How is this possible???

11-23-2011, 03:00 PM
So let get this straight.
Braun had the better lineup to help protect him and his numbers and he wind the MVP?
Kemp didn't have any help and still put up better numbers and he doesn't win the MVP?

Just shows how much these awards really mean.

11-23-2011, 03:05 PM
And that is why it is such a good debate. There is no right or wrong.

Bottom line, and this should not be arguable, it was a 2 horse race.

That said, did you happen to notice that Justin Upton received a first place vote? How is this possible???

I agree 100% on the great debate...and, YES...it was a 2-horse race.
Regarding Upton: my guess is that the single 1st place vote came from one of the writer's that cover the DBacks. That's the ONLY explanation.

11-23-2011, 03:08 PM
I agree 100% on the great debate...and, YES...it was a 2-horse race.
Regarding Upton: my guess is that the single 1st place vote came from one of the writer's that cover the DBacks. That's the ONLY explanation.

Kind of how Michael Young got a vote in the AL. I found that one funny.

11-23-2011, 03:56 PM
Kind of how Michael Young got a vote in the AL. I found that one funny.
I would have gave the award to Young. I think he does more for his team than any other player in baseball besides Pujols.

11-23-2011, 04:07 PM
I'm not a Brewers fan or Dodgers fan but my vote would have gone to Kemp for all of the reasons mentioned above. Braun had a wonderful season on a wonderful team. Can't take anything away from him...and he doesn't get to vote. But you have to wonder, what would Kemp's numbers have looked like playing in that Park, with the support of the Milwaukee fans and playing with teammates like Fielder, Hart, Morgan, Weeks etc.? Instead, Kemp plays on a team that never competed, an ownership that is so lousy that MLB wanted to take the team away from the owner, terrible fan support and he played under the cloud of that terrible fan beating that took the wind out of LA baseball fans. The performance by Kershaw (at his age) and Kemp was something special and they both deserved the top prize from MLB for their performance. Braun and Kemp will go on to have incredible careers, but you wonder if a mistake was made here. You wonder if MLB (and the press following baseball) voted for Braun over Kemp in a close race because they are pulling hard for Braun to be the next big star. Don't think that is so far removed from the truth. I heard a NL MLB pitcher say today, "Kemp was the most feared batter in the NL this season." Makes you wonder.

11-23-2011, 04:27 PM
One of the guest (His name escapes me now)on MLB network who has a vote in the MVP balloting said that Kemp had the best season in the major leagues this year. But he voted for Braun. :confused:

11-23-2011, 04:43 PM
Kemp should have gotten it

11-23-2011, 05:48 PM
I would have gave the award to Young. I think he does more for his team than any other player in baseball besides Pujols.

Young is a great player but I could never justify voting for him as MVP over the likes of Ellsbury, Granderson, Cabrera, Bautista this year. I don't mention Verlander just b/c I don't think pitchers should be in MVP if they have their own award already, but that's a whole different topic :D.