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View Full Version : Pujols gamers

12-18-2011, 10:20 AM
As someone who has collected game used bats for a while now, ive always had a question in mind about pujols bats.

The question is: if pujols tars the middle of his bats, why is a "clean" handle one of his bat characteristics?

The purpose of tar is for grip correct? So one could assume pujols touches the tar, so how could his handle's be clean? Not sure what to make of this.

12-18-2011, 04:04 PM
Here's a link to Birdbats (Jeff Scott) guide to Albert Pujols GU bats:http://webpages.charter.net/birdbats/Birdbats/Notes%20and%20Articles/Pujols%20bat%20buyers%20guide.htm

Jeff would be the guy to answer your question.

Thanks, Bobby