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View Full Version : 2012 Mets

03-22-2012, 05:32 PM
I know a ton of fans are down on the Mets right now, and rightly so. However, in looking at the middle of this year's lineup, is anyone else intrigued by the potential? Wright, Davis, Bay, Duda I'm guessing in that order. Certainly a lot has to go right for this overall lineup to score enough to win often but there seems to be promise from the middle four in the order. Anyone else agree?

Hopeful Mets fan,

03-22-2012, 11:31 PM
You are forgetting to factor in that at least one of those guys will go down with a bizarre injury that the Mets' mediical staff will completely botch...and Bay is likely washed up. They lost their best offensive player.

If you want to be hopeful, hope that Johan can regain his form and one or two of the minor leaguer pitchers can perform.