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View Full Version : What's wrong with this picture?

04-11-2012, 12:48 PM

LOL! Where does one begin? Gee, the Steelers have NEVER in their history worn logos on the left side of the helmet. Seeing it there actually just looks weird. And they are one of the few team that does not use front and rear bumper stickers with their names on them.

The seller mentions it's game quality, but then also states in the title it is a PITTSBURGH Steelers, which is inaccurate due to the logo placement. Sadly someone with ZERO NFL knowledge sold him this or would buy it. Or it's a high school helmet (which would actually make more sense). I just hope no one bids believing otherwise, especially for the ridiculous price he is asking!

04-11-2012, 06:24 PM
Thats pretty ammusing.

04-11-2012, 07:02 PM
Well that was fast....welcome back Mickey!:)

04-11-2012, 07:18 PM
That drives me crazy. E bay is like the yard sale. People try to make helmets and sell them. When the decals are so far off. Don't get me wrong i've made 2 helmets got so picky down to the mil of the decal. I will never sell them and I will never try to tell anyone they are gamers! Shame on people

04-11-2012, 08:35 PM
WAIT...it get's better yet! The logo has "magically" been fixed and is now on the correct side!!! LMAO!! WOW! Stay FAR AWAY from this bad joke.

04-11-2012, 09:50 PM
It's a miracle!!!!