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View Full Version : Authentic Gary Sheffield Bat?

04-17-2012, 07:31 PM
Hey guys, new member here! Great website you guys have here.

Anyways, just wanted to get your opinions on this Gary Sheffield Sam Bat.
Do you think it's real? If so what do you think it's worth is?


04-17-2012, 09:44 PM
I hate it. Spend money on one thats signed and inscribed from Sheff. There are plenty of them out there. Look for his custom tape job and pine near the handle. The explanation of the seller that its "rare" being a sam bat is false. He has used Sams, as well as, numerous other models of bats.

Thats just my two cents, there are plenty of other sheffs out there worth spending money on that are sourced better with more use and proper characteristics.
