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View Full Version : Can anyone confirm that Chris Carter (A's) used a black Marucci this year?

04-29-2012, 12:13 PM
Need this info quick please! i looked and couldnt find a picture of him using one, but maybe i didnt look in the right place. Thanks!

04-30-2012, 12:53 PM
I can ask him this weekend, He's hooking me up with tickets to the games in Tucson.

04-30-2012, 01:06 PM
Thanks but the auction ends today. Thats pretty cool though!

04-30-2012, 01:11 PM
for the 25-30 bucks it will probably sell for it may be worth getting and then I'll ask him. I would text him and ask but I don't feel comfortable doing that just yet.

04-30-2012, 01:25 PM
Dang you have Chris Carters number? Thats awesome. Do you have an opinion on the bat?

04-30-2012, 01:57 PM
I got to know him this spring because he's a car buff and he saw me getting out of my Nissan GTR at the spring training complex to visit my buddy who is the head grounds keeper there and we started chatting. After the game I let him take it for a ride and he gave me his number and told me to let him know if I ever need tickets. He sent me a text last week asking if I was interested in going to any games when they are in Tucson this weekend. I just don't feel right sending him a text asking him this stuff seeing as I still don't know him all that well.

I have seen him using Marucci's in the past. Most pics of him that I found and what he has used in the past has been Old Hicks. I have a Diego bat (Eric Chavez's company) of his that I got last year. I have not seen him play at all this season so I cannot confirm if he is using them or not. It was made in early Feb according to the stamping so I would assume it would be a ST bat.

04-30-2012, 11:06 PM
So did you get the bat for 22.50?