Hopefully no one on here was the winner of the 1971 Braves road flannel on ebay that started and sold yesterday.
The jersey was listed as an Atlanta Braves 1971 road flannel of Pat Jarvis that had been handed down to the minor leagues. It is the same style as worn by the Atlanta Braves; however it has incorrect Spalding tags and most likely was manufactured for minor league use and never saw use in Atlanta. Atlanta flannels carried the standard blue rectangle Spalding tags that one sees regularly on Atlanta Braves road flannels.
The white Spalding tag is not from a MLB jersey.
The blue Spalding tag is correct for the period.
The jersey was listed as an Atlanta Braves 1971 road flannel of Pat Jarvis that had been handed down to the minor leagues. It is the same style as worn by the Atlanta Braves; however it has incorrect Spalding tags and most likely was manufactured for minor league use and never saw use in Atlanta. Atlanta flannels carried the standard blue rectangle Spalding tags that one sees regularly on Atlanta Braves road flannels.
The white Spalding tag is not from a MLB jersey.
The blue Spalding tag is correct for the period.