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View Full Version : Question On MEARS Auction Yesterday

06-03-2012, 08:46 AM
Anyone bid on MEARS last night? I put in a max bid before I go to bed at approximately 10:15pm. I am high bidder. At the time the total of bids is 8 on the lot. I wake up this morning, my max bid wins. The total of bids is 13. ???? I receive 5 e mails for High Bidder notifications after my 10:15pm bid bringing the total to 13. If someone else bid against me shouldn't the total of bids be more than 13?? If I bid 5 more times after my 10:15 bid I would think that there would have been 4 other bids. My 5 plus their 4. I am confused!! Any one have thoughts? I remember years ago this happening to me on American Memorabilia auctions. Thanks.

06-03-2012, 08:51 AM
You didn't bid five more times after your max bid. Someone was bidding against your max bid. Five more bids against your max bid would be the correct 13 total bids.

06-03-2012, 09:15 AM
Thanks. I would have think that the bids placed against mine would show on the total of bids. For example .I put a max of $350.00. My current winning bid is $100. They bid $125.00 I go to $150. They go $175.00 I go $200.00 They go $225.00 I go $250.00. they go $275.00 I go $300.00.They go $325.00 I go $350.00. The total bids after my initial bid is more than 5. That's where I am confused. I guess they only count my 5 bids Towards the total.

06-03-2012, 12:35 PM
Your upbids are based on your original max bid and do not count toward the total number of bids. Each of the other bidders straight bids would count toward the bid count.

$100. (8) They bid $125.00 (9) I go to $150. They go $175.00 (10) I go $200.00 They go $225.00 (11) I go $250.00. they go $275.00 (12) I go $300.00.They go $325.00 (13) I go $350.00.

Your max bid was already counted in the 1st 8 bids.

06-03-2012, 12:57 PM
Thanks for clearing it up for me!

06-03-2012, 01:49 PM
I've followed most of the big auctions for a good number of years, and my impression is MEARS runs honest auctions.

06-03-2012, 01:55 PM
I can say there was one auction house where I thought and questioned to fellow hobbyists that the bidding patterns seemed, shall we say, questionable, and the auction house later got in trouble with the Feds for their bidding. So I think I have a bit of an eye for this issue. I've never detected anything resembling house shilling with MEARS, and they've otherwise seemed honest and up and up.