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View Full Version : Minnesota Gophers Old, Old, Old Uniform & Old Helmets

06-03-2012, 03:24 PM
I'm not sure how old. Maybe some of the vintage collectors may know.

And some old Gophers helmets as well.

Gridiron Heroes
06-03-2012, 08:01 PM
T-he mustard gold helmet on the far right is from 1968-70. The helmet next to that is from the early 40's. I don't know about the one on the left. I would guess the uniform above is from the teens to the twentys. If you're looking for a buyer for the helmets, let me know. Do you know where they came from?

www.gopherjerseys.com (http://www.gopherjerseys.com)

06-04-2012, 05:09 PM
I'm currently looking to create an exhibit on the evolution of early football gear. The MEARS Research center may be interested in this item as part of a permanent exhibit. If intersted in selling, please contact us at troy@mearsonline.com

Troy R. Kinunen/MEARS Research Center & Museum

06-05-2012, 12:44 PM
I'm currently looking to create an exhibit on the evolution of early football gear. The MEARS Research center may be interested in this item as part of a permanent exhibit. If intersted in selling, please contact us at troy@mearsonline.com

Troy R. Kinunen/MEARS Research Center & Museum

Thank you for the interest. I will keep it in mind.

06-05-2012, 12:55 PM
T-he mustard gold helmet on the far right is from 1968-70. The helmet next to that is from the early 40's. I don't know about the one on the left. I would guess the uniform above is from the teens to the twentys. If you're looking for a buyer for the helmets, let me know. Do you know where they came from?

www.gopherjerseys.com (http://www.gopherjerseys.com)

I have found some information regarding the uniform. It is call a union suit and is from the turn of the century. When did the Gophers start playing? The helmet on the far left is part of the uniform. I can't really reveal where the helmets came from other than they have a undeniable provenance. I'm not looking to sell quite yet. But I will most assuredly keep you in mind. I believe you went to Hamline correct? I went to St. Thomas 83-87. I understand you have an MIAC helmet collection. I would love to see what you have! Maybe you would be willing to part with one or two? :)

Gridiron Heroes
06-05-2012, 04:01 PM
Minnesota's first game was 1882 vs Hamline. I graduated from Hamline in 2006 w/ my MAED and from the U of M in 2001 w/ a BA. My girlfriend went to St. Thomas and her mom cooks for the priests there. I used to have the entire MIAC, but I sold the entire conference minus the Hamline when I moved to FL. My partners have them now, but they won't sell anything. I may be able to get a St. Thomas, but you should be able to pick up most the others by calling or emailing the ADs. Just let them know you're a Tommy and MIAC fan. That's what I did (from a Piper standpoint). St. Thomas and Hamline were the toughest to get. My partners and I would definately buy one piece or the entire lot. LMK whenever you're ready.

www.gopherjerseys.com (http://www.gopherjerseys.com)