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08-15-2012, 02:10 PM

08-15-2012, 02:25 PM

At least he was honest about what he did.

08-15-2012, 03:06 PM
Wow what a shame!! I really ended up liking Melky as a player especially being a former Yankee.

I remember when he first came up I actually despised him a bit. He came up and wore uniform number #39 (Strawberrys Yankee number) and he was the biggest screw up in the outfield dropping everything, misreading where the ball was going, making terrible plays. It was like putting a kid out there who never played baseball before. As you can imagine he didnt last long maybe about 2 weeks and they sent him back down. Sometime had passed and he came back up and it was like those first 2 weeks never happened he was on point with everything running, athletic grabbing the ball, stealing homeruns. I started to like this young squirrley kid, then he became kinda like the sidekick to Robinson Cano. Hes a small little guy started to remind of like the runt of a litter always fighting to get to the top. But with so many stars on the Yankees there was no way he would get that starting chance. So when I heard he was going to San Fran I was actually happy for him, thinking now he will get his chance. And then to see him shoot like a star was even a great feeling. Just to learn this!! What a disappointment:(

08-15-2012, 03:14 PM
I give him credit for owning up to it instead of pulling a Braun.

08-15-2012, 03:23 PM
I give him credit for owning up to it instead of pulling a Braun.

I'm confused. Ryan Braun's tests were tainted as they were not properly handled per the rules of collecting samples - What did he do wrong that you compare him to Melky?

08-15-2012, 04:02 PM
I'm confused. Ryan Braun's tests were tainted as they were not properly handled per the rules of collecting samples - What did he do wrong that you compare him to Melky?

You must be serious!

Braun pulled a technicality - "oh my sample must have been tainted because it was stuck in the handler's basement over the weekend due to non-fedEx deliver"

Before you had the OJ's "if the glove doesnt fit, you must acquit" .. now you have Braun's "take the test on friday and if it fails, blame on the handler and Fedex".

At least Melky MAN UP on his mistake - life goes on and fans will forgive and forget.

08-15-2012, 04:09 PM
You must be serious!

Braun pulled a technicality - "oh my sample must have been tainted because it was stuck in the handler's basement over the weekend due to non-fedEx deliver"

Before you had the OJ's "if the glove doesnt fit, you must acquit" .. now you have Braun's "take the test on friday and if it fails, blame on the handler and Fedex".

At least Melky MAN UP on his mistake - life goes on and fans will forgive and forget.

Melky handled his situation perfectly. Comparing OJ Simpson to Ryan Braun is not fair. A guy charged with murder to two innocent people and a person charged with injecting himself with drugs is like apples and lava rocks. There is nothing to compare there.

Ryan Braun never had a proper test, so there is no way to know if he was guilty or not. Major League Baseball withdrew their charges against him so there must be no proof against him so comparing him to someone who was legally caught is not really fair or just in my opinion.

08-15-2012, 04:31 PM
Braun was caught! And the arbitrator decided not MLB. MLB wasn't happy with the ruling.

08-15-2012, 05:09 PM
IMHO I believe this is worse than the McGwire's or Sosa's or Clemens' or even Canseco's. Those guys all did it when seemingly everyone in the sport was doing it and MLB didn't care. Using PED's after that debacle? .

How stupid do you have to be to take PED's in baseball right now?

Lastly, owning up to it when you are caught like a punk isn't being "a man", it's macho jock BS from a barely AAA level player who had to cheat to be relevant in MLB. Being "a man" is working your butt off in the gym, training 12 months a year and earning your time in the Show. I'm beginning to see how he was so expendable by the Yanks, the Braves and the Royals.

08-15-2012, 06:10 PM
Who really cares if he admitted to it, he may have cost his team a shot at the playoffs, he cost himself millions as he approaches free agency, he made his MVP award from all-star game a joke , etc....Also, I heard on a local radio show MLB levied the suspension with him 1 plate appearance short of being able to qualify for the batting title- outstanding timing. Peds giveth and Peds taketh

08-15-2012, 06:16 PM
I'm sure I read he gave an interview two weeks before where he denied drug use or something like that. Was in an interview with Andrew Baggarly of CSNBayArea.com don't have exact quote though.

08-15-2012, 07:38 PM
There was this apology by Baggarly a few weeks ago.


08-15-2012, 07:49 PM
I'm confused. Ryan Braun's tests were tainted as they were not properly handled per the rules of collecting samples - What did he do wrong that you compare him to Melky?

Braun's tests were tainted because they came from his body tainted, not because they were tainted by the handler..the seals were unbroken. The ridiculousness of your argument is akin to the ridiclousness of letting OJ walk becasue the gloves didn't fit. The analogy used by marino13 is fitting.....

08-15-2012, 08:50 PM
+1 - Like Braun's issue tainted the 2011 NL MVP Award, Melky's issue has tainted the 2012 AS MVP Award.

Braun was not 'cleared' - he got off on a technicality and if you go back and look at it, he NEVER said he he DIDN'T take anything. Just that he he would beat the charge.

Melky has embarrassed himself, his team, the league and the game.

Absolutely gutless decision to take PED's in today's day and age.

You want a story of redemption and putting in the hard work? Look at Eric Young Jr's year so far with the Rockies.

He quit eating junk, erased soda from his diet and got serious about his game and is having a career year.

Before this season,he had ONE HR. The one I corralled back in 2009.

After today, he has 4 this year. Does that mean he should be tested? I'm sure he would take the test in a heartbeat.

Young in body and mind: Eric Young Jr. finds success with fitness (http://www.denverpost.com/rockies/ci_21237759/young-body-and-mind-eric-young-jr-finds)

He should be an inspiration to any player who is looking to 'up his game' without using PEDs.

His tagline on Twitter and coming into Spring Training is 'R2BI' - Refuse to be Ignored.

- Smitty

IMHO I believe this is worse than the McGwire's or Sosa's or Clemens' or even Canseco's. Those guys all did it when seemingly everyone in the sport was doing it and MLB didn't care. Using PED's after that debacle? .

How stupid do you have to be to take PED's in baseball right now?

Lastly, owning up to it when you are caught like a punk isn't being "a man", it's macho jock BS from a barely AAA level player who had to cheat to be relevant in MLB. Being "a man" is working your butt off in the gym, training 12 months a year and earning your time in the Show. I'm beginning to see how he was so expendable by the Yanks, the Braves and the Royals.

08-16-2012, 01:25 AM
There was a comment in SI's article about this that really bugged me:

Manager Bruce Bochy broke the news to his team in a meeting about 90 minutes before the start of a 6-4 loss to the Washington Nationals.
"Melky, he was hurt by it," Bochy said. "It's obvious he was disappointed."

Is Bochy serious? That was his comment that "Melky was hurt by it & he was disappointed?" By what exactly—getting caught cheating? I think Bochy deserves a suspension for being an idiot.

I actually think the steroid guys from a generation ago should be forgiven some of their past sins, they played in an era where baseball was turning a blind eye (at best)...

But, I think they need to instill a death penalty rule at this point: if you get caught using PEDs in this era, first time = full season, second time = lifetime ban.

If you play sports, you should know by now that this stuff is against the rules.

08-16-2012, 01:59 AM
IMHO I believe this is worse than the McGwire's or Sosa's or Clemens' or even Canseco's. Those guys all did it when seemingly everyone in the sport was doing it and MLB didn't care. Using PED's after that debacle? .

How stupid do you have to be to take PED's in baseball right now?

Lastly, owning up to it when you are caught like a punk isn't being "a man", it's macho jock BS from a barely AAA level player who had to cheat to be relevant in MLB. Being "a man" is working your butt off in the gym, training 12 months a year and earning your time in the Show. I'm beginning to see how he was so expendable by the Yanks, the Braves and the Royals.

I agree 100% with your opening statement - In this day in age, who is stupid enough to take drugs that could cost them and their team? That edge and risk and rewards then getting caught? Lions, tigers and bears, oh my. So stupid.

Back when Mac and Canseco took drugs we all laughed and knew they were doping and it was accepted at the time. No one through twice about it until years later and then baseball, with pressure from Congress, made it against the rules of the game.

Now, if you abuse and are properly caught, you are foolish.

Finally, all the haters of the debate about Ryan Braun - His test results were found to be improperly handled and they are not admissible. I don't know what happened to his sample, but no doubt he was relieved of any wrongdoing. He didn't kill anyone. He didn't allegedly kill anyone. He was accused of failing a test and they threw out the results so who knows what the truth really is.

I believe he has passed all tests since, so good for him!

08-16-2012, 10:31 AM
Now it seems clear that the Giants knew of the test result and went hard into acquiring Hunter Pence.
I also read an opinion that Melky cost himself about $60-$70MM in free agency dollars this offseason. Talk about short sighted behavior....


08-16-2012, 11:25 AM
Now it seems clear that the Giants knew of the test result and went hard into acquiring Hunter Pence.
I also read an opinion that Melky cost himself about $60-$70MM in free agency dollars this offseason. Talk about short sighted behavior....


Great news!!! Glad to hear he screwed himself outta some big duckies!!!

08-16-2012, 12:54 PM
Maybe now they can stop giving out MVP awards for an exhibition game... One can wish...

08-16-2012, 01:26 PM
Not guilty doesn't mean innocent. Braun's urine was tested to the Olympic level and procedure. He wasn't "relieved of any wrong doing" at all. He had a failed test that had THREE numbered tamper proof seals on it and he signed the seals and all associated paperwork. None of the seals were found to be tampered with when delivered to the lab. If you don't think he got off on a technicality, then I really don't know what to tell you. At least Melky had the berries to admit it and not throw innocent people under the bus to save yourself.

08-16-2012, 02:33 PM
Melky has a very good chance of winning the NL batting title.

08-16-2012, 03:05 PM
Melky has a very good chance of winning the NL batting title.

I think he was one AB short of qualifying for the batting title.

08-16-2012, 03:13 PM
They would add an 0 for 1 to his avg, not effecting his .346. Definitely would be a travesty.

08-16-2012, 05:57 PM
They would add an 0 for 1 to his avg, not effecting his .346. Definitely would be a travesty.

I think that the MLB should adopt a much tougher stance with regard to PEDs. If you fail a drug test, you lose any chance of earning an MVP, ROY, Cy Young, etc., in that year. Additionally, any of the awards you win from that year - clean or while juicing - should be revoked. And the year's stats - up until the time of suspension - should be erased from a player's record. With such policies in place, it would take away even the temptation to cheat.

08-17-2012, 07:10 AM
I'm confused regarding the batting title. I thing it used to be 502 Plate appearances (3.1 x 162) as a minimum, regardless of how many of those PA's were AB's. I think it's true that if someone fell short of the 502, they would add enough hitless AB's to reach the minimum and if it was still the best, they'd award the title. I wonder if this was contemplated in the agreement with the Player's Association regarding PED's?

Or am I completely wrong on this?

08-17-2012, 11:54 AM
An interesting penalty would be to take the wins away from the team-- ala NCAA. You can bet the team and teammates would be more diligent about steroids prevention.

I realize they'd never do it.

08-17-2012, 11:04 PM
Not guilty doesn't mean innocent. Braun's urine was tested to the Olympic level and procedure. He wasn't "relieved of any wrong doing" at all. He had a failed test that had THREE numbered tamper proof seals on it and he signed the seals and all associated paperwork. None of the seals were found to be tampered with when delivered to the lab. If you don't think he got off on a technicality, then I really don't know what to tell you. At least Melky had the berries to admit it and not throw innocent people under the bus to save yourself.


08-19-2012, 10:35 AM

08-19-2012, 11:18 AM
Ridiculous... up the penalty.

08-19-2012, 11:17 PM
All of Melky's entourage should get FIRED for this dumb move!

If you going to try, at least call Braun's entourage up and pulled the same argument and hope that the arbitrator is the same idiot that MLB hired and then fired after the fiasco!

Come on.

08-22-2012, 02:30 PM
Add Colon to the list..

08-22-2012, 02:35 PM
Is it just me or is it seems like a "witch" hunt happening? So far, two potential playoff teams got targeted. Who's next?

Either way, I am okay with it since it is "not" being rumored or leaked or whatever they called it now-a-day.

The season is far from over, I would not be surprised if they have a handful or two of these suspensions waiting to be the "news of the day".