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View Full Version : Fair market value price for a game worn Randall Godfrey Titans helmet?

08-19-2012, 06:16 PM
Hey guys,

As you know, I kinda like the Titans a little bit :)

Got a question - a guy I know has a Randall Godfrey game worn Titans helmet - everything looks good, the #56 number decals are on the back in the correct spot, and the guy offered it to me for $250 - I even went as high as $200 but he WOULD NOT budge. I'm wondering if $250 is a fair price for it given that it's got a LOT of wear and Randall was a decent player - I've never bought a game helmet before and I've learned kinda what to look for.

Two questions I guess - 1. What is fair market value? Is $250 a reasonable price? And 2. Is there any way to date the helmet with a code or anything like that inside/outside the helmet?

Thanks again and I REALLY appreciate the help. I didn't think to take pics because that would have made too much sense. I'm definitely confident in the authenticity, I just want to make sure I'm not overpaying.

08-19-2012, 06:28 PM
Well I say I was confident but I'm starting to think the said helmet is more likely to be worn by Dennis Stallings than Randall Godfrey, because I'm not seeing many game helmets (or any) past 1999 that had number decals on the back of the helmet.

08-19-2012, 10:46 PM
The facemask is probably Schutt. Codes below. This is a simple place to start for dating.

3-letter code:
First is month
A = Jan, B = Feb, etc.
2nd is decade
G = 70s, H = 80s, I = 90s, J = 2000s, etc.
3rd is year
A = 1, B = 2, ... I = 9, J = 0.

From what I've seen, $250 is not unreasonable for any NFL helmet if it's genuine.

08-19-2012, 10:58 PM
250$ is a pretty good price. Figure a replica is at least 200 so if you get it and just get it signed it would be cool

08-19-2012, 11:08 PM
That's very helpful...I'm thinking it's Dennis Stallings which is still cool. I'm working on getting some pics though.

08-19-2012, 11:20 PM
Dumb question - I'll have a few I'm sure :)

Where on the facemask would the code be, and is there anything on the helmet itself to date it, or just the facemask? That REALLY helps a lot though Brian - I'm definitely keeping that info for reference.

The facemask is probably Schutt. Codes below. This is a simple place to start for dating.

3-letter code:
First is month
A = Jan, B = Feb, etc.
2nd is decade
G = 70s, H = 80s, I = 90s, J = 2000s, etc.
3rd is year
A = 1, B = 2, ... I = 9, J = 0.

From what I've seen, $250 is not unreasonable for any NFL helmet if it's genuine.

08-20-2012, 12:24 PM
Here's a sample facemask code from an old post. DIG is April 1997.

Yes, the shell is marked too. The mark and location varies by manufacturer and vintage. Generally Schutt heat stamps below one of the earholes - it's a 6-7 digit number that might be followed by a letter or two. Riddell heat stamps a circular mark in the crown as shown in the second photo. Often you have to push the padding aside to find the mark.

Photos would be great. There are some VERY knowledgable helmet people here.

08-20-2012, 10:31 PM
Allright I finally have some pics and some more info - the facemask is a Riddell mask and the inside of the facemask reads Riddell Inc 03-01 (MB) and the second line has the code "NOCSAE".

ANY help is MUCH appreciated - I know Brian had pointed out how to "date" Schutt helmets/facemasks but Riddell I'm not sure how. Anyone know?

08-21-2012, 10:34 AM
I really hope these pics and/or the information I obtained helps - I am supposed to let the guy know something by tomorrow. Any help is much appreciated. Is there anything else needed to assist in determining the date of the helmet?

08-21-2012, 01:28 PM
This is the reverse of what I guessed. A Schutt helmet with a Riddell mask. Not impossible, but very unusual.

08-21-2012, 01:36 PM
Interesting - do you happen to know how to date riddell facemasks? The number decal on the back matches up to the Titans helmet from 1999 that I found (Dainon Sidney).

I really appreciate all the help Brian - I just want to make 110% sure I'm buying Randall Godfrey's helmet and not Dennis Stallings' helmet, as Dennis didn't play in a regular season game in 1999 but I'm sure practiced a TON.

08-21-2012, 01:38 PM
Here's the photo for reference...it's a 1999 helmet sold by American Memorabilia

08-21-2012, 01:43 PM
I also am trying to 100% confirm the authenticity of this one as well as I am working with the seller on a potential cash/trade. I'm very certain this is legit but with so many helmet experts on here I definitely want to make sure, as any responsible collector would.

Thanks again and I may have to send out thank you cards due to all the help people are offering - this is one reason I really am glad I joined this board. Seriously, the knowledge here is overwhelming.

08-21-2012, 01:44 PM
I also am trying to 100% confirm the authenticity of this one as well as I am working with the seller on a potential cash/trade. I'm very certain this is legit but with so many helmet experts on here I definitely want to make sure, as any responsible collector would.

Thanks again and I may have to send out thank you cards due to all the help people are offering - this is one reason I really am glad I joined this board. Seriously, the knowledge here is overwhelming.


My God I think it'd help to include the actual LINK...:)

I'm more interested in this one than the said Godfrey helmet but ideally will take both based on the findings of authenticity.

08-21-2012, 02:52 PM
The Riddell date code means March of 2001. In my opinion the Godfrey has too many problems. it's missing the rear flag decal, the placement of the rear decals is wrong, the side clips appear to be the wrong brand and there is no numerical identifiers inside the helmet. eddie george George looks good in my opinion, I thought about buying it but I do not like running backs.

08-21-2012, 03:41 PM
No chance it could be an instance where a sticker/s may have fallen off, correct? Because (to me) the number decals match up perfectly to the 1999 example of the Dainon Sidney helmet that sold in the pic I provided. Is it possible the helmet is a 1999 one and would have been merely a practice used helmet of Dennis Stallings? ….Or are there too many problems past that in your estimation?

I REALLY appreciate the help as I’m very much hoping this helmet is/was real – the middleman is a friend of mine from the baseball games who is 15 and has been doing his best to take pictures and try to look at date codes, etc, so I haven’t dealt directly with the seller who is his neighbor. To his knowledge this is the only game worn thing he owns. The other thing I wonder is if someone’s faking a Dennis Stallings/Randall Godfrey helmet, how seriously in trouble is our hobby? My friend is going to try to get more pics of the inside of the helmet and anything else I may need pics of.

08-21-2012, 03:56 PM
In 1999 the Titans had already stopped using numbers on the rear of the helmets.

The American flag was not worn until 2001 and beyond.

The Titans used double facemask clips on the sides on the majority of their helmets in 1999. Even McNair - the quarterback wore double (two) clips on the sides of his helmet.

The majority of Titans wore Schutt facemasks in 1999 - not Riddell. There were a couple of Riddell facemasks on the team, but the vast majority were Schutt.

The mixture of brands of facemask clips does not bother me. The Schutt are the correct brand of clips IMO for the Titan helmets from this period. Many equipment managers have mixed clips with mask and helmet brands. Red Batty of the Packers use to mix them, and often times went just the opposite of this helmet - using Riddell clips with Schutt masks. Many times he used Schutt on the top mounts and Riddell on the sides.

To me, this helmet and the AMI helmet have some issues for a true 1999 Titan gamer.

08-21-2012, 04:05 PM
In 1999 the Titans had already stopped using numbers on the rear of the helmets.

The American flag was not worn until 2001 and beyond.

The Titans used double facemask clips on the sides on the majority of their helmets in 1999. Even McNair - the quarterback wore double (two) clips on the sides of his helmet.

The majority of Titans wore Schutt facemasks in 1999 - not Riddell. There were a couple of Riddell facemasks on the team, but the vast majority were Schutt.

The mixture of brands of facemask clips does not bother me. The Schutt are the correct brand of clips IMO for the Titan helmets from this period. Many equipment managers have mixed clips with mask and helmet brands. Red Batty of the Packers use to mix them, and often times went just the opposite of this helmet - using Riddell clips with Schutt masks. Many times he used Schutt on the top mounts and Riddell on the sides.

To me, this helmet and the AMI helmet have some issues for a true 1999 Titan gamer.

That helps a TON - Are you confident about the Eddie George helmet as well? I'm going ahead and purchasing that provided nobody thinks it's bad. Thank you VERY much, Helmets!

08-21-2012, 05:20 PM
Preston - I see the George helmet auction has ended. Did you buy it?

08-21-2012, 05:40 PM
Preston - I see the George helmet auction has ended. Did you buy it?

I agreed to pay him a lesser amount than the listed price. Should I be worried?

08-21-2012, 07:00 PM
Preston, my William Hayes 2011 game helmet is a Riddell helmet with a 02-11 Riddell facemask. I would be careful...would make me nervous and at $250 a truly excellent price.

If you cannot match somehow through Getty or another picture source I would be very cautious.


Go Pack! NC State 1981 graduate

08-21-2012, 07:01 PM
Hey Tom,

I appreciate the help a lot - I'm definitely moving on from the "56" helmet - I'm WAY more interested in the Eddie George "said" helmet. I've agreed to a price with the seller assuming it checks out. That's the only thing I need to make sure - I do know someone on this thread did say they thought it look good but you never can have too many people chime in that know what they're talking about!

08-21-2012, 07:09 PM
Hey Tom,

I appreciate the help a lot - I'm definitely moving on from the "56" helmet - I'm WAY more interested in the Eddie George "said" helmet. I've agreed to a price with the seller assuming it checks out. That's the only thing I need to make sure - I do know someone on this thread did say they thought it look good but you never can have too many people chime in that know what they're talking about!

One more thought Preston...anyway you could ask Eddie George via an email via a link with whomever he works for today or via Linkedin?

I was interested in a Roman Gabriel jersey awhile back and I had the privilege to meet him in person and talk about his playing days at State and the Rams/Eagles. He confirmed the jersey was not his being sold so my interest plummeted. Above is just a thought...if you can contact George I suspect he may help!


Go Pack! NC State 1981 graduate

08-21-2012, 07:18 PM
One more thought Preston...anyway you could ask Eddie George via an email via a link with whomever he works for today or via Linkedin?

I was interested in a Roman Gabriel jersey awhile back and I had the privilege to meet him in person and talk about his playing days at State and the Rams/Eagles. He confirmed the jersey was not his being sold so my interest plummeted. Above is just a thought...if you can contact George I suspect he may help!


Go Pack! NC State 1981 graduate

You definitely think a lot like me - I tweeted him earlier today but no response as of yet...

Hey Helmets - do you believe the Eddie helmet is legit also?

08-21-2012, 07:19 PM
Facebook or Twitter.

FWIW, the characteristics look right for 2003 ... but there's not much wear.

08-21-2012, 07:21 PM
Facebook or Twitter.

FWIW, the characteristics look right for 2003 ... but there's not much wear.

Also friends with him on facebook as well - I haven't thought about that route though yet.

The seller did say there's wear though on the facemask and some paint transfers. So thankfully it's not just issued.

08-21-2012, 07:38 PM
Facebook or Twitter.

FWIW, the characteristics look right for 2003 ... but there's not much wear.

So the "27" sticker inside looks good and you believe it to be legit also?

08-21-2012, 07:48 PM
Hey Helmets - do you believe the Eddie helmet is legit also?

I looked at the George helmet and it looks ok to me. Alot to like. Not sure about the #27 identifier on the interior. Not sure what the Titans used. I own a couple of older Titans and for those years, the Titans used a blue number on the inside.

I do like the fact that the helmet has a Titanium facemask. These are a bit rare except on game used or issued helmets. The retail on a titanium mask is roughly $125 compared to $25. Hence, not many were installed to helmets passed off as gamers. I also like the double clips going in the same directions which George went back to in 2003 - from the opposite direction facing clips. The side Titan decals are positioned properly with regards to the upper chinstrap mounting snaps - which the snaps are also positioned properly as shown in photos of George with regards to the top corners of the facemask.

In the photos of the helmet from the ebay listing, there does not seem to be a lot of wear for a runningback like George, however helmets were reconditioned often with new decals, facemasks, etc. In addition, often times wear on a helmet can not be seen in photos.

The last thing that I like is that that 2003 was the last year that George played for the Titans. Normally helmets from the last year of a career are available - either through given to the player, or sold/given away by the team. Some other years may be reconditioned and re-used or reissued to another player.

Lot's to like.

08-21-2012, 07:59 PM
I looked at the George helmet and it looks ok to me. Alot to like. Not sure about the #27 identifier on the interior. Not sure what the Titans used. I own a couple of older Titans and for those years, the Titans used a blue number on the inside.

I do like the fact that the helmet has a Titanium facemask. These are a bit rare except on game used or issued helmets. The retail on a titanium mask is roughly $125 compared to $25. Hence, not many were installed to helmets passed off as gamers. I also like the double clips going in the same directions which George went back to in 2003 - from the opposite direction facing clips. The side Titan decals are positioned properly with regards to the upper chinstrap mounting snaps - which the snaps are also positioned properly as shown in photos of George with regards to the top corners of the facemask.

In the photos of the helmet from the ebay listing, there does not seem to be a lot of wear for a runningback like George, however helmets were reconditioned often with new decals, facemasks, etc. In addition, often times wear on a helmet can not be seen in photos.

The last thing that I like is that that 2003 was the last year that George played for the Titans. Normally helmets from the last year of a career are available - either through given to the player, or sold/given away by the team. Some other years may be reconditioned and re-used or reissued to another player.

Lot's to like.

EXACTLY what I was hoping to hear - thank you VERY much! Of course I want to hear the right answer but this was the "hope" anyway!