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View Full Version : Players (YOU COLLECT) implicated with steroids/PEDs/Antlers/Etc ...

02-05-2013, 08:38 PM
... how does that affect your spending habit?

Do you still purchase "tainted" players' game used items?

As for Arod, denied or accepted the allegation - it will NOT change how collectors feel about his accomplishments. Personally, I still have AROD's stuff - bats, jerseys, 500th and 600th HR chase-baseballs. And I have no intention of getting rid of them. But now, instead of buying AROD stuff, I save up and pickup on Jeter's stuff instead.

On a "not so surprise" note,


Just because you off on a technicality - that does not means you are NOT guilty as sin!


02-05-2013, 11:14 PM
Hell no, unless it were to come with the u needles as well!:rolleyes: :D