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View Full Version : OT - Baseball Opening Day ritual

03-25-2013, 06:43 PM
This may seem quite odd, but I'd like to know if anyone has a certain ritual or "thing" they do to prepare themselves for the opening of the MLB season.

Although I will be incriminating myself, I will offer my annual ritual. When I was a senior in high school, I had to do a report in English class about any topic of my choosing. I chose to compare the baseball players of today (1979) against those of the early 1900's, not so much in their skills or accomplishments, rather their attitude towards the game. I found a book in the local free library entitled, "The Glory of Their Times." The book is a series of interviews of players whose careers spanned from the late 1800's up to the 1940's - with most being in the early 1900's to the late 1920's. What a fantastic treasure I found! In fact, (here's where I go public with my crime riddled past) I never returned the book. I kept it in my own collection. However, over the last 30+ years, I've made numerous financial contributions to the library in order to help clear my conscience. For some reason, I just couldn't give that book back.

Since 1979, I've read "The Glory of Their Times" from cover to cover at the start of the new baseball season. I just started my annual tradition today and if I have it planned correctly, I will finish the book on Monday, April 1, 2013, just in time for my son and I to attend the Opening Day Game in Cincinnati.


03-25-2013, 07:56 PM
1. I get the tickets (admission ticket and parking ticket) in an envelope and put it on top of the car key.

2. Get in bed by 10pm. And set the alarm for 7am. Make sure I called for a "personal day" from my job.

3. Be on the road to the stadium by 8am. And be in the parking lot by 9am.

4. Grab a quick breakfast and some sore throat medicine.

5. Get on line by 10:30am and prepare to enter the stadium by 11am. Run to field level and keeping fingers cross for ONE batting practice ball - direct or indirect method. :D Have to get one at ANY COST. My personal superstition - when I dont get ball, my team lose!

6. Make sure I am in my seat with a drink and a hotdog with the works before first pitch.

03-25-2013, 08:52 PM
I get on Netflix and watch Ken Burns' Baseball documentary. Usually start watching it about the first week of spring training and finish up close to opening day.

03-25-2013, 09:20 PM
Leading up to opening day I watch 2004 Red Sox highlight DVD's and think about how much I miss my Grandfathers and Grandmother, who were not here long enough to see see the Sox finally win it.