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View Full Version : GU Baseball Ink Removal

05-16-2013, 11:17 PM
Any of you guys have any experience with autograph ink on a game used baseball and getting it taken off? Any reccomendations on companies that take ink off a ball? Feel free to fire your advice at me, had a very big item messed up big time at an autograph show.


05-17-2013, 07:47 AM
There's another thread on here about this. I searched for baseball signature removal. If i wasnt on my phone I'd copy the thread for you. To piggyback your question, if anyone knows how to remove the practice stamp from a bp ball I would love to know how. I have a couple of virtually new baseballs that would be great for autographs. Sorry for hijacking your thread. Good luck

05-18-2013, 01:22 AM
A couple links one for a company that does this procedure and one to a thread here.

