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View Full Version : Posey MLB auction Mothers Day Bat

05-23-2013, 02:16 AM
I have been unable to find a photomatch of Posey's Mother's Day bat that included what appears to be white tape on the handle. Does anyone have any game photos or know if it was the same bat used when he singled in the thrid inning of the game?

05-23-2013, 02:21 AM
I'm pretty sure the white tape is there to hold the broken bat together and not used by Posey in game.

05-23-2013, 02:52 AM
I'm pretty sure the white tape is there to hold the broken bat together and not used by Posey in game.

Wouldn't the bat be listed as "cracked" or "broken" like they do all of the other bats?

05-23-2013, 03:39 AM
Another pink bat that was clearly cracked in the photo did not have any notation of being cracked so it's probably safe to say the Posey bat is cracked.

That being said what are peoples opinions of a cracked or broken bat being taped? Should the bats be left in the condition they were in when taken off the field? Does taping or otherwise repairing the bat devalue it? I had planned on bidding on the Posey bat but wanted to get opinions on the matter if in fact the bat was taped by someone other then Posey himself.

05-23-2013, 08:27 AM
Another pink bat that was clearly cracked in the photo did not have any notation of being cracked so it's probably safe to say the Posey bat is cracked.

The presence of a tape job as shown only points towards the bat being cracked or broken.

That being said what are peoples opinions of a cracked or broken bat being taped? Should the bats be left in the condition they were in when taken off the field? Does taping or otherwise repairing the bat devalue it?

When a broken bat is taped more often than not it's because the structual integrity of the bat warrants the need of tape to secure the bat from breaking any further or to secure the bat back together if it has been broken in two. I don't think taping a broken bat devalues it - however, the fact that it's possbily broken in two or broken enough that it needs tape in itself is enough to somewhat devalue a bat. That being said - there will be no deals had on that bat.

I had planned on bidding on the Posey bat but wanted to get opinions on the matter if in fact the bat was taped by someone other then Posey himself.

I'm fairly confident that zero MLB players tape their broken bats in the dugout.

05-23-2013, 01:10 PM
I looked at the bat when it first came out into auction and I believe if you plug in the numbers through mlb authentication, it lists the bat as cracked

05-24-2013, 01:33 AM
Bat is listed as cracked when the numbers are entered into the database. Rdeversole said it perfectly... no deals will be had on this bat. Cracked or not it's still very rare and will go for a nice premium.