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View Full Version : Is Pujols Worth It?

11-16-2006, 12:38 AM
Do you think $225.00-$300.00 a baseball is worth it for his sig on a baseball? How about $900.00 a bat? I ask this because I would have loved to own some Pujols memorabilia at one time, but after finding out what a joke his pricing was I decided to boycott B.S. players like him. I doubt a man making well over a 100 million in 10 years cares about the Foundation he started if he charges $900.00 a bat for his signature. The bat is worth a $120.00 tops. Do the math. I understand it is for a charity but that doesn't mean he can rape the general public for his cause. He is what is wrong with baseball today. The general American public cannot even come close to owning a piece of his memorabilia. I ask you does this "man" deserve as much credit he is getting for his signature?

11-16-2006, 02:33 AM
Mr. Scrooge,

Hmmm...charge the people who can afford to pay the high prices and give it back to the needy?! Most of the general public cannot afford the items that collectors buy and would even laugh at spending $120 on an autographed bat.

Happy Holidays!

Bob Cratchit

11-16-2006, 06:42 AM
I'd personally just wait. Remember the Adrian Beltre craze? The Derrek Lee craze? The Chris Shelton craze? They're stuff all eventually went down

11-16-2006, 10:39 AM
Great point Kyle. Sell it while it's hot in my opinion. Hey, here is an idea charge significantly less for your signature and raise a ton more cash for your cause because the general public and collector will then be able to afford the items. Just a thought.

11-16-2006, 11:00 AM
You're comparing Pujols to Beltre, Lee....and Chris Shelton? THE Chris Shelton? He had one good month while Beltre and Lee each had one great year. Dozens of average players have had one or two above-average seasons. Think Vinny Castilla, Jose Lima and Javy Lopez. Pujols hasn't stopped being great since he arrived in 2001. You guys may not like the prices but there's no chance his stuff's going down any time soon. I don't pursue Pujols items, but if I did I wouldn't have a problem with the prices. He's the real thing and because of that you're gonna pay. I also disagree with the fact that his stuff would be priced significantly higher if he was a Yankee. I don't recall seeing many advertisements offering pre-orders of Pujols g/u and signed stuff.

11-16-2006, 12:23 PM
You're comparing Pujols to Beltre, Lee....and Chris Shelton? THE Chris Shelton? He had one good month while Beltre and Lee each had one great year. Dozens of average players have had one or two above-average seasons. Think Vinny Castilla, Jose Lima and Javy Lopez. Pujols hasn't stopped being great since he arrived in 2001. You guys may not like the prices but there's no chance his stuff's going down any time soon. I don't pursue Pujols items, but if I did I wouldn't have a problem with the prices. He's the real thing and because of that you're gonna pay. I also disagree with the fact that his stuff would be priced significantly higher if he was a Yankee. I don't recall seeing many advertisements offering pre-orders of Pujols g/u and signed stuff.

What I meant by listing those players is that even though they played good for a certain amount of time, their stuff eventually came down. Even Chris Shelton, I remember back in April when his autographs were going for $100+, now they're at $5. But you're right though about Pujols not stopping. He may never stop playing good and his autographs will most likely not go down in price.

11-16-2006, 02:15 PM
I am sure that his market will cool just like McGwire's did. After a guy retires and is not seen in the public spectacle their stuff cools down considerably unless they die. Pujols's prices are super inflated by collectors and his Charity foundation. It is admirable to have a foundation that gives to a worthy cause. Why can't these megastars with huge contracts take 10% of their earnings and give it to their cause? Instead they would rather rape the public and charge $300.00 a ball, $900.00 a bat, and never be able to acquire a jersey (what's up with that nonsense). Ask anyone behind the scenes how cool of a guy he is about signing a signature for the casual fan. I would love to hear your responses if you have had the opportunity to meet Albert.

11-16-2006, 02:39 PM

I understand your frustration with the prices being high. What I don't understand is how you keep saying that Pujols is "Raping" the general public. You've said it not once, but twice. Please enlighten me.


11-16-2006, 03:19 PM

I guess the word I used is a bit harsh. I apologize. What I meant to say is overcharge.

11-16-2006, 06:15 PM
Hello. I do agree about Pujols 100%. He is a great player, probably the best, but he is a huge jerk. I have met him on several occasions and he always acts the same. He hates to sign, talk or even wave to fans. He is even mad at the annual STL Winter Warm up where fans pay $150 last yr for his autograph on a ball or flat only.

I love to watch Albert and am the biggest cards fan, but fact is he is a jerk.
I am somewhat surprised about Rolens asking price. He is one of the most down to earth guys/stars in MLB. He will joke around and sign for fans most times. Perhaps he just didnt want to do the signing thing.

Again I ask, where did you here this rumor about the 2 guys asking prices to Tri Star?


11-16-2006, 07:14 PM
You guys are talking about Pujols stuff going down, what if it goes up? With the five year start to his career that he has had, and if he continues at the pace he is on for the next ten plus years we are looking at a guy who will be on the doorstep of breaking the home run record at the age of 35-36. If it is possible for him to continue at this torrid pace, we may be looking at eventually the greatest baseball player of all time. He is a long way from that at this point but his career start is among the five greatest ever and can be argued as the greatest of all time. One could argue that Barry Bonds stuff would not have dropped off if he did not have all the steroid speculation swirling around him. If Pujols continues to put up these kind of numbers and stays clean and healthy, who knows where the market will go.

Just some food for thought.

11-16-2006, 08:02 PM
All of these points are valid.

Everyone has their day in the sun. Prices are high for a while, but just like most things, there is supply and demand which must be taken into account. We can certainly see market values go nuts when supply falls way below the demand. Comments were made that "who knows where this market could go". Well, in this day and age, we've seen where this market will go. Whether it is in baseball cards, autographs, or game items the suppliers (companies or players) will tend to flood the market. Even if Pujols becomes the greatest of all time (which is indeed an "IF" considering injuries can cost players significant time in their prime), I believe there is enough out there to keep values much lower than any of the top players in the history of the game. Bond's items have certainly taken a fall. However, perhaps the Bonds collectors (on this site) could provide some insight. Did his values fall because of the availability of his items to the general internet audience, because of the Roids, or perhaps both. In short, I guess I'm just saying that there are often many more game worn jerseys (or any item) from 2006 than say 1956!

Hey, I've been wrong before, but my experience tells me to hold off on purchasing anything of that caliber. Chances are pretty good a person would be able to pick up something for a much more reasonable price down the road. I'm thinking 1984 Donruss Mattingly's, Billy Ripken FF Error, 1986 Fleer Michael Jordan, Todd Helton gamers, any thing of Tony Gwynn, Wade Boggs, or thousands of other investment pieces. They have ALL taken huge downward trends in pricing.

11-16-2006, 08:46 PM
All of these points are valid.

Everyone has their day in the sun. Prices are high for a while, but just like most things, there is supply and demand which must be taken into account. We can certainly see market values go nuts when supply falls way below the demand. Comments were made that "who knows where this market could go". Well, in this day and age, we've seen where this market will go. Whether it is in baseball cards, autographs, or game items the suppliers (companies or players) will tend to flood the market. Even if Pujols becomes the greatest of all time (which is indeed an "IF" considering injuries can cost players significant time in their prime), I believe there is enough out there to keep values much lower than any of the top players in the history of the game. Bond's items have certainly taken a fall. However, perhaps the Bonds collectors (on this site) could provide some insight. Did his values fall because of the availability of his items to the general internet audience, because of the Roids, or perhaps both. In short, I guess I'm just saying that there are often many more game worn jerseys (or any item) from 2006 than say 1956!

Hey, I've been wrong before, but my experience tells me to hold off on purchasing anything of that caliber. Chances are pretty good a person would be able to pick up something for a much more reasonable price down the road. I'm thinking 1984 Donruss Mattingly's, Billy Ripken FF Error, 1986 Fleer Michael Jordan, Todd Helton gamers, any thing of Tony Gwynn, Wade Boggs, or thousands of other investment pieces. They have ALL taken huge downward trends in pricing.

You are absolutely right on in regards to the supply of Pujols gamers vs. say a Joe D game worn jersey or Willie Mays etc. Since game used collecting did not become big until the past ten to fifteen years many of those players items will continue to be rare and elusive and thus off the charts price wise. Due to the sheer glut in the market of current players gear. In any case, who knows where that market will end up going. At some point it will probably go back down. If I were a Pujols fan I would probably wait at this point.

11-16-2006, 09:20 PM

Do you think Pujols will give any of it to the Pujols Family Foundation? Maybe, he can lower the bat price from 999.99 to something more reasonable after taking home a record payload.

11-16-2006, 09:26 PM
Hello. I do agree about Pujols 100%. He is a great player, probably the best, but he is a huge jerk. I have met him on several occasions and he always acts the same. He hates to sign, talk or even wave to fans. He is even mad at the annual STL Winter Warm up where fans pay $150 last yr for his autograph on a ball or flat only.

I love to watch Albert and am the biggest cards fan, but fact is he is a jerk.
I am somewhat surprised about Rolens asking price. He is one of the most down to earth guys/stars in MLB. He will joke around and sign for fans most times. Perhaps he just didnt want to do the signing thing.

Again I ask, where did you here this rumor about the 2 guys asking prices to Tri Star?


You may never see a legitimate signed Cardinals WS ball, bat, jersey, or photos because of Albert and Rolen. The only way you may see one is if someone from the front office decides to let one go. It won't be like the Sox stuff from last year. Take my word for it.

11-27-2006, 02:00 AM
You may never see a legitimate signed Cardinals WS ball, bat, jersey, or photos because of Albert and Rolen. The only way you may see one is if someone from the front office decides to let one go. It won't be like the Sox stuff from last year. Take my word for it.

a collector may have a good chance at an event like the Cardinals Winter Warm up (in January 2007).

like stlbats said, Pujols does sign there, but at ridiculous prices. $150 last year......$200 this year? i paid $80 for him to sign a ball 2 years ago. its nuts.

i expect to pay $500-600 (possibly more) per item for a team signed piece (flat or ball) at this years event.

knowing Cardinals Care, players like Yadier Molina and Scott Spezio will be in the $40+ range because of their cult following, and do nothing more than jack up the overall cost of said team item.

i dont like it (despise it actually) but im stupid enough to pay for it. some items you have to make an exception for.