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View Full Version : Restoring a faded autograph?

07-03-2013, 11:38 AM
This might be a stupid question but I thought it was worth asking.

Back in 1996, I was able to get Mariano Rivera's autograph for free at a car dealership in central Jersey. This was way before he became the popular player he is today. Being 16 at the time, I had no prior experience with getting autographs so I ended up getting a personalized signed ball by him in Spanish. The unfortunate thing is that I got it signed in black ink. I know now to always do it in blue.

I look at the ball and you can see that it is starting to fade. Is there anyway to restore a faded autograph? I am assuming there isn't but it's worth to ask

07-03-2013, 01:01 PM
there really is nothing that can be done at this point other than to keep further fading from happening by keeping it out of the light (sunlight or artificial).