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View Full Version : Hunt Super bowl auction 2012 Question

07-18-2013, 12:45 AM
I think it was Mears who ran this past super bowl auction (which was one of the best one yet imo)

Has anyone ever missed out on an item and, tried to contact the auction reps for the information of an individual of an item that was won by them?

Im curious if the auction site (mears in this case I think) would release information of the person who won the item. This could be my only hope in efforts to obtain a jersey I'm looking for.

Thanks for those of you who can give some input.

07-18-2013, 12:49 AM
I apologize. Let me correct myself. It was the Hunt super bowl auction of 2012-2013

07-18-2013, 12:57 AM
If an auction house gave my info out to someone, I would be stunned and pissed....Mostly just pissed.

Did you miss the auction entirely, or did you just get outbid?

07-18-2013, 01:25 AM
I missed it completely. I know some members scored some great jerseys from it like the Blain Gabbert and Russell Wilson. They had such a great variety of 2012 jerseys. I sent them an email asking, but I highly doubt they will give me his email address. Worth a try though.

07-18-2013, 01:35 AM
I have had a auction house confirm a name or buyer for me but that was me telling them the name first (just wanted to make sure i wasnt being lied to) but i highly doubt they would tell you who won what.
I agree i would be really pissed if someone gave out my info...

07-18-2013, 07:52 AM
I have tried on several occassions to contact an auction house to try and buy an item that was sold to another bidder in an earlier auction. Because of privacy concerns, I have never asked for the person's information just that the auction house reach out to them even offering to pay for the auction house to act as a middle man and as of yet have never received a return call or email from an auction house trying to do this. It would be a nice service and I would expect that the auction house could even make a little money for brokering a deal on a higher ticket item. That being said I can see where it could become a pain for the auction house taking attention away from their core business. I would be interested to hear if anyone has had any success.

07-18-2013, 08:25 AM
I have tried on several occassions to contact an auction house to try and buy an item that was sold to another bidder in an earlier auction. Because of privacy concerns, I have never asked for the person's information just that the auction house reach out to them even offering to pay for the auction house to act as a middle man and as of yet have never received a return call or email from an auction house trying to do this. It would be a nice service and I would expect that the auction house could even make a little money for brokering a deal on a higher ticket item. That being said I can see where it could become a pain for the auction house taking attention away from their core business. I would be interested to hear if anyone has had any success.

If I owned an auction house, I wouldn't risk possibly upsetting or making my paying customers felt bothered in anyway after they just purchased something from me. Not saying everyone would feet that way, and it could even benefit someone trying to flip a purchase, but, in the end, it just seems a little unprofessional in my opinion.

07-18-2013, 08:40 AM
If I owned an auction house, I wouldn't risk possibly upsetting or making my paying customers felt bothered in anyway after they just purchased something from me. Not saying everyone would feet that way, and it could even benefit someone trying to flip a purchase, but, in the end, it just seems a little unprofessional in my opinion.

I can appreciate that point of view. However, I buy a good amount of items from auction houses and would welcome a call offering to buy an item for an amount significantly above what I paid. That being said, nobody wants to get bombarded with calls or emails. It is probably one of the reasons the auction houses stay away.

Heritage did try to incorporate an opt-in program where people can make offers on items they have sold previously. I have not tried it but it seemed interesting.

07-18-2013, 10:38 AM
I had this discussion recently with some forum members. I believe Heritage Auctions does it the right way where they give the buyer an option to entertain offers from people who missed out on the lot. Hopefully Goldin Auctions takes this into consideration.

07-18-2013, 10:51 AM
I had this discussion recently with some forum members. I believe Heritage Auctions does it the right way where they give the buyer an option to entertain offers from people who missed out on the lot. Hopefully Goldin Auctions takes this into consideration.

Yep...That would be the way to go, for sure.

It would be nice. I'm still waiting for the guy who bought the Broncos' jersey lot in GF's last auction to list the Mark Jackson...Anyone? Anyone? ;)

07-18-2013, 10:52 AM
I had this discussion recently with some forum members. I believe Heritage Auctions does it the right way where they give the buyer an option to entertain offers from people who missed out on the lot. Hopefully Goldin Auctions takes this into consideration.

Yep, the Make Offer to Owner feature on Heritage. I actually ended up selling something that way myself. They do end up making a spread on the secondary market type transaction, but still, it can be worth it despite that for both the buyer and seller.
