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07-24-2013, 10:04 AM
I would classify myself as an obsessive collector. When I get my mind set on something I tend to go full bore looking to find it. This generally consists of constant e-bay and Google searches as well as e-mails to people I think may be able to help me in my quest. While trying to collect items from a certain player I have found myself writing e-mails to current and previous teams looking for help. It has worked as I have obtained items that were not publically available, but my wife has called me a “stalker” on numerous occasions due to my relentless searching. She said it in jest, but it got me thinking as to what a player might think about someone who is an avid collector of their memorabilia.

Anyone ever had a player comment on their collection? Was it good? Bad? Indifferent?

07-24-2013, 02:46 PM
I've mentioned to Matt Williams a few times over the years how much of his stuff I've collected, and he has always just taken it in stride or seemed slightly flattered. (Of course, I've never told him about the three personalized golf bags. He might think that was borderline stalkerish.)

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dd27b3127ccefcd88e714e6a00000030O02EbsmzVu0ZA9 vPhw/cC/f%3D0/ls%3D00200475602720110307000509768.JPG/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/

One of my favorite reactions came from a player's wife. Jay Bell was doing a signing about ten years ago, and the promoter let me set up an entire table for my bats, etc. Jay's wife came over and said, "You've got more of Jay's stuff than we do!"

Kelly Stinnett is going to be in town this weekend, managing an independent league team out of Prescott, and I'll probably take a couple of bats out for him to sign...but probably not the"game worn" Diamondbacks shower wrap of his that I picked up awhile back. There are probably some things that a collector - even an obsessive one - should probably keep to himself.

07-24-2013, 03:12 PM
When Jason Giambi and Eric Young Jr (both formerly of the Colorado Rockies) saw pictures of the mannequins I have with their uniforms on them, both of them were very cool - and flattered by it - to the point that they both know who I am and have always taken time to stop by and say hi when they see me.

Last year, EY even gave me cleats and batting gloves to complete his mannequin!

- Smitty

07-24-2013, 04:25 PM
When Jason Giambi and Eric Young Jr (both formerly of the Colorado Rockies) saw pictures of the mannequins I have with their uniforms on them, both of them were very cool - and flattered by it - to the point that they both know who I am and have always taken time to stop by and say hi when they see me.

Last year, EY even gave me cleats and batting gloves to complete his mannequin!

- Smitty


Would love yo have heard the conversation. I can just picture it. Eric Young says "Smitty here are a pair of game used cleats and batting gloves to go on the mannequin to complete my full uniform". Priceless !

07-24-2013, 08:33 PM
When Jason Giambi and Eric Young Jr (both formerly of the Colorado Rockies) saw pictures of the mannequins I have with their uniforms on them, both of them were very cool - and flattered by it - to the point that they both know who I am and have always taken time to stop by and say hi when they see me.

Last year, EY even gave me cleats and batting gloves to complete his mannequin!

- Smitty

Funny you said that because Lauren Tannehill liked it, but Ryan found it creepy lol. He has since promised me a new white game jersey to add to my collection. Twitter is awesome.

07-26-2013, 10:00 AM
Ed Hearn's been to the house over the years and I think he's pretty amused at my collection. He introduces me as the Biggest Ed Hearn collector to people we meet and I've gotten on one occasion an email from other fans looking for his game used stuff. I've mentioned this in the past but years ago he sent me a autographed baseball inscribed "To David, Now ya even have one of my balls!"