Atlanta Braves and Wrigley Field

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  • Dustin51
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2013
    • 5

    Atlanta Braves and Wrigley Field

    The last Braves game I went to was Lou Piniella's last game. Were going Septer 21st. Ive mainly been going to Triple-A games for the last few years. The last few games I went to Brian McCann, Jason Heyward and Jeff Francouer signed at almost every game I went to. Now that Frenchy is gone I didn't know who tends to sign alot. I normally take a couple balls and Ive got a few programs. The programs are small and fit in my binder so I dont mind taking a few just in case.

    I know in the past Wrigley wasn't real bad to seek autographs so I didn't know if thats changed. If so I figure Ill head up top and try to get Don Suttons autograph. Or would I be better off trying for a pitcher by the bullpen before the game starts. I know going to Triple A games have spoiled me. I usually get almost everything signed at one game but for a big league game I'm always happy to get one.

  • sox83cubs84
    • Apr 2009
    • 8902

    Re: Atlanta Braves and Wrigley Field

    Wrigley Field is now one of the worst autograph parks in the Majors. Ushers (mostly seniors, split about 50-50 between nice and cranky) allow no one by the wall on the home plate side of either bullpen. Approaching the walls is allowed past the bullpens, but those are not primary locations for signing except of rainy days when outdoor BP is cancelled and the teams hit underneath the right field bleachers.

    Outside isn't much better, unless you know the players by sight and don't have much competition in the form of local dealers and chasers. The regular autograph hounds in Chicago (park and hotel) are notorious for trying to stymie visiting collectors on "their" turf. While not violent, many (if not most) of the regulars have no scruples about lying, refusing to ID players for others. claiming players have already shown up when they haven't, etc.

    For an autograph collector, the Unfriendly Confines is, by and large, a waste of time. Cubs management basically markets to only two audiences: the season ticket holders and buyers of the 3-figure seats, and the drunks in the bleachers. Regular people like you and me are low (if any).

    Dave Miedema


    • ChiBosox05
      • May 2013
      • 59

      Re: Atlanta Braves and Wrigley Field

      I second and third what Dave said. The UNFRIENDLY confines of wrigley is one of the worst for autographs. It has taken a downward spiral over the years. I very rarely go. While I understand that collecting sigs is competitive, some of the regulars feel that it is their "territory" and will try anything to dissuade non-regulars. Dealers at the hotel take it to a whole new level at the hotel and at the park. Once you get past the hounds, the cranky ushers will try everything they can to keep autograph seekers away. Why do that when visitors actually paid to go inside? It's unfortunate that players haven't caught on to the dealers and their dirty tactics.


      • jbean023
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 599

        Re: Atlanta Braves and Wrigley Field


        I haven't graphed Wrigley in a few years but I will tell you in 08 and 09 when the Cubs won the central if you gave me a 3 game series I could get you any Cub you wanted. I have figured out a few ins and outs, its kind of funny but haven't shared my secret with the home side.

        On the visitor side, lets go over a couple things on what you need signed and how bad you want it. Ive never went to a hotel to signatures in Chicago on the road I usually try to stay in the team hotel. Im not sure but my guess would be the Westin, not sure if MLB still has a deal with them but hotels I hear are good in Chicago unless the Yankees are in town just be friendly and ignore the local dbags(you might find a couple cool ones).

        At the stadium if you stand by the Captain Morgan club you will get a few that come to the stadium in a taxi they will go in the gates right there by ,Im not sure which statue is there now, I believe Billy Williams. The team bus will also pull up right there, not sure how in advance to game time I would ask a more experienced game day grapher.

        In the stadium, be there two hours early, get down right at the closest corner they will allow you to go by the visitor bullpen. If you have great seats then you can stand right next to the dugout if your tickets are in that area. The last game I was at was the Dodgers series and all the big names signed on the visitor side signed by the bullpen and Hanley even came and signed the Cubs side.

