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View Full Version : Dikembe Mutumbo Storage Locker Sold for 300.00

09-11-2013, 04:45 PM

Looks like one of Mutumbo's brothers didn't pay his rent for several months. Nice score for 300.00 !!!

It's the kind of "Storage Wars" story that would make Dave Hester proud -- some guy in Maryland bought a unit for $300 at a storage auction recently only to find more Dikembe Mutombo memorabilia than you can shake a giant finger at.

The winning bidder is Adrian Petrus ... who competed for the contents of a forceclosed unit -- and just like on "Storage Wars," Adrian had no idea what was inside.

So you can imagine how pumped he was when he opened the locker and realized the whole thing was packed full of Mutombo items -- signed basketballs, shoes, jerseys, trading cards and photos of Dikembe with celebs like Michael Jackson and Nelson Mandela.

The locker also contained works of art painted and signed by Mutombo's brother.

So who would abandon such an incredible cache of Dikembe stuff?

Turns out, the unit belonged to one of Dikembe's brothers ... who lost the locker recently after missing several rental payments.

We're told the brother had gone back to the Congo to deal with family issues in the wake of his father's death -- and simply forgot to make his locker payments. Sucks.

Petrus tells us .. once he realized what he had, he reached out to Dikembe to try and make a deal to return the items ... but never heard back. So, naturally, the next step ... is eBay.

We reached out to Dikembe for comment -- but so far, we haven't heard back from the big man ... he was too busy getting a humanitarian award.

09-11-2013, 04:46 PM
Mutombo sorry folks :)

09-12-2013, 04:22 PM
wow...some nice Georgetown items found there.

09-12-2013, 04:47 PM
I would like to see that the purchaser just give back the stuff to Mutumbo's family. If it was a death in the family, or they went to Africa for humanitarian reasons, I would give it back. Idk, opinions? Fair game? I'd give it back considering Mutumbo's legacy to help people in Africa. Now if it was a player that forgot to pay because he blew all his money on drugs or what not, then I say that would be fair game! But a death in the family, or going to Africa to help starving children, deserves to have the items returned.

09-12-2013, 05:01 PM
I would like to see that the purchaser just give back the stuff to Mutumbo's family. If it was a death in the family, or they went to Africa for humanitarian reasons, I would give it back. Idk, opinions? Fair game? I'd give it back considering Mutumbo's legacy to help people in Africa. Now if it was a player that forgot to pay because he blew all his money on drugs or what not, then I say that would be fair game! But a death in the family, or going to Africa to help starving children, deserves to have the items returned.

In his defense, the article does say he reached out to Dikembe and was ignored.

09-12-2013, 05:08 PM
wow...some nice Georgetown items found there.
I went to Georgetown at the same time Dikembe and Alonzo Mourning were there. Although I didn't have any classes with them, I did see them on campus from time to time. I'd love to see the Georgetown items and it would be great to get them back to Dikembe somehow.


09-12-2013, 05:37 PM
Hey Chris -- -

Looks like good a match between the purchaser and Goldin Auctions.... storage locker purchaser gets some decent money, the auction gets some big publicity, and a % of the auction prices gets donated to an African charity ( probably be easy to find out which relief efforts DM is involved in ....)

Good Luck


09-12-2013, 07:23 PM
Funny people are saying give him the stuff back but when Kobe left his stuff at his moms people were saying too bad it's hers now