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09-15-2013, 10:43 PM

Notice his jersey in pictures is not kiss-cut. But the jersey which he thinks is photo-matched is kiss-cut. Something sketchy?

09-16-2013, 08:09 AM
I noticed the difference in the numbers.
Notice in the ebay jersey that the white is sewn on top of the red of the 8.
But in the game used picture its sewn under the red of the 8.

09-16-2013, 12:12 PM
What is a kiss-cut on a jersey?

09-16-2013, 12:52 PM
His auction jersey had a white twill 8 sewn on top of a slightly larger red twill 8, which creates the red reveal around the edges of the white number.

With the kiss cut, you can create the same look by simply sewing a small amount of red trim twill on top of the edges of the white number.

09-16-2013, 03:35 PM
Yes Otis is right. Its exactly what you guys noticed. On kiss cut you get double line of red stitching over a laser cut white number. Not white sewn on top of red.

09-17-2013, 04:36 PM
Jersey has been ended early on eBay.

Dave Miedema

09-19-2013, 09:48 PM
Yeah I wonder why. I'm guessing he tried to pull it off as what it was, and some poor soul got suckered into paying big money off of eBay. I would be mad if I didn't do my research on this and paid over 700$ for it or so. The kiss-cut makes it that much better imo.

09-20-2013, 06:18 AM
I've been explained this so many times, but I still don't understand - WHAT IS KISS CUT?

09-20-2013, 06:53 AM
I've been explained this so many times, but I still don't understand - WHAT IS KISS CUT?

Hey Joel, I had to look it up myself too. This link explains it pretty well:


09-20-2013, 08:24 AM
I've been explained this so many times, but I still don't understand - WHAT IS KISS CUT?


You've got a sweet Ali signed 8x10 photo (it's actually autopen, but I'm not telling you that) and you want it in an 11x14 frame with a black border.

You could simply mount the 8x10 on a solid piece of black 11x14 material (traditional double-layer twill) or you could cut an 11x14 mat, where there is nothing behind the photo and the border simply sits on top (kiss cut).

09-20-2013, 06:14 PM
Kiss-Cut Method of cutting materials to make the overall weight of the lettering or numbering lighter. For a 2 color Kiss-cut, a thin outline of the bottom color is cut and placed on top of the top color, instead of the top color being cut and placed on top of the bottom color. It has the same appearance as a regular cut, and uses less material.

Pictures- Here is Kiss-cut http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/2370/ektn.jpg

Notice the double twill stitch on the lime green. And there is no stitching on the gray fabric.

Here is non kiss-cut (layered twill)- http://www.icejerseys.com/Bus/B33/S1/ContentPages/images/ijprocustomization/top_ij_big.jpg

09-20-2013, 06:21 PM
Also all Nike 2012-current jerseys use Stretch twill. Before Nike came along. Reebok used standard poly-pro twill which is why nike gamers tend to have a ton of wrinkles. When the stretch twill is tugged on during a game, and then washed they wrinkle vastly due to the stretch twill kiss-cut material and how thin it is.

09-20-2013, 09:12 PM
Sticky? I made this for you guys to explain it really easy.