Randy Johnson Mariners Gamer from Vintage Authentics Auction

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    Randy Johnson Mariners Gamer from Vintage Authentics Auction

    Randy Johnson Mariners Gamer from Vintage Authentics Auction

    November 14 2005 at 1:09 PM Jeremy (Login Spiezio23)

    Anyone have any opinions on this jersey?

    I would assume the lack of any bidding on it, has lead others to stray for the same reasons I have.

    The MEARS letter on it does state the issue with the Russell Athletic logo on the left sleeve. After searching for hours through hundreds of baseball cards and photos, Mariners Magazines, etc. I can't find one with Randy having the RA logo on the left sleeve, or ANY Mariners player for that matter.

    I think it's widely known that the logo was moved from the right to the left sometime during the 2000 season, maybe someone here has a approx. timeframe that this was switched.

    The tagging for 1998 is appropriate for the Mariners, the size.. not sure, sounds like it'd fit Randy given his size and the extra length, but how can one explain the RA logo. Can we expect that RA made a special jersey just for Randy when he was en route to a 9-10 record for his beloved team? Could they have not found a better superstar that wasn't intentionaly taking his team down?

    The other issue I notice, aside from the notes of the color of the nameplate is the actual size of the nameplate itself. Looking at scans and pictures from other players during 1998 the plates appear to be slightly larger, giving the same amount of space all the way around the name. Looking at the auction photos it looks like the letters almost touch the top of the nameplate, while there is a noticable gap on the sides and at the bottom.

    Anyone have other opinions or photos of other teams in 1998 with the RA logo on the left sleeve?


    (Login hblakewolf)

    November 14 2005, 1:41 PM
    I have owned and sold quite a few Mariners jerseys from 1998, and have never had one with the Russell logo on the left sleeve-NEVER. Furthermore, I too can't locate a photo of Johnson, or for that matter, any Mariner with the logo positioned on the left sleeve. The MEARS letter references a "photo match" to a photo of Johnson pitching in a road jersey, however, it does not show the Russell logo on either sleeve. This really is some great method of authenticating a jersey!

    The other troubling issue is the note on the MEARS letter indicating that the grey color of the nameplate does not match the jersey. Again, I have never seen a team issued, game worn Mariners 1998 home or road jersey with a mismatched nameplate.

    How can MEARS sign off on this given these basic problems?

    Also notice the use, or lack of use on the year tag other tags in the tail. The tagging looks as new as the day it was manufactured.

    Given the above, there are too many questionable issues for me to bid.

    Maybe you want to shift your focus to the "1989 Rookie Griffey Jr." jersey, instead. I dare you to find a photo of Griffey Jr. ever wearing a jersey with the nameplate GRIFFEY JR. Save yourself the search-he never wore a jersey during a game that reads JR. This jersey is even more troubling than the Johnson.

    Remember, buy the jersey, do your own homework and forget about the all-important LOA's.

    Howard Wolf