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View Full Version : Jim Kelly Gamer Collection

07-22-2014, 07:11 PM
I'm new to the forum and cant stop reading all the posts!! So much interesting information to take in, and so much can be learned! Thank you to all the contributors who make this such a great place for all of us like minded individuals with a common hobby!!
I, like many others, collect Buffalo Bills gamers. At first I collected it all, but there was just too much so I decided Id focus on the teams I grew up watching. At first it was just the Champion jerseys of the 90s, but I really like the look of the 80s Sand Knit, so Ive added some of those as well. Not having a lot of disposable income, Ive had a lot of luck at thrift stores, craigslist, ebay, and trading. I have found some gems, but as time goes on I have found myself focussing on collecting jerseys of my hero, Jim Kelly. There are sssoo many variations of replicas and gamers from when he played, so ive amassed many replicas and retail authentics. I won't post pics of those as this isnt the place but here are some game worn/game issued Kellys...

07-22-2014, 07:30 PM
Here are some more...
95 champion
92 Apex
88 champion
91 champion
87 handwarmer champion
Sand knits
94 and size 40 champion are retail authentic... I have seen reputable auction spots such as Grey Flannel auction these as game worn. Many 91 Bills jerseys didnt have the champion exclusive tag, such as my white 91. However, after, most always had the exclusive tagging as well. A dead giveaway for the retail authentics is the nameplate stretching the entire length of the back as shown in the 94 here. Kelly mostly wore 42 and 44, maybe a bit bigger his last year. I'm kind of confused how GF can authenticate a Kelly with the long plate, odd size, and lack of exclusive tag as game worn. Yet, if googled, by looking at examples (some of which have gone for over a grand) display all the qualities of a retail authentic. I suppose they cant be experts for every team.. anyway, thank you for looking!!

07-22-2014, 08:36 PM
Example of short nameplate on 91 gamer

07-22-2014, 08:56 PM
Awesome Jim Kelly Collection! I was a Bills guy in that era myself. It would be cool to see an Andre Reed, Thurman Thomas, Bryce Paup or a Bruce Smith in that mix. Cool jerseys...

07-22-2014, 09:14 PM
Thanks!! A have a few for sure, I just thought because there were less Kellys to take pics of, Id post those. Maybe one if these days ill get around to all the others. I dont want to just post to post and take up peoples time. One of my favorites is a port hole Ervin Parker gamer from 83 :-) I just like the style. A Kelly from this era is my grail, but as they are few and far between, probably well out of my price range even if I was to ever run across one... I was pretty happy to find a Beebe recently as well!

07-22-2014, 09:45 PM
so that's where they all are! Awesome collection, thanks for sharing and I sure hope Jim wins his battle!

07-22-2014, 10:06 PM
Nice Kelly/Bills Collection...know where I can locate a Fred Smerlas Bills Gamer?

07-22-2014, 10:14 PM
Thanks! I managed it through trades and right place right time finds as like I mentioned before it had to be done on the cheap. Jim came into my work a few days prior to making his second announcement that the cancer had returned. He was super nice and talkitive and even explained why he wore a different facemask during his 87 campaign (hard hit to the jaw made the drs reccomend he wear the bigger longer Marino mask. He said his pads were so big that it restricted the range of motion of his head so as soon as he was allowed, he changed back) which was neat because I had often wondered that. He talked about football, and even tried to answer some jersey questions, although he didnt remember a lot but it was still helpful none the less. That was only a small part of the conversation and although he looked like he had seen better days, he was wonderful, funny, engaging and took the time to speak to anyone who had a question or to snap a picture. All around nice guy (which ive heard is quite the opposite from his playing days)!! It made it even sadder to have just seen him a couple days before the news came out. All of Buffalo is rooting for him and he seems to be getting back a ton of support from the people who he supported and inspired through his play on the field. I, and many others Id imagine, certainly hope for the best because he is far and away to this day the biggest and most popular athletic figure in Buffalo.

07-22-2014, 10:22 PM
Beantown, Im sorry, I dont. Your actually the second person to ask me that in the last week. Ive personally never seen one, but my coworker was telling me how he passed on one once because he said it was a port hole style, but the front number were sewn, while the back and sides were screen print. I think.thats cool, but because it didnt have any prominence he found it to be too odd/fishy to pay what the seller was asking. I got the impression it was years ago though, and there wasnt the resources that there are now a days to research it.

07-22-2014, 10:25 PM
gobills23...thanks for the follow up...Smerlas is tough find!!

07-22-2014, 10:28 PM
I meant provenance not prominence :-)

07-23-2014, 12:31 PM
does any one else have pics? I love seeing other ones, or any Bills jerseys as well for that matter!!!

07-23-2014, 04:09 PM
That's a world-class collection! I had the chance to spend the day and evening with Jim at the 2010 Houston Gamblers Reunion.... What a class act he was towards all the other Gambler players, staff and family.

One of the prized possessions in my Gamblers archives is a USFL game ball that Kelly took from his locker and gave to a VIP who was passing through the Astrodome locker room (Jim signed the ball several years later when he saw the fellow again).

Houston loves Jim Kelly!

07-23-2014, 05:12 PM
Wow!! That ball is amazing!! Thank you for sharing pictures, and it sounds like there was a cool story behind it. I'm smart enough to know I'll probably never even see pics of a gamblers Kelly gamer or issue, but a custom one would be really cool. I wasnt a fan if the Majestic remakes as they didnt look spot on (kind of how mitchell ness/reebok legends use the incorrect font for their current Bills throwbacks) although it doesn't appear as if ut would be a difficult jersey to reproduce. 2 of the Kellys came via trade with a fantastic board member who I know has a great Bills collection, but I was suprised there are not more Bills collectors on here solely because here in the Buffalo area, there are some die hard collectors and there are so many Buffalo transplants I would have guessed this forum would be the perfect outlet for jersey discussion. I would imagine most times are the same way, but the 80s and 90s bills jerseys have so many inconsistencies that even if there were a definitive catalouge there would still be times some "rules" are broken. Its fun to see other people collections and learn about all the different stuff out there. Thanks again for the read and sharing!!

07-25-2014, 06:51 PM
Really? No more Kelly or Bills pics anyone wants to share? Im suprised!!

08-04-2014, 06:10 PM
New addition thanks to a fellow boardie. Ive been after this one for a while!!

08-04-2014, 10:03 PM
I don't have any Bills jerseys from the 90s but I have these.

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_7274_zpsc391aa59.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_7274_zpsc391aa59.jpg.html)

The Jackson jersey is hammered!
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/gu%20fred%20jackson%20jersey/freddy005.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/gu%20fred%20jackson%20jersey/freddy005.jpg.html)
Moulds GI
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4651_zps91bf2d96.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4651_zps91bf2d96.jpg.html)

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4645_zps7792b3ab.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4645_zps7792b3ab.jpg.html)

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4640_zps65832866.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4640_zps65832866.jpg.html)

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4643_zps8a07df9e.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4643_zps8a07df9e.jpg.html)
Poz GI
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4649_zpsf195733b.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4649_zpsf195733b.jpg.html)

08-04-2014, 10:05 PM
Very nice 2000s gamers!!! Ive got some various other 90s Bills Champion gamers im going to post in the classifieds soon

08-05-2014, 05:01 PM
so that's where they all are! Awesome collection, thanks for sharing and I sure hope Jim wins his battle!
LOL. I was thinking the same thing about the jerseys.

Also, I 100% agree regarding Jim's current challenge.


08-05-2014, 07:00 PM
Thanks all for the kind words!! There is a local store that has a few more, but at $500 a piece, there they will stay!

11-30-2016, 11:54 AM
Love me some Reich!!!
Figured this didnt need its own thread as he WAS Kelly's backup...http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag112/andrewhasseler/Mobile%20Uploads/20161130_113951_zpsh4eqacbx.jpg~original (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/andrewhasseler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20161130_113951_zpsh4eqacbx.jpg.html)
http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag112/andrewhasseler/Mobile%20Uploads/20161130_114125_zpsjjjtspcf.jpg~original (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/andrewhasseler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20161130_114125_zpsjjjtspcf.jpg.html)

I will say its interesting. When I 1st started I might have passed on this. I, like many Bills guys, got SO hung up on that exclusive Bills year tag as well as the short plate and you just cant rely on that 100% of the time.
After really digging and photomatching etc, I started to see occurrences on other players besides Kelly ( HE was consistent... after the 87 Sand Knit it seems the man always had a short plate NOT like some of these fake gamers that are just retail authentics at some auction sites that people are paying 3k for...) where they actually did have a name plate that extended the back. Also, with recycled jerseys and late season orders there really are quite a few pieces that wont have that 2nd jock tag. In fact, people seem to look at that as being a tell tale sign of a gamer but I've got a Shane Conlan with that tag that is a retail jersey. SSOO much weird stuff went on with these shirts and no concern was put on making everything uniform like now a days. The best thing I like to look for is the pilling under the shoulders on the inside and HoJo's writing on the inside tag denoting a number or sometimes a letter as well. I started doing much better when I realized the #1 rule to old Bills gamers is there are no rules:)

11-30-2016, 12:06 PM
Back to Kelly though...
Here are a couple of my favorites. 2 1987 Bills Kellys.
I may have shared the White one before. Kelly had a white and a blue champion thick handwarmer jersey. The Blue one was used in 87 and had the sleeves cut but for whatever reason when they played away at the Jets that year Kelly busted out his old Sandknit white hand warmer jersey... leaving the Champion one unused. Sleeves are folded up in this pic, but both are intact making me think this was never used in a game. After that, he went to the good ol'muff. Still, its the only Kelly handwarmer I've ever seen and between the sandknit and Champion there cant be more than a couple that exist.
The blue one here is pretty cool because I think this era is the hardest to find jerseys for. The post 91 ones are all over but one like this with good wear, trimmed bottom, 2nd stripe cut off, and jersey style name plate is so imperfect its perfect. A fav for sure :)
http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag112/andrewhasseler/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20161130-114403_zps4jipiggt.jpg~original (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/andrewhasseler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20161130-114403_zps4jipiggt.jpg.html)

Wish I had the dough for this but its rough coming up w/jersey $$ this time of year as its time to buy for others.
I've seen and owned a lot of Jimbos but only once or twice have i seen an apex. I checked, and the only pics i cld find of him wearing apex is the SB. I wonder why he did it just for that game? maybe the insisted if they did have a deal that he wear them, on the big stage? looks like Reich and Christie wore apex on the reg and was all over the comeback game. There does not seem to be much info on apex and the bills at all sadly :( I wonder why some guys changed for a yr or 2 and if it was on propose, or if thats just what they found in their lockers

11-30-2016, 06:21 PM
Very cool collection :)

12-07-2016, 03:52 PM
Thanks Phil :)
Wish I had the resources to compete with the big boys - but I guess i've managed to do pretty well through some unconventional channels!

12-07-2016, 03:53 PM
I don't have any Bills jerseys from the 90s but I have these.

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_7274_zpsc391aa59.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_7274_zpsc391aa59.jpg.html)

The Jackson jersey is hammered!
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/gu%20fred%20jackson%20jersey/freddy005.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/gu%20fred%20jackson%20jersey/freddy005.jpg.html)
Moulds GI
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4651_zps91bf2d96.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4651_zps91bf2d96.jpg.html)

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4645_zps7792b3ab.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4645_zps7792b3ab.jpg.html)

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4640_zps65832866.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4640_zps65832866.jpg.html)

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4643_zps8a07df9e.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4643_zps8a07df9e.jpg.html)
Poz GI
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/sabrefreak99/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4649_zpsf195733b.jpg (http://s25.photobucket.com/user/sabrefreak99/media/Buffalo%20Bills/IMG_4649_zpsf195733b.jpg.html)

SUPER cool!!!!

02-13-2017, 01:21 PM
Been kinda quiet with Bills things that have interested me as of late until the last month or so. Crossed a few wants off the list.
Kelso Sand Knit rookie jersey, late 70's Early 80s Sand Knit (Bills tagged) #16 that was plated Solomon and then was plated over but never issued again...
Biscuit ProBowl thats photomatched and a Hull from the 1st set of 87 Champion jerseys with the port hole mesh that ended up being the only Bills Champion jerseys with sewn numbers and screened TV#s and name plate, just like my Norwood. Best part is, Bennett was the most expensive at $169 :)

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag112/andrewhasseler/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20170213_130719_zps8npam8db.jpg~original (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/andrewhasseler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20170213_130719_zps8npam8db.jpg.html)
http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag112/andrewhasseler/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20170213_125010_zpspjo43ooy.jpg~original (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/andrewhasseler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20170213_125010_zpspjo43ooy.jpg.html)
http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag112/andrewhasseler/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20170213-130408_zpssjzolmpx.png~original (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/andrewhasseler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20170213-130408_zpssjzolmpx.png.html)
http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag112/andrewhasseler/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20170205_204518_781_zpspwll0zoi.jpg~original (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/andrewhasseler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20170205_204518_781_zpspwll0zoi.jpg.html)

02-13-2017, 01:30 PM
Same style as the Hull, but with the rounded neck. From what I can tell, skill players were issued round necks, and big guys got the V. I've picked up a few more from this set here and there but it is by FAR my favorite style/set of Bills jerseys. Just very unique. Maybe someday I'll even find a kelly!!! ( I can dream :) )

http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag112/andrewhasseler/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20170213-132553_zps8clralov.jpg~original (http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/andrewhasseler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20170213-132553_zps8clralov.jpg.html)

02-14-2017, 07:37 PM
Wow. That is an awesome collection!! I am so jealous!!! Huge Bills fan. How are you displaying all these? Do you ever sell any? One more question. Where do you find all these Bills gamers! Thanks! Go BILLS!

02-21-2017, 09:45 AM
Man really nice stuff. That Reich is pretty cool as well. Hell of a comeback qb.

07-07-2017, 06:27 PM
Fun little pickup yesterday. Instantly one of my fav Kellys in the collection..

07-09-2017, 02:35 PM
Hopefully this works better lol, still ironing out imuger mobile kinks
84/85 Kelly Houston Gamblers gamer. HUGE thabk you and soutout to Anthony of Houston-Gamblers.com who commented on this thread earlier. He is about as nice as can possibly be and is a wonderful resource who really knows his stuff and was very helpful with any questions i had. Good stuff!!

07-09-2017, 08:31 PM
Is your Pro Bowl Bennett game worn, issue, or just authentic. Not sure if 93 Pro Bowl jerseys were available to fans for sale yet?

07-09-2017, 09:50 PM
It matches a pic of him wearing it with other Bills players, but i couldnt find a decent pic of him playing so im not sure if they had 2 and 1 was worn the day before and 1 in tue game or if it was all the same.

07-09-2017, 10:52 PM
That has to be one of the prime USFL game used jerseys in the hobby. GREAT acquisition!

Dave Miedema

07-10-2017, 02:46 PM
Thanks Dave!!!

07-10-2017, 08:16 PM
And from a thrift shop no less! I guess ya never know where youll find a diamond in the rough!

08-21-2017, 01:21 PM
I guess this has turned more into a Bills gamer thread so Ill post another.
This one is an oddball. The spacing and tagging is pre-1986 and is probably from between Foley and Smith. I've found a pic of bruce holding this old style jersey - so they were around still BUT a simply check of his rookie card shows at that point he was wearing the new style sand knits with more space inbetween the numbers. Name plate marks could go either way as well as it was a short plate... 5 letters max. Both those players have a short name. This does have repairs and marks.... but its not HAMMERED as youd think a Foley or Smith would be. Im not familiar with the older sand knit to make an educated guess other than I assume its a player who briefly wore 78 between the 2. Id guess this is still white helmet era, but again... old sand knits arent my focus so I dont know its origin yr. If anyone can help or has any guesses, PLEASE feel free and lmk!


09-02-2017, 12:16 PM
1991 Kelly Gamer walked through the door yesterday. One of the ones given away after his weekly show. Eventually in later yrs these were just retail authentics. At this point however, still real deal

09-05-2017, 10:02 AM
Hello gobills,

I just wanted to add that I had the honor of meeting Mr. Kelly in Cleveland last year at the HOF induction.

I didn't know I was going to meet him as he came into the restaurant in the hotel very late one evening. Someone introduced us and we spent somewhere between 30-45 minutes talking.

Turns out Mr. Kelly is also a collector and he told me that he was one of the first people to start exchanging his jerseys with other players.

I think you mentioned he is your hero in one of your previous posts and I will say I think you picked a good one. Even without meeting him, anyone who watched the 'Four Falls of Buffalo' documentary on ESPN can easily see that he is a quality individual along with people such a great player.

Btw, on a side note, today is the feast day of one of my heroes...Saint Teresa of Calcutta.


09-05-2017, 10:43 AM
Hello gobills,

I just wanted to add that I had the honor of meeting Mr. Kelly in Cleveland last year at the HOF induction.

I didn't know I was going to meet him as he came into the restaurant in the hotel very late one evening. Someone introduced us and we spent somewhere between 30-45 minutes talking.

Turns out Mr. Kelly is also a collector and he told me that he was one of the first people to start exchanging his jerseys with other players.

I think you mentioned he is your hero in one of your previous posts and I will say I think you picked a good one. Even without meeting him, anyone who watched the 'Four Falls of Buffalo' documentary on ESPN can easily see that he is a quality individual along with people such a great player.

Btw, on a side note, today is the feast day of one of my heroes...Saint Teresa of Calcutta.


That sounds like an AMAZING experience Chris!!! Very very cool, and that must have been pretty fun to hobnob with a former NFL QB.
He seems to have certainly grown up over the years, just from an outside perspective. Its not uncommon to hear stories of Jimbo and the crew from the 90s glory days and their 4am adventures. Lets just say they seemed to be stuck in their 80s partying ways and living like rockstars... which they were. I cant pretend to know what he thinks, but I'd imagine blows like losing Hunter and then the Cancer would send a man one of two ways. Luckily, he seems to have embraced life and his family, taken the highroad, and is all the better for it.

I remember staring at his PROLINE card as a kid with my mouth open in awe at the collection he has. I will say that my work has him in for personal signings a few times a year and although he collects - I dont think he pays much attention to the details. In fairness, when your collection comes from the source (after game swaps etc) and you know its the real deal there isnt the same process of vetting the shirt. As I think I mentioned way back in the post - he didnt know very much in re: to the details of his jerseys. Some of the earlier Champions I brought in were thought to be Ferguson's until I showed him pictures of him wearing a style match. He got a kick out of that, but it was then I realized the 'source' wouldnt be very helpful in answering my questions.

It is odd however, that when you think of the premier Bills player to own a jersey of you'd probably think of #12 (maybe #78 or #83 but even still). The thing is, he gave out SO many shirts over the years and to make matters worse there are SSSSOOOO many 'retail authentics' that people either pass off as gamers or just dont realize they arent (even selling for 1K plus via auction sites) theres just a ton of his stuff out there. I think thats one of the reasons I tend to prefer pre 1991 Bills/Kelly stuff. Its not as 'uniform' as the post 91 AND there are not retail authentics to clutter and confuse things. Sadly, they are harder to come by BUT little by little I've been able to add. I paid $500 for my Norwood (after a 7 yr search) and thats far and away the most i've ever paid. All the rest have been 'finds' (pawn shops, estate sales, CL, 'framed that turn out to be gamers' etc) or trades. Anyway, my point is I'm glad I picked a player who isnt totally obscure and as a result there is enough stuff out there to keep me busy with out having to break the bank. For example, the 1991 from last week the owner was happy to get $100 for it. He didnt know or didnt care what it was. He was just happy to get $$ for something sitting in back of the closet since it was given to his son after his weekly show where he gave away the previous weeks gamer some 26 yrs ago. For me, it was $100 well spent!!!

11-06-2017, 04:33 PM
Went to a local card show yesterday and stumbled onto this 1996 gem. Only the 2nd from his last year ive seen so it was high on my want list. Made my day!!
Lighting is WAY to bright here and the filter white it out, but theres actually some nice turf wear and sweat stains etc. great piece!

http://i.imgur.com/qA7mgY9.jpg (https://imgur.com/qA7mgY9)
http://i.imgur.com/2gcywTL.jpg (https://imgur.com/2gcywTL)

11-21-2017, 10:36 AM
Well, I got REALLY lucky and got 'A little help from my friend' as he was kind enough to spot the Craigslist post that had a couple Bills jerseys framed from the 90s a seller was parting with. He asked me what I thought and went and picked them up and we ended up working a deal as he was looking to expand his 80s/90s Bills collections and I had some doozies for trade bait. In the end, we both were happy and I was able to add a piece to my collection that while not game worn and a backup at best - isnt something I ever thought would come my way OR be able to afford. So, yesterday was a great day as should be the case when you obtain your grail. Lucky to have a collector friend keeping an eye out as well.
http://i.imgur.com/LL8Q5ff.jpg (https://imgur.com/LL8Q5ff)
http://i.imgur.com/GEe7YS3.jpg (https://imgur.com/GEe7YS3)
http://i.imgur.com/ijfOhkS.jpg (https://imgur.com/ijfOhkS)
http://i.imgur.com/GoCqhF8.jpg (https://imgur.com/GoCqhF8)
http://i.imgur.com/jD34Vgn.jpg (https://imgur.com/jD34Vgn)
http://i.imgur.com/uxXtunt.jpg (https://imgur.com/uxXtunt)

01-31-2018, 01:11 PM
Hey Guys, I know there are a lot of Buffalo collectors on this site.
I have a huge collection of Super Bowl Era Bills game worn memorabilia.
Helmets of : Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Smith, Tasker, Hull, and many Standing Bills Gamers from the 60's on and on.
Jerseys of Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Smith, Tasker, Bennett, Metzelars, Bemiller, Devlin, Richter. Christie, Norwood, Lofton, few others.
Also have original chairs, turnstiles, and signs from the Rock-Pile

I would be interested in trading for 1970's Buffalo Sabres Gamers is anyone has them
Please let me know

02-01-2018, 10:26 AM
1990 Blue Kelly, nice to finally fill this hole as its been a tough year to procure for whatever reason...

http://i.imgur.com/W0SNwTu.png (https://imgur.com/W0SNwTu)
http://i.imgur.com/aqrYpAj.jpg (https://imgur.com/aqrYpAj)

02-01-2018, 08:53 PM
Would love to see some pics of your game used Bills memorabilia from the 90’s

05-23-2019, 11:35 PM
Is your Pro Bowl Bennett game worn, issue, or just authentic. Not sure if 93 Pro Bowl jerseys were available to fans for sale yet?

They weren't available to the public but in '93 each player was issued 2 jerseys.

It matches a pic of him wearing it with other Bills players, but i couldnt find a decent pic of him playing so im not sure if they had 2 and 1 was worn the day before and 1 in tue game or if it was all the same.

The off center red inner portion of the '7' matches the jersey he was wearing for the members of the Bills team photo.
I have seen instances where the player wore the same jersey for both the photo and in game and times when 2 different ones were worn.
Thurman even wore #32, John L Williams number, for the Bills photo in '91 but #34 in the game.
I have the game on DVD (I'm obsessed with that era of PB games) and could take a look and try to get a definitive answer for you if you would like.
I also collect '89-'94 Pro Bowl jerseys would also be interested in purchasing the jersey if you ever decide to part with it.


07-17-2019, 01:45 PM
we have since hooked up on IG I believe. I'm Yellowsub73 - I update new acquisitions there as its much easier to upload pics. Its funny to look back at this though. I'm up to about 20 Kellys now as well as a 90s practice jersey. My non Kelly collection has also grown quite a bit as well. Fun stuff! Anyone interested can view current pics over on Instagram.

News of Note - The company I work for, recently purchased a GIANT collection of Bills memorabilia from a former EQPT staff member who just retired. I've spent the last 2 or 3 months inventorying everything and its just amazing. HUNDREDS of jerseys (1987-2015 ), Hundreds of pairs of pants, tons of cleats, new, used, and autographed, some helmets, visors, cut ups, mouth gaurds, stadium flags, signs both big and small, the logo from the old locker room carpet, thousands of gloves, shoulder pads, laundry bins, storage lockers, locker room stools, game balls, presentation game balls, frqmed pictures from offices from before the remodel, etc - you name it, it was in the collection.

Since the Bills never do their own garage sale, we are going to do essentially the same thing in late Aug, early Sept.
When we have some dates solid, if anyone is interested I'll be sure to update!

08-17-2019, 01:31 PM

Since the Bills never do their own garage sale, we are going to do essentially the same thing in late Aug, early Sept.
When we have some dates solid, if anyone is interested I'll be sure to update!


If this hasn't happened yet, I would love to stay in the know! I would love to hear about the helmets especially!

jeffries.brian @ hotmail.com