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View Full Version : Yankees jersey on Ebay - odd?

12-20-2005, 03:58 PM

It's a 1992 Matt Nokes Yankees jersey with the Steiner certificate.
Normally I'd be all over this like ice cream on a hot summer day but
read this:
"Tagged "NOKES 92." Jackie Robinson patch removed.(Jersey was re-used in the 1997 season, possibly worn by Homer Bush or Scott Pose in the 1997 season). Great Use. Includes Yankees-Steiner COA."

So it's currently tagged "Nokes 92" but it was worn by Bush or Pose in 1997?! So Bush or Pose were playing in a jersey that said "Nokes 92"?
In 1992, Nokes, a catcher, played in 121 games. The Yankees kept this jersey from 1992 and used it again 5 years later?! And kept that 5 yr old tagging? Why does all of this sound very strange?

