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09-27-2015, 01:14 PM
I thought of this thread for the worst autograph of a major star by looking at recently signed baseballs of Cespedes. He had a decent signature early. but looking now and after a forensic analysis on the current versions, I realized he signs "CY"+52+"y". Then I observed a far worse example from a player, and possibly THE worst autograph of a major star: Ichiro. Anyone else?

09-28-2015, 09:09 AM
If you look at early (meaning only for his rookie year) Suzuki signatures, the current version makes a lot more sense. I think Greg Maddux's and the shorthand Todd Helton are much worse.

09-28-2015, 10:39 AM
I rather have them write an "X" like in the cowboy movies.

09-29-2015, 12:37 PM
I'd rather have either of the two sigs pictured than have somebody sign their name perfectly very lightly or very small. If it's relatively big and bold, that's the important thing to me. I will say, however, that it bugs me when a guy just initials something - that's just lazy.

09-30-2015, 09:31 AM
I met Rodger Clemens July 22 2015 at my restaurant I work at in NYC. A company named Thuzio | Exclusive Club host special meet and greet Q & A events a few times a year with big name athletes. Tiki Barber is always there with many NY football and Basketball Players always showing up for the free food and drinks but this was the first NY baseball player I've seen show up at one of these events. I waited until Clemens was leaving after a night of drinking and bad country karaoke to ask for an autograph. He gave me this sloppy mess. Thank got I have my pictures of the event and video of him singing Karaoke or no one would believe I met him.

09-30-2015, 02:29 PM
Now, you see, except for the mostly-missing loop there at the end, I would consider that to be a very well-signed baseball. It's big, distinctive, and doesn't look like something a guy with a broken hand wrote, i.e., so light you can barely see it. So what if his penmanship isn't the best? I, for one, am not a school teacher. If that's how he chooses to sign his name, who am I to say different?

09-30-2015, 02:43 PM
Personally, I dislike Roger Maris' signature. Legitimate Maris signatures from his playing days are typically VERY lightly written _and_ small. If on a team (or multi-) signed ball, it's usually shoved in a corner somewhere.

That said, when you get lucky enough to find a clean, unfaded and distinct Maris signature, it's a beauty.