Grey Flannel intentionally selling game-issued as game-worn?

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  • kingjammy24
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 3119

    Grey Flannel intentionally selling game-issued as game-worn?

    In March 2006, a 2003 Texas Rangers Rafael Palmeiro blue alt. jersey appeared for sale on the Grey Flannel website. GFC listed this jersey as "game worn". It had the Meigray/Rangers inventory tag sewn on with an inventory number of "03108". Shortly after it appeared on GFC's website, Barry Meisel, President/COO of Meigray, confirmed against Meigray's database that this particular jersey/inventory number was originally sold by Meigray/Texas Rangers as "game issued". This information was then relayed to Grey Flannel. Consequently, Grey Flannel removed the jersey from it's website. Keith Vari, who at the time worked for GFC, responded that the jersey had accidentally been put on the website before it's status could be confirmed with Meigray. He said that once GFC became aware that it was a game-issued jersey and not game-worn, he removed the jersey from the website immediately. Personally, I believed this explanation to be complete nonsense for the following reasons:
    - why would GFC purchase a jersey or even accept it as consignment prior to checking it out with Meigray?
    - the jersey appeared on GFC's website with a price. If the jersey's status was truly unknown and was accidentally listed on the website, then how were they able to determine a price for it?

    The entire thread detailing that debacle can be found here:

    10 months later, this jersey has now re-appeared on Grey Flannel's website and is once again listed as "game used". Here is the current listing:

    In March of 2006, Grey Flannel acknowledged that it was aware that this jersey was originally sold as "game issued". GFC also stated that listing it as "game worn" was an "accident". Here we are, 10 months later, and Grey Flannel has decided to re-list this jersey as "game worn" again.

    A little history on this particular jersey; in a December 2004 Lelands auction, it was listed as "game used" and sold for $781.96. Apparently, nobody at Lelands bothered calling Meigray to check the inventory number. Lelands' description even read "This beauty shows light game use". Much like Grey Flannel, Lelands could not have been bothered to pick up a phone or send an email to Meigray. Here is the auction listing:

    Oddly enough, this jersey then re-appeared in a June 2005 Lelands auction where, strangely enough, it sold for the exact same amount again: $781.96. Again, it was listed as "game used". This marked the second time Lelands decided it couldn't be bothered to check the status of the jersey with Meigray. (A part of me wonders if the Dec 2004 buyer subsequently checked their purchase out with Meigray, found out it was a game-issued jersey, and decided to wash their hands of it and dump it back to Lelands). Here is the auction listing:

    Sometime after that, Grey Flannel acquired the jersey. Apparently, they took a cue from Lelands and didn't bother checking the inventory number with Meigray. They listed the jersey for sale as "game used". Upon acknowledging that they had been explicitly told it was a "game issued" jersey, they removed it from their website. Despite all of this, they've recently chosen to re-list it again as "game used". Seeing as how he served as an Acquisitions Director for both Lelands and Grey Flannel during this time period, I'd be curious to know if Keith Vari could shed some insight into how this "game issued" jersey could be put up for sale as "game used" FOUR different times by two auction houses that employed him. I'll leave it up to Richie Russek to explain how GFC has listed this jersey as "game used" AFTER it clearly acknowledged being informed that it was "game issued".

    For Grey Flannel's customers and potential customers, I thought it would be helpful for you to realize what sort of people you're dealing with.

  • kingjammy24
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 3119

    Re: Grey Flannel intentionally selling game-issued as game-worn?

    Here is the current (as of 12/28/07) listing from Grey Flannel's website:



    • hblakewolf
      • Nov 2005
      • 1870

      Re: Grey Flannel intentionally selling game-issued as game-worn?

      Have you contacted anyone at Grey Flannel to try to get their side of this story?

      Howard Wolf


      • kingjammy24
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 3119

        Re: Grey Flannel intentionally selling game-issued as game-worn?


        yes. the first time this jersey appeared on their site, i contacted them as well. in that instance, while they removed the jersey, noone actually contacted me with anything. i suspect it won't be any different this time around.

        additionally, the jersey wasn't added recently. it's been on their site for awhile. i didn't want to post when it first appeared in order to give them time to catch their own error, (if it genuinely was an error). i figured if it was up there for awhile then not only had they been given sufficient time to find and correct the error on their own but it would also seem more likely that the listing was intentional.

        i have to say though, i'm unsure how this could possibly be spun.
        - barry meisel has confirmed the jersey was originally sold as game-issued.
        - in mar/06, GFC (keith vari himself no less) confirmed that it was fully aware that it was game-issued. GFC furthermore removed the jersey thereby indicating that it agreed with the findings and felt it inappropriate to list the jersey. in the previous incident, keith stated that GFC was not aware of the status of this jersey and listed it prematurely. this lack of knowledge obviously can't be claimed this time around.

        again the jersey has been listed, (for awhile now), with a price that is very close to the one that lelands obtained when it previously sold it as "game used". (of course, this isn't the first time GFC has sold a Rangers game-issued jersey as "game worn". funny how these accidents keep occurring.)

        personally, i think the basketball hall of fame has done a serious disservice to itself and it's fans by hiring a third-rate authenticator like grey flannel. were i to visit springfield, i probably wouldn't be able to view many pieces without having a huge cloud of doubt due solely to their use of grey flannel.



        • sammy
          • Nov 2005
          • 732

          Re: Grey Flannel intentionally selling game-issued as game-worn?

          The jersey has been removed once more.

          Like Waldo, let's see if we can find it again in the future.

          Good job Rudy. I assume GF still reads this forum.

