BO JACKSON RAIDERS issued jersey on ebay .......

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    BO JACKSON RAIDERS issued jersey on ebay .......

    BO JACKSON RAIDERS issued jersey on ebay .......

    July 23 2005 at 7:55 PM marcus (Login mchmaj)

    i saw this jersey on ebay and i do have some questions about this Bo Jackson Jersey....heres link 829&rd=1

    tagggings may look correct in place and all
    BUT the nameplate is the one that bugged me alot, looks like the material of the nameplate is different than the jersey's material
    am i correct here ?
    AND the other thing is the NUMBERS !! they should be shiny silver numbers, and the numbers font are in wrong style.... am i correct again ?
    I emailed the seller and havent heard from seller yet....

    any Raiders experts out there that can back me up ?

    help me out




    (Login sylbry)
    Bo jersey

    July 23 2005, 9:20 PM
    I am no Raiders jersey expert but it is a size 44. How in the world would Bo Jackson, a person who is 220lbs, covered in shoulder pads, fit into a size 44 jersey. Bo couldn't even wear a size 44 without shoulder pads.

    (Login mchmaj)
    Re: Bo jersey

    July 23 2005, 9:32 PM
    thank you

    (Login tireball)
    Re: Bo jersey

    July 23 2005, 11:55 PM
    This is also the same seller who has the ripken gamer from 1995 that has been questioned in this thread 163378

    (Login mchmaj)
    Re: Bo jersey

    July 24 2005, 1:12 PM
    the seller still did not answer my questions, i would assume he is avoiding me ....
    in fact its already $202 dollars for wrong size, add plate, add numbers .....the bidders shuld do some research before they bid ....

    (Login rockytopreb)
    Re: Bo jersey

    November 15 2005, 10:02 PM
    Without knowing the actual sizes that a player would prefer, it's tough to say "He never could wear this". Don't forget, the whole point of a football jersey is to give an opponent much less to grab onto; there are some who have cut holes in the sides to tie fishing line or laces through to cinch it even tighter. And it's not like there's any shortage of teammates to help put a jersey on.

    To give you an example, the Sean Young orange UT jersey in my Webshots is a size 52. Sean Young is 6'7" and about 330; I'm 5'11" and (at the time I got it) 190, and there's no way I would ever wear that out in public unless I was in South Beach.

    (Login grecodman1)
    BO SIZEs

    November 15 2005, 7:05 PM
    BO WORE SIZES 46 and 48

    (Login both-teams-played-hard)
    Re: BO SIZEs

    November 15 2005, 11:58 PM
    The #34 LA Raiders jersey was mass-produced by MacGregor Sand Knit during the "Bo Knows" late 80s...the store-bought had Sand Knit Exclusive tags and NO name on back. If the NOB looks fishy, then I'm sure it was added later. Many (but not all) late 80s Raiders jerseys are tagged in the collar with a custom tag from a sporting goods store in San Rafael, CA (forgot the name). I've sold a handful of this exact jersey over the last few years with no NOB. ...too lazy to get "JACKSON" added...the size is never carved in stone, although 44 seems small.